Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 52, Part 2: Flying Thunder God Beats Up Obito! Sealing Technique: Adamantine Sealing Chains!

The scene of Uchiha Itachi slaughtering the entire Uchiha clan caused countless people to talk about it. Many people thought that this was the true performance of a strong man, but many people also thought that Uchiha Itachi was simply mentally ill.

They really couldn't understand why Uchiha Itachi slaughtered all his clan members in order to prove himself.

The dimmed screen soon lit up again.

Another narration.

[My name is Uzumaki Naruto, my idol is Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, my favorite food is Ichiraku ramen, and my dream is to become a Hokage and get ~everyone's recognition!]

[But... the people in the village don't seem to like me very much. I don't know why they call me a demon fox. I try very hard to do well and become a child who is loved.

But no matter what I do, it seems that I can't get the recognition of the villagers. 】

[I don't know why... I'm just a child, why do the villagers hate me? What is a demon fox?]


The narration ended, accompanied by a huge explosion in the video that lit up!!!


Countless people looked at the huge red fox in the picture with astonishment, its nine tails waving wantonly in the air, constantly destroying everything around.

Countless ninjas rushed forward and released their attacks on Nine Tails, but they had no effect at all.

The camera screen turned!

What caught my eye was a special kunai hanging under the beam.

This is a house.


A figure suddenly appeared in the house.

A man with blond hair and wearing combat clothes slowly stood up with a woman with long red hair who looked very weak.

"Why... Minato."

This person's appearance made many people recognize his identity at once.

It was the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato who had appeared in the previous video!

"Okay Kushina, stay with Naruto."

Namikaze Minato's tone was extremely gentle, and he gently put the red-haired woman on the bed. Next to her, a baby who looked like a newborn was opening his mouth and trying to breathe.


Uzumaki Kushina looked at the child beside her, her face full of maternal love, and reached out to hold Naruto in her arms.

Namikaze Minato stood by the bed, looking at his beloved wife and child, and clenched his fist.

At this moment... Countless people could feel his anger!!

Namikaze Minato turned around without saying a word, and Uzumaki Kushina turned his head with a weak face, full of worry.

"Minato... Thank you... Be careful!"

The camera turned!

Namikaze Minato zipped up the Jōnin vest, and the Hokage robe was draped over his body. At this moment, he looked serious.

"I'll be back soon!"

On the Hokage robe, the five characters Fourth Hokage were dazzling.


Going to face the terrifying Nine Tails demon fox!!!


The next moment, Namikaze Minato disappeared in the room.

Hokage world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep look at the scene of Minato wearing the Hokage robe in the picture, and a sad expression appeared on his face.


The sacrifice should have been made by him, the abdicated Hokage!!


In Konoha Village.

Countless villagers also stared blankly at the familiar figure in the picture, and some villagers even cried in pain.


And more villagers looked at the baby in Uzumaki Kushina's arms in the picture with complicated expressions.

They knew............

That was the child of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato............

It was also the "demon" that they had resented in their hearts for all these years!

For a moment, countless villagers had complicated expressions and their eyes were full of regret.

The video continued.

In the picture...

Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared in a forest.

In front of him stood a man wearing a white mask.

In the right eye of the mask, the blood-red Sharingan flashed with a strange light.

"If we don't get to know him right now, he will become more troublesome than Nine Tails in the future." Namikaze Minato raised his hand, holding a specially made kunai. "You don't stand a chance anymore. "

The masked man said in a cold tone, his arms drooped, and two chains slipped down from his loose sleeves.


The next moment, Namikaze Minato and the masked man ran towards each other at the same time!!

During the attack, Namikaze Minato threw the special kunai in his hand at the masked man!!!

The kunai rushed towards the masked man's face at a high speed!!



The special kunai penetrated the masked man's head directly in the astonished eyes of countless people!!!

What kind of move is this!?

Countless people were stunned in place, but many people quickly recalled the previous video, and a look of realization appeared on their faces.


And the masked man's hand was about to touch Namikaze Minato's body in the next moment!!!


What is unexpected!

Namikaze Minato's figure suddenly disappeared!!!


Accompanied by a roar!!

In the picture!

The disappeared Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared above the masked man!!

The azure energy ball in his hand hit the masked man's back directly!!


Countless people looked at this scene in amazement!

They still didn't understand how Namikaze Minato suddenly disappeared!!!

"Hmph! You win this time, Fourth Hokage. "

The masked man hit by the Rasengan fell to the ground, and the red Sharingan was still staring at Namikaze Minato.

After he said something very stubborn, a vortex appeared in his right eye and quickly absorbed him in!

Uchiha Obito!!!

At this moment, everyone recognized the identity of this masked man!!

No way!

That iconic ability is too easy to recognize.

And Namikaze Minato in the picture did not continue to chase, because...

He turned his head and looked at the rampaging Nine Tails in Konoha Village!!!



The scene changed!!

Kukina, who was originally at home, had her limbs tied up at some point, and the scarlet Chakra spread on her body and flowed to the rampaging Nine Tails through the chains of help!!



A burst of smoke exploded!!!

A huge toad appeared above Nine Tails and sat directly on Nine Tails!!!


Another golden light flashed!

The one who was tied up Uzumaki Kushina's chains snapped!!!

"Are you okay, Yi!"

Namikaze Minato hugged his lover.

He was full of self-blame. He was robbed while dealing with Nine Tails.

"Minato... I can still fight"

Uzumaki Kushina looked at Namikaze Minato with a firm look on his face.

"I understand."

Namikaze Minato nodded. He chose to respect his wife's wishes!

Hual ...

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