Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 99: The Birth Of Majin Buu Vegeta!!! The Fateful Battle!? (Please Customize)

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!

A series of explosions rang out!

Ye Ge's figure suddenly flew out from the ground, his face no longer had the previous ferocity, but was replaced by extreme fear.

"Where... are you!?"

Ye Ge looked around in panic.

It was the first time he felt the existence that brought him great oppression in the dark realm.

This made him unbelievable!!!

It was too scary!!

He looked around, but he couldn't see the figure of Sun Wukong at all, which made him nervous.

But Ye Ge knew very well that it was stupid to stay in place, so he began to fly around quickly.



Suddenly, Sun Wukong's figure flashed by and appeared behind Ye Ge, and a voice suddenly exploded in Ye Ge's ears!!


Ye Ge was shocked, and before he could react, he was hit hard on the back of his head!!!

It was Sun Wukong's hammer!!!


Ye Ge's eyes widened, feeling the pain in the back of his head, but his body could not resist such a terrible force at all, and he fell directly!!!


Ye Ge fell to the ground like a meteorite!!


The soil splashed!

A huge pit suddenly exploded!

Ye Ge crawled out of the pit, and used the surrounding rock walls to distance himself from Sun Wukong in a panic.

He had never dealt with such a situation before.

This should be his home court, but the situation was completely reversed.

In the darkness, he could not see Sun Wukong's moving figure at all, but Sun Wukong could clearly capture his moving trajectory.

This is simply a ghost!

Could it be that this Sun Wukong has the ability of night vision!?


Ye Ge suddenly saw an opportunity while escaping.

Because Sun Wukong stayed where he was and did not choose to chase Ye Ge, looking at the posture of Sun Wukong looking around, Ye Ge instantly understood that this Sun Wukong had no night vision at all.

Although he didn't know how the other party discovered his position, but now that Sun Wukong had his back to him, it was undoubtedly the best time for him to attack!

Murderous intent suddenly appeared!!!

The sharp blade quietly appeared from Ye Ge's arm.

At this moment, Yi Ge seemed to be a terrifying killer hidden in the dark minister

He instantly stuck to the position where Sun Wukong was!!

Ye Ge's face showed excitement

This is the best time for him to kill with one strike!!

And the result will be that he will chop off the opponent's head, then swallow it in one gulp, and enjoy the wonderful meal!!!


The sharp blade silently slashed towards Sun Wukong's neck!!



Sun Wukong squatted down suddenly as if he had a pair of eyes on his back!

The sharp blade swept across his hair, cutting off a few strands of hair!

And Sun Wukong's reaction was even faster, without giving Ye Ge a chance to distance himself, he retreated and kicked Ye Ge in the chest!

"Puff!! How is it possible!!!"

Ye Ge widened his eyes and looked at Sun Wukong's kick in disbelief.

He was completely unable to react, and the kick hit his side face directly, kicking his face crooked!

Kaioshin was stunned, he couldn't see what happened, but he heard Ye Wu's scream.

"What on earth is going on here? Son Gohan, do you know?"

At this moment, King Kai looked at Son Gohan for help, because Son Gohan and Vegeta were looking at a certain place calmly, as if they could see clearly what was happening there.

"I think I know."

Before Son Gohan could answer, Vegeta spoke first.

In the distance, Yego was kicked away by Son Goku and smashed directly into a rock wall in the distance, which was directly blasted into powder.


Yego got up with a painful wail and struggled to crawl out of the ruins.

He looked at Son Goku in disbelief: "Can you...see me?"

Son Goku sneered and said to Yego: "I say you look down on us too much, don't you? Although we can't see with our eyes, we can still know your movements. Moreover, there are many ways to see you... ”


In the picture, Sun Wukong's muscles swelled up visibly.


Accompanied by Sun Wukong's roar, golden energy instantly burst out from his body!!

At this moment, his pupils instantly turned dark green, and his hair began to stand up, and the color was also dazzling gold.

The dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire dark world.

"Right, now I can see where you are, even if you make this place darker, it's useless."

The dazzling light directly revealed Ye Ge's figure.

Another Dragon Ball World (early stage).

Vegeta looked at Sun Wukong in the picture in shock. Now he no longer thought about why he was with Sun Wukong.

What he cared more about now was Sun Wukong's form in the picture.


It's definitely not wrong!!

Super Saiyan!!!

Vegeta had a cold face and his eyes were full of disbelief [This Sun Wukong can transform into a Super Saiyan!?

This is incredible!!!

Even he, the Saiyan prince, can't transform into a Super Saiyan.

"The strongest Saiyan!? Are you kidding!!!"

Vegeta punched the sandbag beside him with an angry punch, his eyes full of anger.

The proud Saiyan prince will never allow himself to be inferior to anyone!!!

Unless he can't beat him...

The disaster world of Saiki Kusuo.

Saiki Kusuo looked at the Super Saiyan in the picture expressionlessly. At this moment, a look of shock appeared on his calm face.

"This... Such a strong energy!! I never thought that humans could reach this level. It's really interesting." Saiki Kusuo thought to himself. He always felt that it was a very troublesome thing for him to have superpowers, and it couldn't let him live a peaceful life.



The life of humans in that world is also very interesting?

If I have the chance, I really want to try the desserts in other worlds.


Qi Mu Kusuo looked calmly at the hand that suddenly rested on his shoulder.

"Why can't I detect this guy Ran Tang every time he appears... Damn it...

In the picture, Sun Wukong, who has transformed into a super harmful person, looks at Ye Fa with confidence.

And Ye Ge laughed.

"Ahahahahaha!!! Great, I'm sure to win this time!!"

Hearing Ye Ge's words, all the people watching the video were confused. They clearly felt the terrifying power emanating from Sun Wukong, but this Ye Ge actually said that he was sure to win!?

Does he have any trump cards that he hasn't used yet!?

The next moment, Ye Ge in the picture suddenly opened his mouth, and a terrifying attraction appeared from his mouth!!!

Everything around was instantly absorbed by the terrifying attraction, and even Sun Wukong was gradually pulled forward by this terrifying suction.

The most terrifying thing is that the Saiyan energy in Sun Wukong's body is actually However, at this moment, Yego was constantly absorbing it!!


With a golden light leaving Sun Wukong's body, Yego contentedly absorbed the Super Saiyan energy into his stomach.


Sun Wukong's Super Saiyan mode disappeared, which made him slightly stunned.

Yego burped, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Delicious! Such pure light energy is really delicious! If I can, I really want to eat it again!!"

Then, with the explanation of King Kai, all the people who watched the video knew that Yego actually used light energy as food, so the Super Saiyan energy in Sun Wukong was completely absorbed by Yego.

Afterwards, Sun Wukong, who knew Yego's ability, became more confident!

In the puzzled eyes of King Kai, he once again transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Yego was He laughed out loud. He didn't expect that Sun Wukong was so stupid that he turned into a Super Saiyan after knowing his ability.

Isn't this the food Chunchun brought him?!

He opened his mouth again!

The terrifying attraction broke out again!

But this time, Sun Wukong smiled faintly, not caring at all that Ye Ge absorbed his energy.

Soon, everyone found something wrong.

The terrifying energy on Sun Wukong was endless. No matter how Ye Ge absorbed it, the light on Sun Wukong didn't weaken at all.

And Ye Ge also found something wrong, but he found that he couldn't stop.


The energy on Sun Wukong suddenly disappeared, and a huge ball of energy was drawn out and rushed into Ye Ge's mouth!!

Ye Ge suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Sun Wukong in horror!

Ite..... .

His abdomen!!

So hot!!!

At this time, seeing the struggling Yego, everyone realized that Yego's belly had become so huge that it seemed to be about to burst at any time!

As Yego struggled, he wailed in pain.


His abdomen grew bigger and bigger!

The golden energy actually burst out directly through his skin!!



Yego exploded!!

He was actually blown up by the absorbed energy!!!

Countless people in the heavens and the worlds were stunned. They never expected that Yego's death would be so childish, and they never expected that "the energy burst from Sun Wukong's body would be so huge!

This Sun Wukong...

Is he really the strongest Saiyan!!!

Sun Wukong and his group solved Yego, and the surrounding environment was restored again.

And the entrance to the next level was opened again.

This time, King Kai did not hesitate. After seeing the powerful fighting power of Sun Wukong and others, he was more confident in the next battle to solve Babidi.

Everyone moved forward again and headed for the third floor of the spaceship!

The opponent on the third floor was the King of the Demon Realm, Dapura!!


"`"Are you going to escape!!!"

Son Gohan, who was fighting with Dapura, suddenly saw Dapura return to the hatch of the spaceship and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Escape? No! I just found that I don't need to fight by myself. I have found a warrior who is very suitable to fight with you.

Dapura said, took a deep look at Vegeta not far away, then turned around with a sneer and left the third floor!

Just when everyone didn't understand what happened!


A strange energy appeared in the third floor, and the next moment!!


Among the four people, Vegeta suddenly hugged his head and wailed in pain.


Others saw Vegeta's appearance and looked over in panic.

"This!! As expected!!!"

Kai-shin was undoubtedly the most panicked among all the people!

"Lord Kai, what's going on!?"

Looking at Vegeta's painful howling, Sun Wukong quickly looked at Kai-shin.

"Vegeta! Cheer up! Babidi wants to use the evil in your heart now!!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard what King Kai said!

"Babidi... wants to use him!?"


Vegeta burst out with extremely terrifying energy!

Instantly, he entered Super Saiyan mode!

"That's right! Babidi can freely control objects with evil thoughts!"

At this moment, they all understood what Dabura said, "I have reached the right warrior and that's who he was referring to!


Faced with this situation, neither Son Goku nor Son Gohan had any way to intervene and help Vegeta.

And Vegeta was surrounded by scarlet electric light!!

Super Saiyan second stage!?

Vegeta's eyes gradually became extremely cold, he looked at Son Goku coldly, and a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And on his forehead, I don't know when, there was an 'M' mark!

Demon Vegeta!! Born!! Country!.

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