Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 62: Konoha Pot King!? Nagato Is Furious! ! ! (Please Customize)

【Top 5 weird nicknames and famous scenes in the world: Konoha's shadow? No! I am Konoha's Pot King!———— Shimura Danzō!】

"What...what is this?"

The Pirate World.

Mihawk's eyes twitched as he looked at the title of the new video on the screen in front of him.

Konoha Pot King???


Is it that ninja world again??


Why is he called Pot King???

Does he fight with a pot??

All kinds of doubts arose in Mihawk's heart, making him very curious, and then he opened the video.

And there are many people in the world who are like Mihawk, who are curious about this title and click on the video to explore what Konoha Pot King means.

The video starts.

A voice-over sounded.

【My name is Shimura Danzō. If Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage who is always warm in the sun, then I am the darkest root under the big tree of Jutsu. 】

【Everything I do is for Konoha.........

【But I am not willing...I am not willing to be the root in the ground forever. 】

【Why can Hiruzen become the warm Hokage in the sun, but I can't?】

【I will do everything to prove to everyone that I, Shimura Danzō, am the most suitable person to be the Hokage in Konoha! I can make Konoha strong forever!!!】

This narration allows everyone who watches the video to have a preliminary understanding of Shimura Danzō.


At this moment, this is the first thought that comes to many people's minds.

However, many people are even more confused.

Konoha Pot King?

What is Pot King???

However, the video continues to play, and these doubts can only be buried in the hearts of the audience. The most important thing for them now is to watch the video first.

The video continues to play.



In the picture, there is a forest, and figures are flying through the trees at a fast speed.

The leading man had an 'X'-shaped scar on his chin, and his face was gloomy because...


Not far in front of him, an explosion exploded!!!

"Are we there yet?!"

Shimura Danzō frowned and whispered.


Shimura Danzō rushed out of the forest, and in front of him was a huge gully!

"Is this the power of Rinnegan?"

Shimura Danzō said, standing on the edge of the gully, looking down at the explosion in the distance.

The camera moved slowly with Shimura Danzō's words.

The tragic scene was presented to countless viewers.


A lot of corpses!

Those corpses were wearing Iwagakure uniforms.

It seemed that they were killed instantly by some terrifying attack.

"Perhaps we can use his power."

Shimura Danzō muttered to himself again.

Behind him, masked ninjas rushed to the tragic battlefield.

A subtitle appeared on the screen.

【Third Ninja World War】

Dragon Ball World.

“Is this... a war!?”

Krillin sweated profusely. He was no rookie, but he was still very opposed to war.


A lot of people would die.


The dead can be resurrected with Dragon Ball?

That's fine...

Of course, even so, Krillin didn't really dislike war.

But I didn't expect that the video would start with a war.

“War? Those corpses in the video are obviously not in the same team as Shimura Danzō. What does he want to do?”

Piccolo frowned. He really couldn't figure out what this had to do with Shimura Danzō.

"Keep watching." Sun Wukong ended the discussion, but he looked a little uninterested, after all, he preferred to watch the exciting battles. Pirate World. "War?" Naval Headquarters. Sengoku frowned and whispered to himself. They are very familiar with wars in the Marines, after all, the wars with the Revolutionary Army and pirates are going on every day. And they are also very clear about the cruelty of wars. "Tsk, as expected, this kind of fight will happen in any world." Akainu said with an unhappy face. "Hehe, I'm curious about what kind of person this Shimura Danzō is." Tsuru Vice Admiral said with a smile, she always felt that Shimura Danzō was a conspirator, but it seemed that the other party's IQ was not very high. "Okay, enough nonsense, watch the video!" Sengoku rolled his eyes and slapped the table to end this discussion. He was very curious, Rinnegan... How does Shimura Danzō plan to use this power? In the video screen.

The camera turned.

Shimura Danzō sat quietly on a futon, and in front of him, a ninja knelt on one knee.

"How is the matter going?"

Shimura Danzō raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Report to Master Danzo, "The bodies have been disguised and sent to Hanzō of the Salamander in Rain Shinobi Village."

The ninja responded to Shimura Danzō's question with great respect.

Shimura Danzō nodded, with a sneer on his lips.

"Very good, if this Akatsuki organization continues to exist, it will be a great threat to Konoha. According to intelligence, this is a peace mercenary organization established by three children and active in Rain Shinobi Village."


Shimura Danzō was full of disdain. In his opinion, [Konoha's ten families dominate to be called peace.

"Go according to the plan, continue to provoke the relationship between Hanzō of the Salamander and Akatsuki. If possible, we will use Hanzō of the Salamander to get rid of Akatsuki. Of course... it would be even better if the boy with Rinnegan can help get rid of Hanzō of the Salamander as well."

As he said this, Shimura Danzō sneered: "If nothing unexpected happens, one of these two who can threaten Konoha's existence will definitely be destroyed."


The ninja nodded in response, and then left with Technique.

Hokage world.


Nagato stared at Shimura Danzō in the picture, clenching his fists in anger.

At this moment, Nagato felt a fierce fire burning in his heart.


So it was this guy!!!

Nagato's eyes were full of hatred!!

He finally found it!!!

The culprit who caused Yahiko's death!!!



Nagato roared in a low voice, and a terrible power suddenly burst out from his body!!!

"Nagato! Calm down Nagato!!!"

Konan was naturally angry, but she was more worried about Uzumaki Nagato's body.

She had already lost Yahiko, and she didn't want to lose Nagato again.

"Konan!!! Sinner, we found it!!!"

0…………Please give me flowers……

Nagato heard Konan's cry, and the terrible momentum slowly withdrew, but the Rinnegan in his eyes exuded a faint purple light, full of hatred!

"Well... We will definitely kill this bastard with our own hands!"

Listening to Nagato's words, Konan's face was also full of hatred. It was this bastard who caused them to be separated from Mito forever.

Deserve to die!!!

In Konoha Village

Shimura Danzō's face was gloomy.

He stared at himself in the video, with a look of fear in his eyes.


He has done too many shameful things over the years, and even some of them cost him a lot of Konoha's interests.

And if he wants to be the Hokage, he must have a reputation among the villagers.


After the content of this video is exposed, does he really have a hope of becoming the Hokage?

No possibility!



Shimura Danzō crushed the newly made crutches in anger.

This video!!!

It's going to kill him!!!

The video continues.


The camera screen flickered again.

A high tower in Rain Shinobi Village.

"Master Hanzo! If this continues, the village will be taken away by them!"

A Rain Shinobi Village ninja knelt on one knee and said to the man in front of him with great respect.

In front of him was a man with a respirator on his face. He looked at the Rain Shinobi Village ninjas in front of him with cold eyes... and the body bags behind them.

Inside were bodies of Rain Shinobi Village.


Hanzō of the Salamander pondered for a moment, looked at the letter in his hand, and then showed a cold smile on his face.

"Someone, go and tell the leader of the Akatsuki organization a message."

"Just say that I, Hanzō, want to borrow their power to propose a peaceful negotiation proposal to the three major countries of fire, wind, and earth, and then contact the "root" of Konoha. After all... the Konoha person also thinks that the "Akatsuki" is a threat."

The camera turned and came to a small house.

Three young boys and girls sat around a small table.

"Nagato! Konan! Look! It's a letter from Hanzō!"

Yahiko, who was still the leader of the Akatsuki organization at this time, showed an extremely happy smile on his face.

In his opinion, their efforts over the years have paid off.

" Yahiko, don't be so happy so soon, I always feel that there is something wrong...

Konan is still quite careful. As a woman, she subconsciously thinks that the sudden letter from Hanzō of the Salamander must be a fraud.

Yahiko glanced at Konan and thought that this seemed to make some sense. She nodded and said, "In that case, Konan, you stay in the base and take care of me and Nagato."


After hearing Yahiko's arrangement, Konan subconsciously wanted to reject this proposal and act with them.

But she thought about it and found that with her current strength, it would be more appropriate to stay in the base and provide support.


Her strength is not particularly strong.

The main fighting force is still Nagato, the chosen one.

Nagato naturally has no opinion on Yahiko's arrangement. He has chosen to trust Yahiko completely from beginning to end.

And the victories he has won so far have also made him sure that he is still far behind Yahiko in this regard.

"In that case, let's pack up and get ready to set off tomorrow! Mountain!"

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