Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 96: The Strongest And Most Evil Creature In History! Majin Buu Shocks The Heavens (Please Cu


Yamu turned around and fled in panic.

He used all his strength to activate the Sky Dance Technique, hoping to escape faster.

Facing the fleeing Yamu, Babidi looked at the sausage-mouthed cosmic man beside him and sneered:

"Pfft, I think you have been looking forward to it for a long time, right?"

Hearing Babidi's words, the sausage-mouthed cosmic man named Pfft showed a grim smile on his face and nodded in response: "Yes.

Then he turned around and raised his right hand to aim at Yamu who was fleeing in the sky.

The next moment, the power of Qi condensed in his hand, and then...


The Qigong wave shot out from his hand and caught up with the fleeing Yamu in the blink of an eye.

The sky immediately exploded with huge sparks.

Sun Wukong, King Kai and others present were all stunned, looking at the sky in disbelief after the explosion. Yamu was crushed to pieces in the fire.

"They actually... actually treated their own people like this!?"

Son Gohan was stunned. He was shocked by the cold-bloodedness of Babidi and others. After all, in his concept, people should not kill each other.

But the impact of this scene on his worldview was too great.

Babidi below didn't care about Yamu and Spobiqi being solved at all. After all, for him, these two were just tools to help him collect the energy of Majin Buu.


"It's really ugly to say that Yamu and Spobiqi's last look was really ugly! But appreciating the last moment before a person dies has always been my greatest pleasure."

Dapura looked at Babidi and said with great respect: "You will definitely see more expressions like that here on Earth."

Babidi laughed and nodded happily: "That's right!"

The world of Fairy Tail.

Natsu and Gray stopped fighting and looked at Babidi in the picture with gloomy faces.

The other members of the Fairy Tail guild also had ugly faces.

Although the members of their guild often started fighting over a disagreement, in the final analysis, they all regarded each member as their most important partner.

And Babidi's behavior of killing his own people and torturing them [undoubtedly made everyone in the Fairy Tail guild extremely angry.

This guy who doesn't cherish his partners, damn it!!!

"Asshole!!! This guy named Babidi!! If he appears in front of me, I will definitely beat him to pieces with one punch!!!" Natsu's temper is very straightforward. He couldn't bear it and cursed with anger all over his body.

"The damn guy is even more annoying than Natsu, the bastard!!!" Gray also exhaled cold air, his face was cold, and his heart was also very angry.

Natsu rarely refuted Gray's words. At this time, his attention was completely on Babidi in the video screen.

Makarov's back, this old man was so angry for the first time, and he didn't know when he was angry last time.

He looked at the indignant young men and women in the union and shouted: "Everyone!!!"

The members of the union were attracted by Makarov's shouting and focused their attention on Makarov.

"What should we do with a guy like this who kills his companions and doesn't cherish his companions!!!"

Makarov shouted loudly. This is a good opportunity to increase the cohesion of the members of the Fairy Tail Union.

"Kill him!!!"

"Blow his head with one punch!!"

"Kill kill kill!!!"

"This bastard deserves to die!!!"

Hearing Makarov's words, all the members of the Fairy Tail Union began to roar as if they were injected with chicken blood.

Makarov also looked at the members of the guild with great satisfaction. Although they have various shortcomings and are not perfect, when they are all united together, the Fairy Tail Guild is the most perfect magician guild in the world!!

"That's right!!! Fairy Tail! No matter how much trouble you cause outside, it's okay!!! But... if you betray your companions, you will be the common enemy of all members of the guild!!!"

Makarov raised his hands high. At this moment, he released the pressure of his powerful magician!

"So remember! Outside! Fight back if you are humiliated!! If your companion is humiliated, then destroy his entire family!!! Let's make a big fuss!!!"

Makarov shouted loudly, and his words instantly made everyone cheer.

This is their home, and every member is their family!

Because they are!!

Fairy Tail!!!

Detective Conan World.

"It's really too much... this Barfidy."

Edogawa Conan gritted his teeth and said that he had been protected in a hotbed and rarely came into contact with the dark side of the world.

The only time he came into contact with the dark side of the world was because of his curiosity, which turned him into a child.

Even so, Edogawa Conan, who still has a strong sense of justice in his heart, still can't accept this behavior of killing his companions directly after using them.

Gray Hara glanced at Edogawa Conan. She didn't feel much about the scene in front of her, after all, she had seen a lot of such things.

In places that Edogawa Conan didn't know, such things happened every moment, so Gray Hara Ai, who had seen the dark side of the world, was calmer.

She took a sip of cappuccino and chuckled: "What? You can't accept this, Mr. Detective?"

Edogawa Conan frowned and looked at Huihara Ai, dissatisfied: "They killed their companion! The companion was still helping them a second ago!!"

"What's the big deal... This kind of thing happens most often in the organization, and the people in the organization will only do more excessive things." Huihara Ai said calmly.

"This..." Edogawa Conan was silent. He looked at Huihara Ai with a complicated expression, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Although he didn't know why Huihara Ai showed such an expression, he was still very angry in his heart.

He wanted to say something else, but then Haibara Ai interrupted him and continued:

"My sister...wasn't she killed after being used? You saw my sister die with your own eyes, you should know more about the cruelty of the organization than I do.

Haibara Ai's tone was very calm, and it seemed that she was talking about a trivial matter.

Edogawa Conan was silent. Although Haibara Ai's tone was very calm, Edogawa Conan knew that when the other party talked about this matter, he must have felt very painful.


In the heavens and the worlds, people in countless worlds talked about this scene in the picture. Some of them felt It seems extremely cruel, but some people find it very interesting.

After all, many things are either black or white. What some people find unacceptable is already commonplace in front of others.

And the video continues.

In the picture, Sun Wukong is angry.

"Too much! There are such people!?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Jebit said seriously: "Actually, this is very normal for Babidi... "

"This is what the magician Babidi does. No matter where Babidi goes, he will find a few strong warriors and use magic to guide the evil thoughts in their bodies to control them to obey him. "

"When they are no longer needed, they will be killed directly like garbage! It seems that this time he wants to use the same method to collect as much energy as possible to revive Majin Buu and revive Majin Buu as soon as possible!"

On the other side.

Babidi showed a successful smile to Dabura.

"Dapura, it seems that Yamu and the others have lured those baits according to our plan very well. Among these people, there is the Kai who killed my father in the past."

Dapura sneered and looked at the place where Son Goku and others were hiding, with a slight smile on his face.

"Do they think they can hide completely like that? Let me see... One, two, three... A total of seven!"

"Haha, even if the energy of Kai and Jepitel cannot be used to revive Majin Buu, the energy possessed by three of them can play a lot of credit for the revival of Majin Buu.

Listening to Dabura's words, Nochi nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that as long as we catch the three of them, we will be able to get enough energy. I didn't expect that Majin Buu's resurrection would be so fast and smooth. You can lure the three of them into the spaceship."

"In this way... Majin Buu will definitely be able to absorb the energy!"

After saying that, Babidi turned and walked towards the entrance of the spaceship, and Pei Pei followed Babidi's instructions.

And Dabura stood in place, and the cloak behind him moved automatically without wind!

"Then it's my turn next!"

Dabura sneered and disappeared instantly!!


Vegeta, who had been paying attention to Dabura, shouted in surprise: "What!!! That guy has already discovered us!!!"


Vegeta's reminder was still too late!!

Dabura instantly appeared in front of Jebit and stretched out his right hand!

"This... This!!!"

Jebbit's eyes widened, and before he could react, a pink energy ball appeared in Dabura's hand!



Dabura's energy ball hit Jebit's head directly, instantly submerging Jebit!!!


Accompanied by Jebit's screams, Jebit was soon annihilated and dissipated by Dabura's attack!!

"Jebbit!!!" King Kai was shocked, he never expected that they would lose a member at the beginning Admiral!!!

This Dapura has no moral principles!!

He actually killed the nurse first!!!

But Dapura did not continue to attack, but flew high up, observing the six people below with a cold eye, and then...


A mouthful of spit flew out of Dapura's mouth and landed directly on Xiaolin in the distance!

"Xiaolin!!!! Eh? It's saliva!?"

Seeing Dapura's actions, Sun Wukong and others were immediately nervous. After seeing that the opponent's target was Xiaolin, Sun Wukong immediately turned around and shouted.



He found that what fell on Xiaolin was actually a pool of saliva, which made Sun Wukong stunned for a moment.

However, King Kai was like a formidable enemy.

"Oh no! It's Dapur's saliva!!!"

Before Sun Wukong could react to what King Kai meant, Vegeta had already rushed towards Dapur, and several consecutive punches instantly landed on Dapur!

Bang bang bang bang!!!

Within one second

, Vegeta actually threw dozens of punches directly!

However, Vegeta's attacks were easily resolved by Dapur, and the next second, Piccolo rushed forward and prepared to attack Dapur.


Dapura dodged and appeared above Piccolo.


Another mouthful of saliva flew and landed on Piccolo!

After dealing with the irrelevant personnel, Dapur stood arrogantly in the air, sneered at Sun Wukong and others below and said:

"Haha, you people, it is absolutely impossible to stop Lord Babidi, don't waste your energy."

After that, Dapur turned around and left, and flew back to the entrance of the spaceship in the blink of an eye!

This scene not only stunned Sun Wukong and others in the video, but also the people watching the video.

They never expected that when Nadapura attacked, they thought it would be a great battle, but in the end, he killed ten people and then spit ten saliva at the other two!?

What is this for!?

Are you playing??

Where is the great battle you promised!?

Are you fighting a war of words!??

But the next moment, they were shocked by the ugly face of King Kai in the picture.

Because King Kai's face was as black as a black pot, his forehead was sweating, and his eyes were staring at Krillin and Piccolo who were hit by the saliva.


"King Kai? What's wrong with you?"

Son Gohan noticed that King Kai's face was not right at the first time, and asked quickly.

"They... were touched by Dabura's saliva.

The King of the Worlds pointed at Krillin and Piccolo.

And the next moment!

Krillin and Piccolo in the screen screamed at the same time.

"Ah!? This is!!!"

Krillin looked at his hands that were beginning to petrify in horror, widened his eyes, and looked at Sun Wukong in disbelief.

Piccolo was also shocked, and his chest had been completely petrified at some point.

"Piccolo!! Krillin!?"

Sun Wukong was stunned by the scene in front of him, and then the voice of the King of the Worlds sounded.

"Anyone who touches Dabura's saliva will be petrified by the power of the saliva and eventually turned into a stone sculpture!!!"


At this moment, the audiences of all the heavens and worlds were shocked. They never expected that Dabura's saliva would be so terrible!!

That doesn't mean, if When facing Dabura, you should not only be careful of his attacks, but also be careful of his spitting!?

While King Kai was speaking, Krillin and Piccolo were completely petrified, and completely turned into two stone statues.


Goku subconsciously ran towards Krillin.

But King Kai shouted at him.

"Don't touch him!!" King Kai shouted.

"If they are damaged, they will never be restored to their original state!!!"

After hearing what King Kai said, Goku felt very uncomfortable. Looking at the stone statue close at hand, he was worried but did not dare to touch it.

"What should I do then!?"

Gohan shouted anxiously.

"There is no way to remove the petrification unless Dabura removes it himself or dies, but... now Dabura is back in the spaceship. "Then let's go in quickly! Find Dabura! Let him unpetrify!" After hearing what King Kai said, Goku and Gohan immediately flew towards the spaceship. "Hey!!! That might be a trap!!!" King Kai was dumbfounded when he saw Goku and Gohan being so reckless. He shouted hurriedly. But Vegeta appeared beside him and sneered: "Sorry, we are not used to waiting quietly. "

Speaking of this, Vegeta also flew towards the entrance of the spaceship with a grim smile on his face!

"Hey!! You!!!"

Kai Wangshen never expected that these three Saiyans were more willful than each other, knowing that there was a trap in front of them and they still jumped into it.

This made him a little angry.

"I can't stand them!!!"

Kai Wangshen looked ugly, but he finally followed with gritted teeth.

There was no way. After all, it was impossible to kill Babidi under the protection of Dapur with his own strength.

All he could rely on was the power of Sun Wukong and the other three Saiyans!

No matter what, he couldn't let anything happen to these three people!!!

Soon, the four of them came to the entrance of the spaceship. Compared with the worry on the face of Kai Wangshen.

Sun Wukong, Son Gohan and Vegeta were all alert, but none of them stepped into the entrance.


The floor below them suddenly began to vibrate, and it actually moved them downwards!

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