
The clouds and mist dissipated.

A kingdom of God that was larger than the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light combined appeared in Chen Ge's eyes.


【You have discovered the kingdom of Chaos God King!】

【You have received a reward of 5 million Lord Points!】

【Your current lord points have exceeded 35 million! 】

A prompt appeared.

Chen Ge was a little surprised.

It was the first time he received such a reward.


The door of the Chaos Kingdom opened, and Chen Ge floated in. With a loud bang, the door of the Kingdom of God closed tightly.

"I don't care whether you are a god or a mortal. I just want you to take out the Whip of God's Punishment and whip me hard!"

The Queen of Chaos on the throne of Chaos swept over with a cold look. This woman who looked like the God of Love walked down from the throne barefoot.

She walked in front of Chen Ge.

With her back to Chen Ge, she knelt on the ground.

"hurry up!"

"Use all your strength!"

""Crank this queen!"

Another cold voice.


Chen Ge only smiled faintly, and with a casual move, the Whip of Divine Punishment appeared. Without any hesitation, he whipped the back of the Chaos Queen who was kneeling in front of him!


The whip fell!

The divine robe was torn!

A blood mark appeared on the snow-like back!

The Chaos Queen trembled!


Chen Ge whipped down again!


Blood splashed!

The bright red blood splashed on his face!

This sacred Chaos Kingdom Temple!

Originally bright!

At this moment, it darkened!

Adding a lot of mysterious atmosphere!


From beginning to end!

The Chaos Queen did not make any sound!

She seemed to be holding back!


Chen Ge whipped down again!

This time!

Only a woman screamed!

The Chaos Queen was beaten to the ground by this whip!


【The chaos tide erupts in the strange world!】

【All lords will receive gold coin treasure chest rewards!】

【The contents of the gold coin treasure chest are random!】

【Please open with caution! 】

Lord channel.

Red message brushed


【Chaos Tide? Another sudden event? Dark Tide? Light Tide? Now it's Chaos Tide? Huh? I dropped a gold coin treasure chest here!】

【A gold coin treasure chest also appeared in my territory!】

【I have a gold coin chest too!】

【I used a magic ship to go out to sea before, and found a hero tavern on the sea. As long as you have gold coins, you can summon heroes. Ten million gold coins can summon one hero! I have my eyes on a legendary witch, and I hope the gold coin treasure chest will give me 10 million gold coins!】

【Let go of that witch and let me do it!】

【Damn! The last time the Dark Tide came, my frost dragon's leg was broken, and it hasn't recovered yet! I asked the Undead Princess, and I can buy a potion to cure the frost dragon for 5 million gold coins! A gold coin treasure chest, right? Give me some gold coins! 】


Various messages flashed by


【You got a gold coin treasure chest! 】

A prompt also appeared in front of Chen Ge. The gold coin treasure chest did not fall into the territory, but appeared directly in the parcel column of his lord panel.

Chaos Tide?

Everyone can get a gold coin treasure chest?

That's it?

Chen Ge shook his head slightly.

He waved the Whip of Divine Punishment and continued to torture the Queen of Chaos. After a few whips, the Queen of Chaos suddenly trembled and wailed. A puddle of water appeared on the originally spotless floor of the Chaos Kingdom Temple. Hmm? This woman? That's it? Chen Ge chuckled.


【You got 10 gold coin chests!】


【Your arcane eye resonates!】

【You whipped the Queen of Chaos and got a million God Stones!

Suddenly, another prompt appeared.


Whipping the Queen of Chaos?

Can it get God Stones?


How can I miss this opportunity!


Explode God Stones for me!

Chen Ge whipped faster!




On one side, the Queen of Chaos wailed!

On the other side, prompts appeared continuously!


【The Eye of Arcane resonates!】

【You beat the Chaos God and one million divine stones exploded!】

【You beat the Chaos God and one million divine stones exploded!】

【You beat the Chaos God and one million divine stones exploded!】

【You whipped the Queen of Chaos and she exploded 1 million divine stones! 】

In the blink of an eye!

4 million divine stones exploded!

Come again!

Chen Ge continued!

The Queen of Chaos let out another excited wail!


I thought!

She would continue to explode divine stones!

Unexpectedly, a message suddenly flashed!


【You beat the Queen of Chaos and drained her dry! 】

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