Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 84: Top 3 Famous Scenes! Shocking The World! The Debt King Ultraman Orb Is So Terrifying! ?

[Top 3 of the most bizarre nicknames and famous scenes: Opening a new era for Ultra Warriors? No! Please call me the ‘Ultra Debtor’—Ultraman Orb!!!]

Ultraman Universe.

The Kingdom of Light.

“Ultraman Orb? I think he was the Ultraman born in O-50, right?” Seven said uncertainly, looking at the new video title.

“That should be it. I’ll check the information.” Ultraman Jack pondered for a moment, then immediately stood up to retrieve the information.

Soon, Ultraman Jack returned to the conference room.

“Yes, Ultraman Orb is an Ultra Warrior born in O-50, just like Ultraman Rosso and Ultraman Blue.”

Although O-50 is not a very famous place, the Ultra Warriors born there have been maintaining the peace of the universe for thousands of years, and some of their deeds have been heard even in the Kingdom of Light.

"So that's what this is, but what does this Ultra Debtor mean? Can our Ultra Warriors still owe debts?"

Zoffy looked at the strange nickname in the screen with a suspicious face, and then his face turned black.

Could it be that Ultraman Orb owed debts outside? Wouldn't this make all Ultramen lose face!?

"Don't guess yet, just watch the video and you'll know."

Ultraman Taro sighed helplessly. His brothers are tens of thousands of years old, so why are they still so unstable?

When the Ultra Warriors heard Taro's words, they nodded directly to Ultraman, and their attention fell on the video screen.

Seeing this, Ultra Father also clicked on the video directly.

The video started playing!

In the video screen, light gradually appeared from darkness!

Then, a narration was played from the screen.

【Ultraman Orb, an Ultra Warrior born from O-50, has been working hard to fight evil to maintain the peace of the universe. 】

【He has been training himself in the universe by fighting monsters and evil cosmic people, until... then!!】

Accompanied by the voice of the narrator, the picture gradually became clear.

It was a tall giant!

His whole body was mainly silver and red, supplemented by black. On Ultraman Orb's chest, there was a round colored timer, and below the colored indicator ring, there was a downward arrow connected.

Then, a subtitle appeared below him.

【Ultraman Orb!】

The appearance of Ultraman Orb made countless viewers in the heavens and the worlds stare wide-eyed.

It was the first time they saw the existence of the Ultra Warrior species!

And many strong men who used dark power subconsciously showed disgust when they saw Ultraman Orb. This Ultraman Orb had the light power that made them feel disgusted.

At this time, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the screen!!!

A huge creature with a hideous appearance appeared in the screen!!!

And the subtitles under it told everyone its identity.

【Light Demon Beast·Macajetton!!】

Macajetton exudes a terrifying and cold dark power, which makes countless people who watch the video feel cold all over.

If Ultraman Orb brings them endless warmth, then this Macajetton brings them deep chill!!


In the picture, after seeing Macajetton, Ultraman Orb immediately made a battle start, and then rushed towards Macajetton!



This is a battle between light and darkness!

Every punch and kick between Ultraman Orb and Macajetton burst out with extremely terrifying aftermath, destroying everything around!!


Ultraman Orb suddenly shouted, and his whole body actually radiated a dazzling light!

And his strength seemed to have been upgraded to a higher level. With one punch, he actually forced Macajetton back dozens of steps!!

However, just when Ultraman Orb wanted to pursue the victory, Macajetton suddenly raised his hands high.

The terrifying dark energy condensed on its body.

Finally, a huge fireball was condensed!

The fireball, like the luminous body on Magajeton's chest, showed a strange mixture of blue, green, and purple colors.

Countless people who watched the video could clearly feel the terrifying temperature emanating from this terrifying fireball!!

This monster called Magajeton is so terrifying!?


The next moment!

Magajeton shot out the condensed fireball!

[Maca Light Bullet!!]


The speed of the Maca Light Bullet was extremely terrifying, and it hit Orb's chest in almost the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a terrifying energy wave exploded from Ultraman Orb's body!

The energy wave turned into a raging fire, engulfing the surrounding forests!!!


Ultraman Orb staggered back several meters, but he seemed to remember something in the picture and quickly looked at the area engulfed by the flames.

What is he looking at!?

Everyone watching the video was stunned, wondering if they wanted to see the invisible part from Ultraman Orb's perspective.


The video did not cut to the direction Ultraman Orb was looking, but pulled the camera far away so that everyone could see the terrifying power of the move released by Maga Zetton!!!


It was a sea of ​​fire!!

And Ultraman Orb in the picture seemed to have confirmed something, and the whole Ultraman became angry.

"Ah ... The terrifying energy spread along the path he drew!


The energy returned to the lightsaber!

Ultraman Orb held the hilt of the lightsaber tightly with both hands and chopped down at Maga Zetton in front of him!!!

[Supreme Holy Sword!!!!]

The next moment!

The terrifying pressure emanated from this lightsaber!

The huge light energy poured out from this lightsaber towards Maga Zetton!!!


This pressure instantly passed through the screen and fell on countless people watching the video in the heavens and the worlds!


Hokage world.


Jiraiya and others widened their eyes and looked at the Orb in the screen in disbelief. The moment the terrifying pressure rushed out of the screen, they were all pressed to the ground!!

They are Kage-level strongmen!!!

Under this pressure, they can't move at all!?

Is this the power of Ultraman??

Shinigami world.


Aizen spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he looked at the radiant Ultraman Orb in the screen with horror.

The terrifying pressure made him tremble all over!

"Lord Aizen!! Save me!! Save me!!!"

"Help!! Lord Aizen!!!"

Then, accompanied by screams, in the Palace of the Night, Espada was actually destroyed by half by this terrifying light power! The remaining five people were also affected by this terrifying force and fell to the ground with serious injuries!


What kind of power is this?!

The world of Fairy Tail.


Natsu exclaimed, and the whole person was blown away by the terrifying power that suddenly poured out in the video screen.

Not only him, but the entire Fairy Tail Union was basically affected by this terrifying power. For a while, the Fairy Tail Union was in chaos!!

The world of Pirates... The world of One Punch Man... The world of Gintama... and so on.

All the heavens and the worlds were basically affected by the terrifying power erupted by Ultraman Orb, and were more or less hurt.

And those who practiced the dark power, the weak ones were even directly annihilated into ashes by the overflowing power!!!

Ultraman Orb!!

So terrifying!!!

And in the picture!

The terrifying energy poured out from Ultraman Orb's Supreme Holy Sword, and all fell on Magajeton.


The terrifying low hum sounded!

The next moment...

Boom boom boom boom!!!!

A violent explosion burst out from Magajeton's body!

Not only that!

At the moment of the explosion, Magajeton seemed to have completely lost control of the terrifying dark energy in his body, and directly merged with the energy of the Supreme Holy Sword to form a blue-black energy ball!!

This energy ball actually contained the breath of destruction and death!!

In the picture, the energy ball suddenly spread out, constantly devouring everything around it. It touched everything, and trees, rivers, and mountains were annihilated at the moment of touching or even approaching.

And the volume of this terrifying energy light ball is still expanding.

Not only that, in the energy ball, there was an extremely terrifying explosion!

The terrifying aura generated by the explosion continued to spread around through the energy ball!




The sky was already covered with dark clouds without knowing when!

Accompanied by thunder, heavy rain fell instantly!


In a few seconds!

The energy in the terrifying energy ball seemed to have reached its limit. The moment it stopped expanding, the terrifying energy rushed up to the sky!

Directly dispersed all the dark clouds that gathered in the sky!!


The explosion broke out!!


Accompanied by an explosion, Ultraman Orb was also swallowed by this terrifying explosion!!!


The picture was instantly covered by a white light!!!

Ultraman Universe.

The Kingdom of Light.

First Generation Ultraman crossed his hands, held his chin and remained silent.

But the other Ultramen all focused their eyes on him.

"Ultraman, you should... know this Magadzetton well, right?"

Ultraman Zoffy looked at First Generation Ultraman and asked.


First Generation Ultraman sighed, nodded, and said:

"This Magadzetton, at the beginning... was the grandson I sealed.


The Ultraman present were stunned. They didn't expect that First Generation Ultraman didn't completely get rid of Magadzetton.

"That's right... Use my energy to seal it."


First Generation said, suddenly became very serious.

"The energy I sealed can at least seal it for thousands of years. There is no reason for the seal to be broken so quickly."

Father of Ultra looked at First Generation Ultraman and said coldly:

"So what do you mean......"

"Someone deliberately destroyed it!?"

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