【Ha ha!】

【I completed a hidden quest!】

【I became the chosen one of the Goddess of Life. I obtained a drop of the Fountain of Life. A drop of the Fountain of Life can turn the bones of legendary creatures or even demigods into flesh and blood, and they can be revived as long as they still have a breath!】

【Now I, Luo Guangming, am the chosen one of both the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Life. I have dual beliefs! The Temple of Light and the Temple of Life actually allow dual beliefs! This is comfortable, this is comfortable! 】

Chen Ge just opened the chat group of the gods, the Lord channel, and Luo Guangming suddenly laughed.

【Oh my god!】

【How can it be like this!】

【I thought you became a hermaphrodite and could be self-sufficient!】

【Dual Faith...If I become a believer of both the Goddess of Magic and the Goddess of Death, can I become a melee mage?】

【Dual beliefs? Dual citizenship, flexible nationality, right? 】

Various information flashed by.

Chen Ge smiled.

Luo Guangming believed in both the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Life. He had conquered the Goddess of Light on the first day, and today he conquered the Goddess of Life.

One day in the future, when this guy sees with his own eyes the two goddesses he believes in, being embraced by him, without him having to do anything himself, his faith will collapse and his head will explode.

The textbook of Yanlong Academy mentioned the collapse of faith.

The collapse of faith is an extremely terrible thing.

Once it collapses, no matter whether it is a mortal or a god, their brains will explode.

"Her Majesty the Goddess of Life has awakened!"

"Her Majesty the Goddess of Life is not involved in any worldly affairs!"

"Has Her Majesty the Goddess of Life been promoted to the Creator?"

"Your Majesty the Goddess of Life, be careful of a bastard called the God of Knowledge. I don't know where that guy got a lot of divine stones from, and that guy has corrupted the atmosphere of the gods' chat group!"

"Originally, the chat group of the gods was equal, harmonious, and peaceful. But because of the God of Knowledge, the chat group of the gods became tainted with comparison, depravity, and greed!"

The gods began to praise the goddess of life.

At the same time, they criticized Chen Ge.


【Hercules rewarded the Goddess of Life with a magic stone!】

【The God of the Sea rewarded the Goddess of Life with a magic stone!】

【The God of War rewarded the Goddess of Life with a magic stone!】

【The God of Machinery has rewarded the Goddess of Life with a divine stone! 】

A series of reward messages flashed by.


Chen Ge laughed.

He didn't make a move directly.

Instead, he silently activated the Eye of Arcane.

He looked at the Goddess of Life.

【Goddess of Life: Creator, in charge of the authority of the laws of life in the strange world, and the fountain of life coveted by the gods! 】


I saw something.


The next second, the simplified character panel of the Goddess of Life was refreshed.


Three-dimensional data 95/62/93?

This figure is a bit too exaggerated.

Just from the naked eye, it can't be seen at all.

This figure is actually a little better than that of the god of love.


【The Lord of Gray Mist gave the Goddess of Life 100 divine stones! 】

At this time, another reward message flashed.

"Goddess of Life, can you come to my kingdom as a guest? Just once!"

The Lord of Gray Mist sent a message.

The Goddess of Life did not respond with a cold face.


She responded!

A line of words appeared on the Goddess of Life's live broadcast screen!

【I have a mine at home, please don't give me a reward, the magic stone is not easy to come by, everyone keep it for yourself! 】



I have a mine at home?

This scene looks so damn familiar!

Chen Ge laughed.

Thinking back to my hometown Blue Star, when I was browsing various live broadcast platforms, I would see those female anchors who claimed to be rich women. Occasionally, there were a few who were really rich women, but most of them were definitely just to establish a persona.

What's the point of establishing a persona?

Isn't it just to hook up with local tycoons in private!

I have a mine at home?

How many magic stones can you, the goddess of life, have!

"Ha ha!"

"Her Majesty the Goddess of Life is indeed a goddess with perfect character!"

"Your Majesty the Goddess of Life, I, Hercules, kneel before you. From now on, you will be my only one!"

"God of Knowledge, have you seen that? Her Majesty the Goddess of Life has a mine at home and does not need your stinky divine stone!"

"God of Knowledge, if you still reward the Goddess of Life, you will bring shame upon yourself!"

The message from the gods flashed across


【You received a private message from Lucifer!】

【Good brother, don't give the goddess of life a reward this time. I know this woman very well! Since this woman has set up a memorial archway and said that her family has a mine, then no matter how many divine stones you give her, you can't impress this woman!】

【That’s right! This woman! She must have obtained a five-color divine law in the Chaos Divine Realm, so this woman compared herself to the Goddess of Night, and she was very proud!】

【Good brother, invest in me, Big Brother Nilu! I will be promoted to the original creator, and I will show you the most fun things in the Abyss. There are so many fun things in our Abyss!】

【Good brother, I can give you 10,000 succubi! 】

Lucifer sent a private message

"In this era, the Goddess of Night is short of divine stones, and the Goddess of Life is definitely short of divine stones. Her price in mind should be five million divine stones!"

Chen Ge's territory.

The eyes of the magic goddess moved.

"Goddess of Life...I don't like her, the Lord tricked her here and beat her hard with the Whip of God's Punishment!"

The Elf Goddess smiled evilly.

"Why do I feel like the Goddess of Life, by setting up this memorial arch, is trying to lure the Lord into a trap?"

The bad woman's voice of the Goddess of Light sounded.

"God of knowledge!"

"Why don’t you say something!"

"God of Knowledge, don’t think that the magic stone is omnipotent!"

"God of Knowledge, this time you don't even dare to give a reward!"

The gods were criticizing again.


Eye of the Arcane!

Look at the Goddess of Life again!

Chen Ge activated the Eye of the Arcane again.


A strange scene appeared!

Above the head of the Goddess of Life in the live broadcast!

A number appeared!

5 million!


5 million divine stones is the psychological price of the Goddess of Life?


Give a reward!

Just give a reward of 5 million!


【The God of Knowledge rewarded the Goddess of Life with 5 million divine stones! 】

Reward information!

Super bold color font!

This moment dominated the screen!

The chat group of gods!


And in the next second!

The Goddess of Life, who established the character of having a mine at home! Her originally cold face!

Instantly smiled like a flower!

"God of knowledge, I admit that you have impressed me. Please invite me to your kingdom of God!"




The chat group of gods!

Many gods are shouting!

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