Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 17: The Mythical Beasts Are Fighting, And A Traitor Has Appeared Among Us! ! (Begging For Fl

"What a powerful monster!"

Zero's Familiar World.

Louise's eyes widened as she stared at the screen in front of her.

"Louise will summon powerful familiars in the future." Cattleya gently hugged Louise and chuckled.

"Second sister...but I..."

Louise looked lonely when she heard Cattleya's words.

She has a title in the magic academy.

It's called 'Louise of Zero'.

This is actually a derogatory title in the academy because no matter which system or magic she uses, it will eventually fail, and the effects of the magic are all explosive.

As a result, she can't use any conventional magic at all, and she is even worried that she can't even use the magic to summon a familiar.

Catlia naturally heard the rumors about her silly sister at school. She gently buried Louise's head in her broad chest and comforted her softly:

"It's okay, Louise, you have to believe in yourself, you are the best Louise."

After saying that, the two sisters didn't continue to talk, but quietly focused their eyes on the transparent screen in front of them.

In the picture, an extremely fierce battle is erupting!

In the picture, the huge smoke produced by the explosion directly enveloped the black Karakura and two other mythical beasts.

It seemed to be bearing the huge impact of the explosion.

This is also what many people think in their hearts. After all, the number of the two sides is not equal, and few people are optimistic about the Karakura side, which is the weaker side in terms of number.


In an instant!!

A dazzling light burst out from the smoke!!

Latios and Latias flew out of the smoke, and the light enveloped them.

Then, their forms actually changed!!

Their arms became larger, their heads had more manes, the patterns on their abdomens were also transferred to their arms, and the color of their bodies became a mixture of blue and red.

At the moment of change, their flying speed actually had a huge leap!!

And the brightest light was in the smoke!!

The emerald green light turned into a strong airflow and instantly broke through the smoke, and a heroic dragon rushed out towards the light!!

Its appearance has changed a lot compared to before.

The black skin of Black Rayquaza has turned into a deeper black, and the scarlet lines on its scales give people a sense of Haki's mania, and the whole body shines with black and gold light.

The golden ring on the top of the head shines even more, and a Δ [Delta] pattern appears on the forehead.

The gum tissue has turned golden, and the lower pair of horns extend to the front of the mouth in a guarding shape! !

The upper horns, lower horns and tail end have long golden objects similar to ribbons, and the tentacles connected to the lower horns have a pattern similar to ∞.

The original ring pattern is inlaid with glowing golden gems! !

Super Karakura! ! !

Appearance! ! !

After Super Karakura appeared, Haki leaked out, and the terrifying momentum blew up a huge storm, forcibly blowing away all seven Pokémon led by Liberation Hoopa! !

Liberation Hoopa in the picture seemed to feel a huge threat.

The whole body exuded a thick black gas, and it seemed to be even more violent.

Roar! ! ! !

The black gas spread along it and spread to Kyurem's body.

Kyurem immediately struggled in pain, but his body began to emit the light of evolution! !

The dark power spread from his body, and his body changed rapidly.

Bang! ! !

The light of evolution dissipated! !

Dark Kyurem Overdrive Mode!!!


The power of Overdrive continued to explode and condense on Dark Kyurem's body.

Electric currents instantly gathered from its tail to its mouth!!!

[Frozen Volt!!!]


The Frozen Volt, formed by the dark + ice attribute energy, rushed directly towards Latias.

However, Latias's evolved speed was too fast!!!

Even in the face of the extremely fast Frozen Volt attack, it still dodged it easily.

Frozen Volt directly hit a building behind Latias.

Almost instantly, the entire building turned into an ice sculpture and was completely frozen.



Latios and Latias joined together and rushed towards the smoke in front of them.

However, after the smoke and dust, Dialga with scarlet eyes had already intercepted them in front of them.

The sudden appearance of Dialga really scared Latios and Latias, but they reacted very quickly, and their subconscious evasion allowed them to avoid collision with each other.

Dialga obviously didn't expect that these two little guys were as slippery as loaches. When it turned its huge body, Latios and Latias had already distanced themselves from it.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, in front of them.

Palkia had already prepared the Sub-Aerial Slash and swung it at them! ! !

Swish! !

Sub-Aerial Slash passed by Latios and directly slashed the building below.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The building was directly cut open, and the opening was extremely smooth! ! !

But this is not the end.

Latios, who had just dodged a fatal attack, immediately pulled up again the next second...

Because below, the only one that can't fly, Groudon's jet of fire has already hit them at a high speed! ! ! Gurgle Gurgle~~

Grawdo's flame temperature is comparable to the sun. It swept along the direction of Latios' flight, and everything it passed was melted into water by the scorching heat.

Compared with Latios and Latias flying at high speed in the air, Groudon, who can't fly, is more like a fool being teased at this moment, and can only watch their backs as they leave.

However, what Latios and his sister will face next is the oncoming Dark Kyurem!!

However, this time, Latios and his sister no longer have much room to avoid.

But at this time...

It may be that Latios and Latias's flying in the air annoyed Groudon, who can't fly.

It fired a full-power jet of flame at Latios in great anger!!


Latios immediately pulled up!!

Coincidentally, the space just pulled out exposed the Dark Kyurem in front of him.

Boom!! !!

Spraying colorful flames!!

Successfully hit Dark Kyurem!!!

Dark Kyurem fell to the ground in pain.

“??? A traitor appeared among us!?”

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