"My Lord!"

"Is she pretty?"

"I am waiting for you in the temple!"

The Goddess of Light flew into the Seraph Temple in all her splendor.

The Griffin Goddess and the 10,000 Royal Female Knights of the Griffin Kingdom were stunned again. Is this really the pure, holy and noble Goddess of Light who was born in the glorious day?

A creator!

She is just like those lowly women who sell their bodies in the mortal world! What is wrong with this world! Why have the goddesses fallen collectively!

""My Lord, the Goddess of Light has fallen, but I haven't fallen yet! My Lord, when will I fall?" The

Elf Goddess smiled foolishly.

The Goddess of Life frowned slightly.

After some hesitation, she flew into the Podao Temple.

The Goddess of Death, the Goddess of Magic, the Goddess of Luck, the Sixteen-winged Angel, the Goddess of Time, and the Queen Eve, these goddesses thought for a while and also flew into the Podao Temple.


My Lord, it’s getting dark, I’m so scared!

���Inside the Angel Temple, the voice of the Goddess of Light was heard.

The Griffin Queen and the others listened.

Once again, their worldview was greatly impacted.


The followers of the Goddess of Light!

Saw the goddess they believed in!

They bewitched a man like this!

Their brains would explode!

Late at night

【Haha! I learned my lesson this time! I borrowed troops from both the Temple of Light and the Temple of the Goddess of Life. I borrowed fifty epic Knights of Light and fifty epic Life Priests! With Life Priests as my nurse, I marched cautiously in the Lord Cemetery. I have already taken down six Lord Cemeteries, and obtained 1 million Lord Points and a lot of supplies!】

【You can't play my tricks at all! Thank you, Her Majesty the Goddess of Light, thank you, Her Majesty the Goddess of Life! Believer Luo Guangming will definitely not let the two goddesses down! 】

Lord Channel.

Luo Guangming spoke loudly.

Chen Ge's territory.

Inside the Seraph Temple.

Chen Ge just smiled slightly.

He began to feel the Goddess of Light's attack speed at full speed.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

Chen Ge called the goddess of luck, took Avril, Emile, and Ymir, the three angel legion commanders, boarded the Holy Angel, and directly used the rewarded opportunity to go to sea.


A flash of white light.



A smell of the sea hit me.

Chen Ge was a little surprised that there was such a bright sea in the strange world shrouded in fog.





I thought I had arrived at a famous resort island on Blue Star.


Before Chen Ge could appreciate the beautiful sea view, there was suddenly a thunder, the bright sky darkened, and the originally calm sea surface was shocked by the waves.


In the deep sea!

With a roar, a snake over a kilometer long rushed out!


Not only a thousand-meter-long snake!

There was also a woman wearing a gown decorated with shells!

"Mermaid Princess, where else can you run to! Follow me to Paradise Island honestly. Only the offspring born from our union can open the ancient seal of Paradise Island and get that thing! With that thing, our deep-sea clan will have the opportunity to become gods and even overthrow the rule of the gods!"The thousand-meter-long snake roared violently!


【You have encountered the demigod Deep Sea Serpent!】

【You encountered the demigod mermaid princess!]


Two demigods?


This deep sea serpent is plotting so loudly?

Isn't it afraid of being heard by the sea god?

The several sea areas in the strange world?

They should all be ruled by the sea god, right?



While Chen Ge was thinking, the two demigods, the deep sea serpent and the mermaid princess, released forbidden spells at the same time, and the sea area was set off by terrifying waves.

However, the Holy Angel remained motionless.

After all, it was a dominant magic ship. How powerful could the forbidden spells released by the two demigods be?


【I'm a bit unlucky. I just took advantage of the opportunity to go out to sea today. I didn't expect that as soon as I was teleported to a sea area, I encountered a fight between two demigods!】

【My legendary magic ship, the Nautilus, was affected by the power of the forbidden spell and was shattered to pieces before it could even change its form!】

【If it weren't for my special original race, I might have died! The strange world is too dangerous. I, Norton, am at least the third-ranked student, and I almost died today!】

【Alas! I am Norton! Unlucky Norton! My legendary Nautilus that can be automatically upgraded! 】

Lord Channel.

Someone sighed.


This sea area?

The third-ranked guy also happened to be teleported here? (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then this guy is really unlucky.

The legendary magic ship can't withstand the power of the forbidden spell.

Chen Ge smiled.



"You have the blood of the ancient lord of the deep sea. You refuse to join forces with our deep sea clan. Once the sea god breaks free from the divine seal, he will not let you go!"

"Ajani, Poseidon is cruel, do you want to be tortured by him?"

"Mortal lord on the magic ship over there, help me capture the mermaid princess, and we, the deep sea clan, will ally with you, and I will send you to Paradise Island! I know what you mortal lords need most, and Paradise Island has everything you want!"

At this time, the deep sea snake roared again. He also shouted towards Chen Ge.


The mermaid princess is called Ajani?

Such a familiar name?

A movie scene appeared in front of Chen Ge. It was a woman with a beautiful face and figure. The woman was possessed and fantasized about being severely tortured by an indescribable demon.


The forbidden spell was released again!

The forbidden spells blasted against each other!

Such a large area of sea! It was split in an instant!

Just like the legendary Moses splitting the sea!

"Mortal Lords, what are you waiting for! You mortal lords are most in need of godhood, and Paradise Island has an ancient relic that can be used to create godhood! Help me capture the mermaid princess, and I will take you to Paradise Island immediately!"

The Deep Sea Snake seemed a little anxious, and shouted to Chen Ge again, revealing an explosive news!

Paradise Island!

There is an ancient relic!

It can create godhood!

Chen Ge was a little surprised to hear this news. Godhood is extremely scarce in the weird world. Normally, the only way to obtain godhood is to kill the old gods.

The old gods fall. Only then can the new gods take the throne.

The goddess of luck widened her eyes.

It seemed that all the gods had heard the rumors about this ancient relic.


This sea area!

Another forbidden spell blast!

The waves splashed!

"Forehead...These two demigods have been fighting for so long without a clear winner. How can the Deep Sea Clan be so weak? In the ancient times, any Deep Sea Snake could kill a True God with one bite! This race has degenerated so badly!"

The little fallen angel Emile commented casually, taking out a divine stone and chewing on it.

"Mortal Lords...What! God's Stone! Huh? Angel? Wait! True God's Breath! You, you, you! How come all three angels on your magic ship are True Gods! In this era, apart from those fallen angels in the abyss, there are no True God-level angels! No! How come there is a goddess on your magic ship!"The

Deep Sea Snake roared at Chen Ge again. He was too focused on the battle just now and didn't care about who was on Chen Ge's magic ship. This time, he saw the God's Stone in Emile's hand at a glance! The

Deep Sea Snake was stunned!

Sweeping the little Seraph!

Sweeping the Angel of Death!

Sweeping the Goddess of Luck!

The Deep Sea Snake was stunned!

No (money) power!

The first wave of impact just ended!

How could a mortal lord have True God-level troops!

"Mysterious Lord, I am Menggal from the Deep Sea Clan. I am here to ally with you on behalf of the Deep Sea Clan!"

Deep Sea Snake!

Lower your giant snake head!


Chen Ge shouted casually.


Angel of Death Ymir!

The Grim Reaper swung his scythe!


The Deep Sea Snake suddenly raised its head. As a demigod, it could sense the rapid loss of its life force. It screamed in fear and wanted to escape into the sea!

The next second! Its soul had been harvested by Ymir!


The body of the thousand-meter-long snake fell into the sea!


A mysterious black light appeared!

It swallowed the body of the thousand-meter-long snake!

It was also at this moment!

Chen Ge sensed!

There was a demigod-level angel of death in his territory!



The violent sea water gradually calmed down!

The pale-faced mermaid princess suddenly came to her senses!


The mermaid princess flew to the deck of the Holy Angel! She half-knelt on the ground in front of Chen Ge!

"Ajani surrenders!".

Share: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 15:26

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