
, the bitch Queen of Light is so impatient.

"woman...You are a little too impatient."

Chen Ge chuckled.


Bo Saixi was stunned.

Chen Ge?

What do you mean?

Did I misunderstand?

Did he think I fell in love with him at first sight?

"who...Are you anxious?"

Bo Saixi asked

"There is a woman who wants me to whip her with a whip every day. If I don't whip her for a day, she will feel uncomfortable. After the woman satisfied herself, she turned her face and refused to recognize me. The world is going downhill."

Chen Ge replied.


Emile, the Griffin Queen, the Star Witch Gloria, the Sky Maiden Lorca and ten thousand Griffin female knights were a little confused for a moment. Emile blinked.

What's going on?

Why haven't I seen the Lord whip anyone with a whip?


Isn't he often kicked by the Elf Goddess at night?

Every night!

Elf Goddess!

Just like those lowly succubi in the abyss!

She is having fun playing games with the Lord!

"that...Lord...Can I experience the feeling of being whipped?..."

The Griffin Queen's Secret Soul Transmission

"you...What are you talking about?"

Bo Saixi blushed slightly.

"I'm telling the truth. Okay, beautiful lady, I have to go back and whip that woman. You didn't get through the Lord's Cemetery, but you can enter the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery, so I believe you can leave easily."

Chen Ge smiled and turned around with his men and flew towards the portal.

"Chen Ge! You know football, right? You know that 12 players can be rented out, right? Can you rent your little fallen angel to me for a few days? I promise I won't mess around! I don't dare to mess around! I just want to hold her to sleep!"

Bo Saixi hurriedly followed.

""Tsk! Woman! This baby has to eat at least a hundred divine stones every day! Can you afford to support this baby!"

Emile snorted.


Poseidon was dumbfounded.

This little fallen angel of Chen Ge?

Consume at least a hundred divine stones a day?

Who can afford to support this?

Star Witch Gloria and Goddess Luojia, two true god-level special soldiers, were stunned for a moment when they heard Emile's words. Goddess


At this moment, a question arose in her heart!


Is it?

The asking price is too cheap?

Chen Ge's territory

【My frost dragon! My frost dragon! My original legendary race! Chen Ge! You are such a demon! You must have believed in some abyssal demon god! Wait! When the lord who believes in the god of light rises, you, Chen Ge, will die!】

【I am Xerxes, a student of God's College. Although I ranked second in the first wave of impact, only one place lower than Chen Ge, and my original race is an angel symbolizing light, I am a little panicked now and dare not challenge Chen Ge!】

【I am Gonzalez, and I am a little panicked now! My original race is the Light Elf, and the Light Elf believes in the Goddess of Light. I am also the Chosen One of the Goddess of Light. I have also joined the Temple of Light. I have received a mission without a time limit, which is to drive away all darkness. I am considering whether to quit the Temple of Light!】

【I am Mei Xi. This is my first time to speak on the Lord Channel. I am a student of the God Academy! I just completed a mission and joined the Temple of Light. I am also a little panicked!】

【I, Luo Guangming, am the true believer of the Goddess of Light. I am not panicking, so why are you panicking? No matter how powerful Chen Ge is, he is just one person. We can form the Brotherhood of the Temple of Light! 】

Lord Channel.

Some guys are chatting about random things.


【Your Broken Taoist Temple is forcibly bound to the Star Witch Gloria!】

【Your territory's population +1!】

【Your broken Taoist temple is forcibly bound to Luojia, the Eastern Goddess!】

【Your territory's population +1!】

"Star Witch Gloria, from this moment on, even if you are killed by the Primordial God or even by the Destroyer, you can be resurrected instantly! Drive this magic ship Apostle and go fishing for stars in the astral world. Don't let me down!"

Gloria and Luo Jia sensed the extremely strange mysterious power and saw the goddesses one by one. While they were amazed, Chen Ge made a move and 500,000 God Stones appeared.


500,000 God Stones flew in front of Gloria.

"This is your food. As long as you can fish for the stars, even if they are not complete stars, you will be rewarded!"

Chen Ge made another move, and the magic ship Apostle flew in front of Gloria.

"Gloria will definitely not let the Lord down!"

Gloria took a deep breath, barely suppressed the ups and downs of the Lord's heart, carefully accepted the 500,000 God Stones, saluted Chen Ge with a look of speed, and boarded the Apostle magic ship.


Star Witch!

Activate the talent of the Star Chaser!

Teleport to the Star Realm!

Start fishing for stars!

"Owner...like...Not short of divine stones at all?"

The goddess Luo Jia also took a deep breath and suppressed the ups and downs of her heart. At this moment, she thought of the scene in the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery where she asked for a thousand divine stones. She felt like she was struck by lightning.


Chaos God Realm!

The goddess clan!

I've lost a lot!

"Stay in the territory and practice hard. If you perform well, you will be rewarded."

How could Chen Ge not understand Luo Jia's thoughts? With a wave of his hand, 500,000 divine stones flew in front of Luo Jia.

"Luo Jia will not let her master down!"

The goddess Luo Jia was extremely excited. She put away the 500,000 magic stones and bowed deeply.

Chen Ge smiled and thought to himself, the magic stone is really a good thing. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


That's right!

I saw the beautiful Bo Saixibo with my own eyes today!

The beautiful Bo didn't get through the Lord's Cemetery but was able to enter the portal of the Ten Thousand Races Cemetery!

From this, it can be inferred that the beautiful Bo and the Tongtian Magic God of the Austrian Empire are not just the same in appearance!

By the way!

I started with a Taoist temple and 100 million magic stones!

Could it be that I exchanged with the beautiful Bo by chance?

Originally, it should have been the beautiful Bo who got a Taoist temple and 100 million magic stones!


"A mysterious emperor emerged from the mortal world. I speculated that he was a fallen ancient god who was reborn and tried to walk the path of the gods! This mysterious emperor really has something. Even I, the god in charge of the mortal world, cannot check his territory!"

"There is an extremely strange power in his territory. As long as that strange power covers a certain area, I will lose my perception of that area before I even have time to check it!"

"Under the rules of the Supreme Will, I have used the power of Dream God to reinforce the fourth wall. This mysterious emperor will never be able to expand his territory easily again!"

"I am the Lord of Gray Mist, the ruler of the world, how can I allow anyone to break the rules of the world!"


The chat group of the gods.

The Lord of Gray Mist sneered.


Chen Ge raised his eyebrows and swept towards the fog outside the territory. The angel army seemed to be trapped in a dream.

No wonder!

The expansion of the territory has slowed down recently!

Under normal circumstances!

Two hundred true god light and dark angels!

Within a day, they should be able to sweep across several major empires in the weird world!

Sweep the Silver City!

Push down the God Blood Castle!

"The Secret Emperor...Is it possible that the mysterious emperor was the emperor of the Austrian Empire back then?"

"Offa Empire...I don't want to see these four words. Emperor Offa and Queen Offa are not powerful figures, but that figure is too scary!"

"The Tower of Babel hasn’t collapsed yet!"

"Don’t mention those two, Hercules is so scared of them!"

"My body was sealed by the deep sea clan, and I temporarily lost control of the major sea areas. I can feel that some changes have occurred.���When I break free of the seal and regain control of the seven seas, I will find out everything!"

"Hmm? Seagod? Your true body is sealed? When the goddesses started live broadcasting, you gave them gifts to invite them to your kingdom of God. Do you have too many God Stones to spend?"

327"I am happy to do it!"

The chat group of the gods.

The information of the gods was swiped


【You have received a private message from the Queen of Light!】

【You stinky man, what are you still hesitating about? I will give you ten seconds. If you don’t come to my kingdom within ten seconds, I will expel you from the Queen’s chat group forever! 】

At this time!

The Queen of Light sent a private message!

This woman is urging again!

"Let's go teach the Queen of Light a lesson first, and then come back to fix the fourth wall! Oh, bring the blasphemous slate with you, so you can test the charging method of the blasphemous slate!"

Chen Ge thought for a moment, accepted the invitation of the Queen of Light, and teleported in a flash of white light.

This time,

Chen Ge appeared directly in the magnificent temple.

"Stinky man!"

"Despicable man!"

"Punish this queen!"

The Queen of Light saw Chen Ge and impatiently climbed up from the throne, rushed down from the steps, and knelt in front of Chen Ge!


Chen Ge sneered!

No mercy!

The Whip of God's Punishment appeared! A ruthless whip fell!

This whip directly hit the Queen of Light's skin and flesh!

Blood splattered!

The Queen of Light howled miserably!

Like a dog wagging its tail for mercy!


Chen Ge quickly entered the executor state!

Punished the Queen of Light fiercely!

The ninth whip fell!


���Prompt message appears!


【You triggered the Blasphemous Slate!】

【The Desecrated Slate has completed a charge!】

【Recharge nine more times to obtain the divine power to kill the Overlord God! 】


The recharge was successful!

And recharge ten times!

Desecrating the stone tablet will kill the Overlord God!

Chen Ge grinned!

Speed up the punishment!


Another prompt appeared!


【The blasphemy slate automatically engraved the scene after you blasphemed the God of Light! 】.

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