
Chaos Sun God?

Inviting me to join the giant chat group? Is this guy eyeing my God Stone?

Is this guy going to start a live broadcast?

Let me give him a reward?

I really have no interest in men!

My territory!

Until now!

There is only me, the only man!

In the future, there will only be me, the only man!


You can still join the chat group.

You may find something.

Chen Ge accepted the invitation


【You have joined the giant chat group!】

"Welcome newcomers to the group, I am Mitian...Hmm? God of Knowledge? Who is he? Is there a newly promoted Lord of Destruction in the Chaos God Realm? Chaos Sun God, can you tell me about the origin of this God of Knowledge?"

"God of Knowledge, sounds like a very ordinary god, but you are welcome to join. After all, you are the first male god to be personally invited by Chaos Sun God to join this group. By the way, I am Xingxing, you can call me Sister Xing."

"Welcome newcomers to join the group, newcomers, please show your photos! It's been almost 100 million years, and finally a new man has come, finally something new! By the way, newcomer, I'm Huotian, you can call me Sister Tian!"


A message flashed.

It seems?

These are three goddesses? 12




The names are very unique

"Good evening, ladies."

Chen Ge replied as he thought about it. He scanned the group member list and found that there were only six people in the group, including himself. Five people were online and only one member was offline.

That member was called the Brilliant Goddess.

Judging from the name, she should also be a goddess.


This giant chat group?

Could it be that Chaos Sun God created it?

Chen Ge suddenly thought of his hometown Blue Star, the mom-and-pop stores on the live broadcast platform. Chaos Sun God was a union account that specialized in pulling all kinds of rich people into the live broadcast room and working with female anchors to cheat the rich people's money.


【Chaos Sun God has started live streaming! 】

Suddenly, there was a message prompt.


A live streaming screen appeared in the giant chat group.

There was a man in the screen.

A man driving a golden chariot.

The man was wearing a golden mask.

His specific appearance could not be seen.

But his figure was extremely tall.



Golden Crow!

The one pulling the carriage was actually a Golden Crow!

Wait a minute!

This Golden Crow is so big!

It feels like it is at least a Creator-level Golden Crow!

This guy!

The cards are full!

"Are you going to the Chaos Sea?"

"Didn’t you just go there?"

"You want to find that thing?"

The three goddesses' messages flashed by.

"Brother God of Knowledge, I will show you how to cross the Chaos Sea, please give me a little reward!"

Chaos Sun God said



"Reward? What reward?"

The three goddesses' information flashed again.




In the live broadcast, a huge golden crow pulled a golden chariot, directly tearing through time and space, passing through endless thunder, and reaching an endless ocean!

This ocean!

Huge waves rolled!

Every splash seemed to be bigger than the entire weird world!

Indistinctly, you can see giant corpses churning out of the sea!

There are people!

There are beasts!

There are human heads and beast bodies!

There are six-armed corpses!

There are eight-armed corpses! There are headless giant corpses!

There are as if they stretch for millions of miles The corpse of a giant dragon thousands of miles away!


The huge corpses churning in the sea seemed to be awakened by the Golden Crow chariot, and roared one after another. A series of white bone hands rushed up to the sky, trying to pull the Golden Crow chariot down!


The Golden Crow pulling the chariot snorted coldly!

Instantly suppressed everything!


This Golden Crow? It seems to be more than the Creator level?

This Golden Crow?

Is it the level of the Primordial God?

The Primordial God is pulling the chariot for the Chaos Sun God?

Chaos Sun God?

He wants to give me a little shock?

Chen Ge was a little surprised.


【Your arcane eye resonates!】

【You have gained a chaotic divinity!】

【Chaos Godhood is the foundation of becoming the Lord of Destruction!

Suddenly, a prompt message appeared.


I watched the Chaos Sun God live broadcast crossing the Chaos Sea?

He actually got a Chaos Godhood? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This is also possible?

Chen Ge laughed.


In the live broadcast, a huge golden crow pulled a golden chariot across the boundless sea.

It crossed the endless thunder again.

The next moment, it seemed to have returned to the starting point.

"Brother God of Knowledge, my performance is over, it's time to give me some tips!"

The Chaos Sun God's voice sounded, and this guy's voice was full of expectations.


Give the Chaos Sun God a tip!

One hundred God Stones!

After a little thought,

Chen Ge gave a tip of one hundred God Stones.


【The God of Knowledge rewarded the Chaos Sun God with 100 divine stones! 】


There was a reward message.


"Divine Stone? One Hundred Divine Stones? Reward?"

"So it was this reward. I used to stay in a female villain chat group for a while. Those women were all dressed up and wanted to be rewarded every day! I am also a destroyer after all, how can I be in the same boat with those women!"

The three goddesses' messages flashed by.


There is actually a female villain chat group?

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

"One Hundred Divine Stones...Brother God of Knowledge, is my wonderful performance only worth 100 divine stones? You spent 6 million divine stones on that woman, and that woman didn't even want to be a guest in your kingdom of God. You gave me 2 million divine stones....No! One million! I will come to your kingdom as a guest right away!"

Chaos Sun God complained


"Six million divine stones?"

"Which woman did this newcomer give 6 million divine stones? In this era, didn’t the richest Golden Ancient Divine Emperor say that he only had 3 million divine stones in total?"

The three goddesses sent a voice message.

Their tone was full of surprise.

"If the three sisters start a live broadcast, I will reward them with a million divine stones."

Chen Ge replied.

"Live streaming? Impossible! I am Mitian!"

"Millions of God Stones...In this era, it is indeed a huge fortune, but I can’t start a live broadcast."

"I am not the kind of person who broadcasts live to beg for food! I will not broadcast live!"

The three goddesses refused directly.

Is that so?

The three sisters are very arrogant!

Chen Ge smiled, thought for a while, and thought to himself that he had watched the live broadcast of Chaos Sun God and obtained a Chaos Divine Nature, so it was reasonable to give him a little more reward.


Reward Chaos Sun God!

Ten thousand God Stones!


【The God of Knowledge rewarded Chaos Sun God with 10,000 divine stones! 】

Reward information

"Ten thousand divine stones? Hmm? Not bad! Good brother! I will accept the ten thousand divine stones from you, Big Brother Sun God! Brother, you are a really good person. I will give you an authority!"

Chaos Sun God smiled happily.


What authority?


【You have obtained permission to view the trading interface!】

【You have obtained the right to trade freely! 】

Chen Ge was curious, and a prompt message appeared. He was stunned for a moment. It turned out that this giant chat group needed permission to open the trading interface.


See what is available on the trading interface!


The trading interface appeared!

A magic ship came into Chen Ge's sight!

The Divine Emperor!

The original creator-level magic ship!

The price is one thousand divine stones!


One thousand divine stones?

Buying a magic ship of the original creator level?

One thousand divine stones?

For me who still has 90 million divine stones in stock?

Isn't that one dollar!


It should be one dime!

That's not right!

It should be one cent! It's too cheap!

Get it!

Chen Ge traded as soon as he thought about it.


【You purchased the Divine Emperor! 】


The next second!

A huge magic ship landed in the territory!


Just as Chen Ge was about to admire this original creator-level magic ship!

The broken Taoist temple suddenly flashed with a faint light!

The appearance of the Divine Queen changed!

She turned into a woman!


She didn't turn into a woman!

At this moment, the Divine Emperor looked like a woman!


It should be said that the Divine Emperor was made of a woman's divine body and various materials!



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