Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 24, Rinnegan!? The End Of Sharingan Evolution!? (Seeking Flowers, Monthly Tickets And Evalua

Uchiha Madara in the picture was forced to retreat continuously.

Although he was powerful, he did not like to fight with his hands tied.

Then, he was controlled by Gaara to move away from the densely populated area of ​​the ninja alliance.


Seeing Uchiha Madara jumping and dodging on his sand, Gaara shouted immediately.


A sound like a bird chirping sounded! !

Uchiha Madara raised his head indifferently, and a huge blue energy ball appeared above him.

"Massive Rasengan!!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto shouted loudly, holding the Massive Rasengan and rushing towards Uchiha Madara! !

"Earth Style·Earthquake Core!!!"

Third Tsuchikage Ohnoki also took action!

He raised his hand and slapped the ground.


The ground under Uchiha Madara's feet suddenly rose, carrying him towards the Massive Rasengan in the sky! ! !

At this moment, Uchiha Madara seemed to be trapped in a dead end! ! !

He was forced to retreat! ! !


The viewers in all the worlds saw the scarlet eyes of Uchiha Madara in the picture, and the pattern in the eyes changed! ! !

The next moment...

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

A huge explosion sounded from the sky above Uchiha Madara! ! !

A huge air wave blew away all the ninjas around! ! !


A blue figure slowly rose in the explosion! ! !

Susanoo! ! !

The smoke and dust dissipated! ! !

Everyone looked at Uchiha Madara wrapped in the blue giant in astonishment.

The Third Tsuchikage looked even more solemn and said with reluctance.

"Have the eyes turned into Mangekyō Sharingan..."

And Uzumaki Naruto's attack had no way to break through Susanoo's defense.

This god-like giant made everyone feel desperate.

At this time, two long swords appeared in the hands of the giant Susanoo of Uchiha Madara.

All the ninjas tried to release their own ninjutsu at this moment, trying to break the defense of Uchiha Madara Susanoo with the collective strength.

However, their Fire Style, Water Style, Lightning Style, Wind Style, and Earth Style seemed so powerless at this moment.

Not to mention breaking the defense, it looked like it was tickling Susanoo.

At this time, Uchiha Madara also controlled Susanoo to move.

The huge long sword fell into the crowd at this moment.

Every slash and every cut was ruthlessly harvesting one life after another.

For Susanoo's attack, the ninjas present were like lambs to be slaughtered, looking at the long sword that slashed towards them with despair.

With a "boom" sound!

The ground shattered!

Dozens of lives died with the explosion.

No one knew how they should win.

The strength shown by Uchiha Madara was like a god.


Even as strong as Uchiha Madara, Gaara and others in the picture are unwilling to give up! !

"Are you ready, Naruto!!"

Gaara turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto.

At this time, he was trying hard to absorb natural energy to enter Sage Mode.

Soon, Uzumaki Naruto opened his eyes, and the unique eye shadow of Sage Mode appeared on his eyes.

"Sorry! I've been waiting for a long time!!"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Gaara.

The next moment...

A piercing sound came from Uzumaki Naruto!

A huge white shuriken appeared in his hand!

"Everyone!! Stay away!!"

Uzumaki Naruto's face was full of seriousness. This time they were going to fight back with all their strength!

"Go! Naruto!!"

Gaara waved his hand, and the sand around him poured down on Uchiha Madara's Susanoo.

"If this can't be broken from the outside like Uchiha Sasuke... then we can only rely on the sand under his feet!"

Gaara thought quickly and came up with a plan. The sandstorm in front was just a detailed attack. The real purpose was to pull Uchiha Madara out!

Gaara looked at his sand that had submerged most of Susanoo's body, and immediately raised his hand and made a gesture of grabbing something.


A ball of sand suddenly appeared at Uchiha Madara's feet and tightly wrapped around his ankles.

Then a force directly pulled him out of Susanoo.

After Uchiha Madara left Susanoo, he would face…

the Rasenshuriken thrown by Uzumaki Naruto!!!


Uchiha Madara's pupils dilated, and the pattern of the Mangekyō Sharingan changed again.

And the next second, the Rasenshuriken had already arrived in front of him.

The Rasenshuriken was swallowed up and disappeared in front of Uchiha Madara as if it had touched quicksand!!

Uzumaki Naruto fell to the ground, looking at Uchiha Madara who had absorbed his ninjutsu in disbelief.

Gaara and others were also shocked by Uchiha Madara's behavior.

They looked at Uchiha Madara's eyes, their eyes full of disbelief.

"Why…why did his eyes turn into Rinnegan?"

Uzumaki Naruto in the video looked at the Rinnegan in Uchiha Madara's eyes in shock, his mind went blank.


Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, he didn't expect that he would be forced to use Rinnegan by these ants.

He didn't plan to play with these ants anymore. He jumped back with a strong jumping force and jumped back to the Second Tsuchikage.

At this time, the Second Tsuchikage beside him suddenly spoke, but his voice was slightly changed.

"As I predicted, the Ultimate of Sharingan is Rinnegan."

The Second Tsuchikage's voice at this time seemed a little feminine.

But the information he said shocked the people in the Hokage world who watched the video.


Rain Country.

Akatsuki Organization Base.

"The Ultimate of Sharingan... is Rinnegan!? Then what's wrong with my Rinnegan!?"

Nagato's eyes widened, his face full of incredible shock.

You know, he always thought that the Rinnegan he was born with was given by God to let him change this bad world.

But now after hearing the words of the Second Tsuchikage in the video, he suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong.

He is from the Uzumaki clan, he knows it very well...

And Sharingan is a bloodline limit that only the Uchiha clan can possess.

Then the question is...

Why does he, as a member of the Uzumaki clan, possess the Rinnegan? ?

Could it be that...

Uzumaki Nagato realized a possibility.

In the Akatsuki organization, there is a guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara, but no one has ever seen his true face.

And in the picture, that Uchiha Madara is obviously from Impure World Reincarnation.

That is to say...

This Uchiha Madara in the Akatsuki organization is fake! !

Maybe he is even the culprit who allowed him to possess the Rinnegan! ?

At this moment, Uzumaki Nagato suddenly felt that his life seemed to be caught in a conspiracy, a conspiracy that could destroy the world! !

"Konan...Come find me!"

Nagato lowered his head, full of reluctance, but he immediately gave Konan instructions through the puppet.

He must find out who...

treats him as a pawn! !

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