Bell sound?

Where did it come from?

Who was ringing the bell?

Why did the bell ring?

The chat groups of the gods, the abyss, and the queen of gods were all muted? It seemed that all the gods in the strange world had sealed themselves off?

Chen Ge scanned the goddesses in his territory, and almost all of them had sealed themselves off. This was also the case last time.

"I am Sofia the Swan Princess..."

Swan Princess

"Hello Sophia, I am the lord here, Chen Ge."

Chen Ge smiled slightly.

"Lord...Chen Ge...Lord, are you really just a lord?..."

Sophia whispered.

She was extremely shocked.

How come there are so many goddesses in the territory of the man who awakened her? Although she is only a demigod, she has a talent that can see the extraordinary level of creatures. The

Dominant God!

The Pillar God!

The Creator!

The Original Creator!

The Destroyer!

The woman in the crystal coffin!

The extraordinary level even exceeds the upper limit of what she can see!

This looks like the land of the earthly kingdom!

How can it be so outrageous!

【Are you going to the ruins of the Kingdom of God or not? I, Andre, am a little afraid to go. The transmission time is delayed by ten seconds. If I encounter any evil gods, I will definitely die!】

【There is a chance to get special arms and godhood in the ruins of the Kingdom of God. How can I miss such a good opportunity! I, Luo Guangming, have borrowed a demigod high priest from the Temple of Life this time. I must get 760 godhood!】

【Damn it! I, Ma Cang Ye, also want to go to the ruins of the Kingdom of God, but I am in the Castle of God's Blood, and I haven't been turned into a vampire by Madam Gulina yet! If I leave now, it means I'm giving up the opportunity here!】

【I am Xerxes. I am already in the ruins of God’s kingdom. Currently I have encountered an angel of death, an angel of my original race, and have entered a battle of life and death!】

【I am Selina. I am also in the ruins of the Kingdom of God. My original race, the Abyss Witch, encountered a Succubus Queen. The Succubus Queen is so strong! This Succubus Queen actually wants to use force on me! Huh? Wait! My Abyss Witch seems to have been hit. The Abyss Witch was pressed under the Succubus Queen! Oh no! My Abyss Witch's clothes exploded! The Succubus Queen hugged my Abyss Witch and bit her!】

【What? The Abyss Witch's clothes exploded? Selina, can you take a screenshot and post it on the Lord's Channel? I am studying sketching, and I want to observe it. I have absolutely no evil thoughts! 】

Lord's Channel.

Various messages have been refreshed.

There are already students exploring the ruins of the Kingdom of God


【You received a private message from the Dark Queen!】

【You stinky man, come to my kingdom right now. Have you forgotten the promise I made to you? Come now. I have prepared a Hercules potion for you! After you take the Hercules potion, your strength will increase at least tenfold. Then, use your divine whip to severely whip me!

Chen Ge was just about to use the exploration opportunity to teleport to the ruins of the kingdom of God when the Queen of Darkness sent him a private message.


Although the Queen of Darkness chat group is muted, can we still send private messages? Is this woman so impatient?

In that case!

Satisfy this woman first!

After a little thought, Chen Ge accepted the invitation of the Queen of Darkness. With a flash of white light, he left the territory.

"Huh? Lord? I haven't finished speaking yet....Lord, you have awakened me. I can lead you to get the God King Fruit...."

The Swan Princess was stunned for a moment.

The God King Fruit?

Avril, Emile, and Ymir!

Three angels!

They stared at the Swan Princess!

The Great Hall of the Kingdom of God.

It was magnificent.

"You stinky man, you're finally here!"

The Dark Queen glanced at him with a reproachful look, and then stood up from the throne and threw a bottle of extraordinary potion. The Dark Queen walked to Chen Ge, knelt down with her back to him.


【You got the Hercules Potion! 】

Chen Ge took the potion

""Damn man, take the Hercules potion and increase your strength tenfold. I can't wait any longer! Every time the bell rings, I panic. I want you to beat me hard. I want to paralyze myself! I want to fall, I want to sink, I want to be unable to extricate myself, I want to be happy!"

The Queen of Darkness made a dreamlike voice.

Chen Ge smiled and took the Hercules potion.


【You took the Hercules potion!】

【You gain a tenfold strength boost!】

【The effect lasts for three hours!】


【The Hercules potion you took has mutated!】

【You have gained a hundredfold power boost!】

【The effect is permanent! 】

Instantly, a prompt appeared.



Is this the mutant talent of the woman who was forced to bind the crystal coffin in the Taoist temple?

Can the effect of extraordinary potions also mutate?

"Damn man, what are you waiting for! After taking the Hercules potion, your strength increased tenfold, don't you want to release the power!"

The Dark Queen, who was kneeling on the ground, urged again.


Chen Ge made a move!

The Whip of Divine Punishment emerged!

A hundred times the power was added!

A whip fell fiercely!

Crash! The

Dark Queen's robe was torn apart! Her beautiful back!

The skin was torn apart in an instant!

Bright red blood splashed!

With a plop!

The Dark Queen collapsed to the ground!

She couldn't even withstand a whip!

The Dark Queen let out a wail!


【The Desecrated Slate has completed a charge!】

【Recharge it four more times to gain the magic to kill the Overlord!】

"Stinky you you...How did you become so powerful?...Hurry up..."Hit me hard!" After howling! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Dark Queen became more and more excited!




Chen Ge sneered!

Swung the Whip of Divine Punishment!


Three lashes in a row!

The third lash fell!

With a bang!

The Dark Queen was whipped up!

The Dark Queen screamed and flew out!

She fell on the throne with a plop!

"After...The Queen fainted!"

The Queen of Darkness trembled all over!

She tilted her head and actually fainted!


She fainted just like that?



Chen Ge sneered, holding the Whip of God's Punishment, and walked towards the throne step by step. When Chen Ge was about to ascend the God's steps!



A roar!

""Get lost!"

A hideous shadow emerged!



Are there other men in the temple of the Dark God Queen's kingdom?


It seems not to be other men!

This seems to be the residual soul of the Dark God King!


This is not a residual soul!

This is the evil of the Dark God King!

It can be regarded as the obsession of the Dark God King!


Every time I whip the Dark God Queen?

Every time I torture the Dark God Queen?

The obsession of the Dark God King is watching in secret?

And once I want to touch the Dark God Queen?

The obsession of the Dark God King will jump out to stop me?

By the way, every time I whip the Dark God Queen?

The obsession of the Dark God King will not enjoy it, right?

Uh, this feeling...

Why is it so weird?...


The evil god roared again!

A flash of divine light!

Chen Ge was teleported!

The next second he was already in the territory!

"Lord, I can lead you to get the God King Fruit, which is in the old world! There is an old world teleportation tablet in your territory, and you can teleport to the old world at any time! If you eat the God King Fruit, you will definitely be promoted to God King in the future! After eating the God King Fruit, you will be promoted to the Creator and the Original Creator, and you will not suffer any divine punishment!"

The Swan Princess saw Chen Ge and shouted.


God King Fruit!

The effect is so strong!

The eyes of the two little angels Avril and Emile lit up!

"God King Fruit...Don't worry, let's go to the ruins of the Kingdom of God first. Princess Sophia has nothing to do, let's go to the ruins of the Kingdom of God together."

Chen Ge smiled, and the lord's will moved, and the Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Female Knights responded.


Use the opportunity to explore the ruins of the Kingdom of God!


Chen Ge led the Swan Princess, the Griffin Queen, and 10,000 Royal Griffin Female Knights into the ruins of the Kingdom of God!



As soon as they entered the ruins of the Kingdom of God, they saw the forbidden spells blasting!

One side is a legendary angel!

The other side is a legendary angel of death!


A glance swept over!

The next second!

Lord channel!

The scream of Xerxes of the Academy of God rang out!

【Damn it!】

【Chen Ge!】

【I met Chen Ge!】

【Ten thousand female griffin knights!】

【Chen Ge really has 10,000 Eagle Knights!】

【All of them have fair skin and beautiful looks!】

【They all have long legs! 】.

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 16:33

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