Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 39, Boros Vs. Saitama, You Tell Me This Is A C-Class Hero! ? (Begging For Flowers, Monthly T

One Punch Man World.

"How can this guy be so powerful!?"

In the Hero Association, the faces of all the S-class heroes suddenly changed.

Tornado, who had looked down on Boros before, was sweating profusely under the terrifying aura that Boros burst out! ! !

The Boros in the video, who was bursting with amazing energy all over his body, was like two different people from the Boros who was punched away by Saitama before.

Tornado really couldn't imagine that an existence could change so much in a short period of time! ! !

"How could this be possible..."

Atomic Samurai also widened his eyes. He was still dissatisfied with what Genos said before, but the scene suddenly became so terrifying.

Feeling the terrifying aura, Atomic Samurai felt that his body was shaking unconsciously, as if... he would be swallowed up by this terrifying energy in the next second.

"That is to say... what Genos said is true... That bald guy named Saitama is really powerful!?"

This thought came to Atomic Samurai's mind, but he was reluctant to believe it. After all, the other party was only a C-class hero.

How could he be defeated by a C-class scum?


That's the truth...

Atomic Samurai looked at Saitama, who was facing the most direct impact of Boros's momentum in the video. There was no emotion on his face, as if this terrible momentum did not exist at all.

There are only two possibilities in this situation...

One is that he was scared silly, and the other is that he was so strong that he completely ignored this terrible momentum...

Atomic Samurai didn't want to believe that Saitama was the second one, but he also knew that it was definitely impossible to be the first one...

The hand of the vest slammed heavily on the table, interrupting the discussion in the conference room and said angrily:

"Such an enemy was actually let a C-level hero face it!!!"


"Teacher Saitama can definitely deal with this Boros!! He is very powerful!!! His strength is not something you can evaluate!!!"

Tornado's face was a little ugly when she heard Genos' words, but she couldn't refute it, because Saitama and Boros in the picture had already started fighting.


In the picture.

Boros moved.

In an instant, he stepped on the ground and exploded. The purple electric current was like a lightning net, constantly wandering around Boros! !

It was like the god of thunder bathing in thunder, so domineering, so arrogant.


Boros rushed towards Saitama with the momentum of destroying everything with overwhelming force!

Boom! ! !

He punched out.

The punch broke the speed of sound.

The intense high temperature generated by the friction of the air turned the area into a furnace, which was extremely hot.

In the next second.

Boros arrived in front of Saitama! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Boros's full-strength punch was blocked by Saitama, who raised his arm with a nonchalant look in the astonished eyes of countless people! ! !

The storm caused by the terrible impact instantly blew away everything in the spaceship! ! !

However, the battle was far from over.

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! !

Bang! ! !

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Boros's fists swung as fast as lightning, and countless afterimages appeared in the air.

What kind of terrifying fist speed is this! ?

But the next scene is shocking! !

Saitama was expressionless. Facing such a terrible and violent attack from Boros, he blocked it all effortlessly! ! !


The two disappeared again, and then they turned into two meteors and collided with each other again! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The picture couldn't even clearly capture the moving figures of Boros and Saitama! !

Everyone could only see waves of air suddenly exploding in the air! ! !

The weak ones couldn't catch their speed at all.

Only those powerful masters in the heavens and the worlds could capture the moving figures of the two through the picture, and they all saw it very clearly.

Boom! ! ! ! Boom! ! ! !

The interior of the spacecraft was constantly bombarded by the overflowing purple lightning! ! !

Zizi ... The terrible confrontation, accompanied by the wanton and violent energy aftermath, the super-strong energy storm destroyed everything in the spacecraft, leaving nothing behind! !

The surrounding walls! !

The ground under your feet! !

The supporting pillars! !

They were either destroyed in the aftermath of this battle or melted away in the intense high temperature! ! !

Finally, at the moment when the two of them crossed each other! ! !

In full view of the public! !

Saitama's fist slid past instantly! ! !

The full set of red! ! !

The huge full set of red! ! !

Appeared in the picture at this moment! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

Immediately afterwards, one of Boros's own arms was blasted into pieces by Saitama! ! !

Bang! ! !

Boros, who fell to the ground, took a look at his broken arm, and his eyes fell on Saitama again, with an excited and bloodthirsty smile on his face! ! ! !

He was laughing wildly.

He became even more excited! ! !

"Hahahahaha!!! You can fight me to this extent with my strength unleashed!!!"

" are really strong!!!"



One Punch Man World.

Tornado was no longer talking at this time. She widened her eyes and opened her Sakura peach mouth in shock.

"This...this guy is a C-class hero!?!?"

Silver Fang swallowed hard and looked at the president of the Hero Association who had already been scared silly.

Atomic Samurai no longer had the arrogance before. His eyes were full of fear. After a long time, he slammed the table and cursed:

"How is this ranking made!!! If such a terrifying guy is only a C-class hero, then what are we guys!?"

Among all the people present, only Genos was the happiest. He looked at the S-class heroes around him who were shocked by Saitama's strength with contempt.

The pride on his face was not concealed at all, and he said proudly:

"Let me tell you, the real strength of Mr. Saitama is not something you can evaluate!"

This time, no one refuted it...

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