Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 69: Good Death! Shimura Danzō'S True Strength... Is Just This? ? ? (Please Customize)

Danzo was stunned. He looked at the purple skeleton that he had hit with his fist.

When he looked at Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, he suddenly realized that Uchiha Sasuke had awakened Mangekyō Sharingan at some point.


Uchiha Sasuke was a ruthless man who didn't say much. He stared at Danzo with Mangekyō Sharingan, and Susanoo on his body stretched out a huge purple skeleton arm to grab Danzo in his hand.

Danzo, who was caught by Susanoo, was not panicked at all. Instead, he carefully looked at Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo.

He seemed to be a little emotional and a little jealous and said:

"So that's it, is this Susanoo?"

Uchiha Sasuke lowered his head and said nothing. Then, Susanoo's bone hand made a "crunching" sound, as if squeezing Danzo's body tightly.

"I'll ask you again, was it the Konoha upper echelons, including you, who gave the order to let Uchiha Itachi exterminate my clan?"

Danzo, who was being tightly squeezed, looked at Uchiha Sasuke indifferently, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

This look made Uchiha Sasuke very angry.

In the picture, Uchiha roared.

"I'm asking you!!! Answer me!!!!"

As he said that, Uchiha Sasuke's bony hand holding Shimura Danzō tightened even more.


Shimura Danzō still didn't answer, but there was a crisp sound of bone fracture coming from his body.

A mouthful of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his face also showed an extremely painful expression.

And at this moment, Danzo spoke.

"I originally thought he wasn't that kind of person. Damn Itachi, he actually told all the secrets before he died... It seems that you are the only one who is special to Itachi............"

Shimura Danzō spoke with great difficulty, and the pain on his face deepened with every word he uttered.

Uchiha Sasuke widened his eyes when he heard Danzo's words. He didn't expect that it was really as Uchiha Obito said, the demise of the Uchiha clan was due to the death sentence imposed by Konoha Gaokang.

And Uchiha Itachi............

was just a tool man!

This made Uchiha Sasuke unacceptable. He seemed to be questioning and denying.

"Is it true or not!!!!"

Danzo sneered, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

"He... Itachi, I thought he was not a person who would leak secrets!!"

Hearing this............

Uchiha Sasuke lowered his head.

Obviously, he heard the answer he didn't want to hear, which made him extremely angry!

"It seems... it's all true..."

At this moment, the video gave a close-up of Uchiha Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but everyone who watched the video felt that after a flash of light passed through those eyes, the whole eyes became even more scarlet.


The next moment!

Countless people in the world widened their eyes, looking at the strange scene in the picture in amazement!

On the picture, the bone hand that tightly grasped Danzo actually began to grow "flesh and skin"!!!


The arm also grew something like "muscle".

A huge skeleton covered Uchiha Sasuke's body, and the thick bone-like armor protected Uchiha Sasuke firmly.


It's a half-body Susanoo!!!

"Self-sacrifice! That's a ninja! A hero who never sees the light of day and works in the dark!! This has always been the original attitude of a ninja"!

Danzo spoke again, and he still seemed to not take Uchiha Sasuke, the half-complete Susanoo, seriously, and continued to provoke the other party with words.

"Not only Itachi! Many ninjas died in obscurity like this!! This world cannot be all glamorous, it is because of these people that the world can maintain peace!"

Speaking, Danzo couldn't help but laugh at Uchiha Sasuke.

In his eyes, this brother of Uchiha Itachi will always be just a brother, and he can never reach the height of his brother.

Not in any aspect!!!

Danzo opened his eyes wide and sneered: "You will never understand if you misunderstand Itachi's will."

"But Itachi who told you the secret is a traitor to Konoha..."

As Danzo said, these words greatly stimulated Uchiha Sasuke's nerves, and his eyes suddenly widened, and almost instantly [the eyes of Susanoo's skull lit up!


Uchiha Sasuke clenched his right fist, and Susanoo also moved synchronously.

He actually crushed Danzo directly!!!

The blood rain fell on the ground!

Shimura Danzō………………


Shinigami world.

Kurosaki Ichigo stared at the scene in the video blankly, and said in disbelief: "No way!? This guy named Shimura Danzō just died like this!? I thought there would be a great battle! I didn't expect it to be just like this!?"

Inoue Orihime breathed a sigh of relief. She was really disgusted with Danzo, this old bastard.

Now seeing him being crushed to death by Uchiha Sasuke so easily, the whole person suddenly felt comfortable, as if he had gone for a massage.

Ishida Uryu adjusted his glasses and couldn't help frowning.

For some reason, he always felt that the battle between Danzo and Uchiha Sasuke was not over yet.

At least he knew about the conspirators, and those conspirators would never leave themselves a way out.

So, he didn't think that Uchiha Sasuke would kill Danzo so easily.

"It must be... not over yet!!!!"

But before Ishida Uryu could speak, Rukia Kuchiki beside him spoke coldly.


Inoue Orihime looked at Rukia Kuchiki in astonishment. She didn't know why Rukia Kuchiki would make such a conclusion.

Obviously, that Danzo had been crushed by Uchiha Sasuke easily!!

Could this guy be resurrected!?

Pirate world.

Sky Island.

Enel sneered as he watched Danzo being crushed to death. "He who calls himself a god simply looked down on Danzo, who had no power and was doing tricks behind his back.

And the scene in which Danzo was easily crushed to death by Uchiha Sasuke really made him feel happy!

For this kind of guy who had no power and was still doing tricks everywhere, this kind of clean and neat killing was indeed what Enel wanted to see the most.

"Hehe, it's just right to crush such a weak guy to death, but why do I always feel that things are not over yet?"

Enel took a bite of the apple and frowned.

He felt that Danzo would not die so easily. Although he was annoyed by this kind of bug-like guy, Ailu believed in his intuition very much.

"Tsk... a scheming guy. "

Enel curled his lips and continued to look at the screen, because...

Danzo's figure appeared again in the screen, which made Enel subconsciously widen his eyes.

In the screen, Uchiha Sasuke crushed Danzo with a cold face and said in a cold voice:

"I don't allow you to talk about Uchiha Itachi anymore."

This seemed to be said to Danzo, who was like an ant being crushed to death by himself.

But the next second.

Danzo's voice suddenly sounded in Uchiha Sasuke's ears.

"`"Okay, then let's speak with our eyes in the next battle.

Danzo's voice entered Uchiha Sasuke's ears, which made him slightly stunned and his pupils widened.

Behind him!?


Uchiha Sasuke turned around subconsciously.

And the camera screen also gave Danzo behind Uchiha Sasuke.

He made a seal with one hand, and with the other hand, he instantly held a kunai and stabbed Uchiha Sasuke!

Kunai stabbed Susanoo!?

Not only Uchiha Sasuke in the picture was confused, but also countless people watching the video were a little confused.

This Danzo………………

Is there really nothing wrong with his brain!?

This thought came to the minds of many people watching the video.

They never expected that the first attack after Danzo appeared would be so...interesting!?

On the screen, Susanoo, who was waving a kunai, stabbed Uchiha Sasuke. The moment the kunai touched Susanoo, it immediately broke into two pieces.


The crisp sound of kunai fragments falling to the ground.

Danzo looked at the broken kunai without panic, and continued to speak:

"Is it really Susanoo? As a defensive means, it is really impeccable."

As soon as the voice fell!

Susanoo's huge fist fell from the sky and directly smashed Danzo into the ground!!!


Instantly, blood flew everywhere!!!

Countless people who saw it felt very happy!

This Danzo is really (li Li's) arrogant!!

But soon, countless people in the heavens and the world looked at the figure of the third Danzo on the video screen and fell into confusion.


Another one!?


What is going on!???

At this moment, this scene shocked countless people who watched the video, and they were all a little unbelievable.

Clearly in the video, Danzo was bound to die under Susanoo's attack.

But why………………

After one died, there was another one!?


Is it the ninja's Clone Technique!?

But, in the previous video, the effect of Uzumaki Naruto's Clone Technique was not like this??

Many strong men are very sure that the two "Danzo" who died before were definitely Danzo himself, and every time Danzo died, it seemed that Danzo's aura became more twisted.


What is going on??? Copy?

Hokage world.

The land of bliss.

At this time, Uchiha Madara frowned and looked at Danzo in the picture. Uchiha Madara was also very angry about the Sharingan on Danzo's arm.

But he also felt some different aura.

Uchiha Madara closed his eyes, and after carefully sensing it, the expression on his face was slightly stunned.

"Is this………………Hashirama's cell!?"

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