Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 77, You Are A Armored Warrior! The Weakness Of Kamen Rider? ? (Please Customize)

Shinigami World.

"Transformed again... I feel like this guy's abilities are all in the armor, just don't give him a chance to transform." Ishida Uryu narrowed his eyes and analyzed.

"Then it's better not to give him a chance to transform, after all, the power of that kick... is a bit scary."

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed his saliva, he felt that the power of that kick seemed to be more terrifying than his Crescent Moon Sky Strike.

Rukia Kuchiki frowned and shook his head: "If that's the case, then it would be too easy to deal with this person, and he doesn't deserve the title of World Destroyer at all."

"But it's true from the video, when he didn't wear that armor, he was just an ordinary person." Ishida Uryu retorted.

"This armor is an external object after all. If it only relies on the power of this armor, this World Destroyer doesn't have much ability."

Ishida Uryu said with disdain on his face, he didn't think that this kind of external object could make a person that powerful.

Kamen Rider Double Rider World.

"Kamen Rider Decade... I seem to have heard of this name."

Philip glanced at Shotaro in confusion, wanting to see if he was the same as him.

"What's wrong, Philip?" Shotaro glanced at Philip in confusion, and then a solemn expression appeared on his face.

"If this Kamen Rider Decade "487" really destroys all the knights, then we must find a way to stop him."

Philip opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say what he wanted to say. After all, he was also very confused in his heart, because he seemed to have really heard of the name of this Kamen Rider Decade, and...

The Decade he heard about didn't seem to be an enemy of Kamen Rider.


What's going on?

Hokage world.


Orochimaru glanced at the video in confusion, he didn't know what was so good about this video.

"This kind of thing that needs external objects to strengthen oneself... Isn't it enough to kill the opponent when the opponent is not wearing armor?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself, but soon he shook off the idea.

After all, this kind of "weakness" is something that everyone can think of. Since the Decade in this video can get the title of World Destroyer, it is natural that there must be a corresponding way to deal with it.

"However, this armor is really interesting. It can actually give an ordinary person such a big improvement, and even have a speed that can stop time..."

Orochimaru licked his dry lips, as if...

It might not be a bad idea to study it??

Ultra Warrior Universe.

The Kingdom of Light.

Ultra Father looked at Max Ultraman curiously. The other party was a civilization observer and knew a lot of things.

"Max, I remember there was an Ultraman who seemed to have the power of armor?"

Max was stunned when he heard what Ultrafather said, then nodded and said: "Yes, I remember, that Ultraman seemed to be called Ultraman X, and he and his human body Daisora ​​Daichi, who was one and the same, could use the power of monsters to generate armor."

Max thought about the information about Ultraman X and continued: "And those armors can provide Ultraman X with very powerful energy and combat power."

"So that's it, where is Ultraman X?" Ultrafather nodded and asked after thinking for a moment.

"The other party is now investigating the dark ring with Ultraman Victory and Ultraman Ginga." Max continued, their Kingdom of Light has been absorbing Ultraman from various universes to join the Kingdom of Light in recent years to jointly maintain the peace of the universe.

And these potential Ultraman Warriors are naturally the objects of their Kingdom of Light Guard.

"When Ultraman X comes back, ask him about the information about the monster armor. Let Hikaru help with this matter."

Ultra Father gave the order. Max and Hikaru are both smart people. Some things don't need to be said so clearly.


The video screen continued.

In the video.

Decade easily eliminated all the soldiers around him. Just when he wanted to leave, he saw a shadow barrier appear, and then a huge existence appeared from the barrier!!

Kamen Rider Giant Rider!!!

When this huge Kamen Rider appeared, countless viewers who watched the video were shocked. They didn't expect that there would be such a huge guy among the Kamen Riders.

As soon as Giant Rider appeared, his goal was very clear. He looked at Kamen Rider Decade, who was as small as an ant in his eyes, and stepped towards him!!


Decade saw Giant Rider attacking him, and quickly got on the car and drove directly towards the building in front.



Every time the giant rider took a step, he crushed the ground nearby.

Decade kept dodging the giant rider's trampling while looking back, and then turned into a building.

Is it safe?


The giant rider didn't care about the building in front of him at all. In his eyes, there was only Kamen Rider Decade, the destroyer of the world and the enemy of Kamen Rider!!

He actually raised his foot and stepped directly into the building.


The terrible impact force directly crushed the building under the giant rider's trampling!

The building kept collapsing!!

Just when everyone thought that the collapsed building was going to bury Decade inside.


A red figure rushed out from the ruins and rushed to the taller building on the other side!

He was extremely fast! It seemed that he had turned the throttle to the maximum!

This change made the Giant Rider unable to react. He turned around quickly, but saw that the Emperor had appeared on the roof without knowing when!

[Attack Driving————Giant Missile!!!]

In the picture, Emperor was seen riding a bike towards the Giant Rider, and a mass of data-like material appeared on his shoulder.

Then, the substance solidified and became a huge missile launcher!

Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!

Almost at the moment of solidification, Emperor launched all the missiles on his shoulder [all bombarded Chenqi's body.

The giant rider just turned around and saw so many missiles flying towards him. Although his huge body strengthened his strength, it also reduced his speed.

He had no time to defend against such a fast attack.

Then, all the missiles bombarded him, exploding dazzling sparks!

The terrible impact force pushed the giant rider back several meters, and his center of gravity was unstable.

But Emperor did not miss this opportunity.

He drew out another card and inserted it into his belt!

[Attack Driving————Sidecar Bashar!!!]

Accompanied by the sound of machinery, the motorcycle under Emperor rider instantly disintegrated and then became a huge robot.

Countless shells were fired from the robot, blasting towards the giant rider!


Just as the giant rider came to his senses, missiles were flying all over the sky!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

An even more terrifying explosion exploded at this moment!!!


The artillery fire directly submerged the giant rider, and the screen was covered with flames, leaving only the rider's cry of Yuan Hao in the screen!


The Emperor jumped high, and the robot behind him turned into a motorcycle again, and a card appeared in the hand of the Emperor.

"Giant rider...finished."

The Emperor's voice was extremely cold, as if he had only solved a small minion.

After putting away the giant rider's card, the rider rode the motorcycle again and left in style.


The screen turned!!!


A huge explosion exploded!

Countless people watching the video were startled by the terrifying explosion.

When they looked at the screen again, they found that the screen had turned into a rooftop without knowing when.

On the rooftop, two figures appeared, and then a figure suddenly flew into the screen.

Countless viewers looked closely.

Isn't this Decade?

Why is he so embarrassed?

Then, the two knights in the screen followed closely and attacked Decade's transformed Kadoya Shi.



Each punch actually directly smashed a hole in the surrounding ground, and Kadoya Shi was extremely embarrassed to avoid the attacks of the two.


Falling at a disadvantage!?

Shinigami world.

Ishida Uryu raised his mouth slightly, looked at Rukia Kuchiki with some pride, and said: "Look, what did I say? As long as the person is killed when he is not wearing armor, there is no risk at all.

Rukia Kuchiki's face was gloomy, and he ignored Ishida Uryu, and Ishida Uryu did not continue to speak. In his eyes, this scene has proved his "intelligence", and there is no need to argue with these Shinigami with low IQ.

After all, as long as he can hit the Shinigami in the face, he is already very happy.

"No... I always feel that this Decade's transformer seems to be waiting for something?"

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned, not paying attention to the fight between Ishida Uryu and Rukia Kuchiki, but carefully looking at Kadoya Kadoya who was dodging in the picture.


He widened his eyes and looked at the picture in disbelief, and Ishida Uryu's face was also stiff, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

In the picture.



The Kamen Rider who was dodging in a panic suddenly stood up and kicked the silver-white Kamen Rider, and actually kicked the Kamen Rider out directly.


The Kamen Rider Sword looked at the resisting Kamen Rider, and decisively took out the sword, stabilized the center of gravity and chopped at Kamen Rider!

And Kamen Rider raised his hand!

Is he going to rely on his human body to resist this sword?!

Countless people who watched the video widened their eyes in astonishment, their eyes widened. full of disbelief!

A crisp collision sounded, accompanied by brilliant sparks!

The sword of Kamen Rider Jian hit Kamen Kadoya's forearm directly, but...

At some point, a layer of armor had appeared on his forearm, blocking the sword!!



This sudden change not only shocked the two Kamen Riders in the video, but also shocked everyone watching the video.

Kamen Kadoya in the picture had a cold face and shouted coldly:


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