
Chaos Angels Tower?

As long as you are promoted to Creator?

With the Fountain of Life, you can summon infinite light and dark angels?

Does this mean you can produce infinite troops?

And they are all top-level troops?

Chen Ge smiled.


The Whip of Divine Punishment!

Another whip fell fiercely!

This whip hit the lower back of the Dark Queen!

The Dark Queen trembled!


The Dark Queen had no intention of letting Chen Ge stop!

Chen Ge swung the whip!

It was like scolding a disobedient shepherd dog!

Whipped fiercely!

After several hours.

Chen Ge returned to the territory.

The dark tide of the strange world stopped almost at the same time.




A series of prompts appeared


【Your lord points have exceeded 8 million!】

【Your territory has exceeded 220 miles in radius!

Taking advantage of the dark tide, the two little angels led their light and dark angels to help Chen Ge harvest a large number of lord points and obtain a lot of weapons and equipment.

However, the highest level is the legendary level, which Chen Ge no longer looks down on. He activated the Eye of Arcane, swept across the ten dark angels, and smiled again.

The ten dark angels.

Everyone has the talent of the King of Angels.

This means that they can all be promoted to the King of Angels.

The King of Angels.

Equivalent to the Creator.

If the light and dark angels summoned by the Chaos Angel Arms Tower also have the talent of the King of Angels like the ten light angels and the ten dark angels, then all the angels summoned in the future can be promoted to the Creator.

Just imagine.

Having an army of angels composed of the King of Angels.

And there are also infinite magic power and infinite energy talents.

What gods!

What Lord of Gray Mist!

What Seven Sins of the Abyss!

What Abyss Giant Lucifer!

All of them are smashed to pieces!

"So...Where is the Fountain of Life?...If I capture the goddess of life, will my territory have an extra fountain of life?..."

Chen Ge whispered.

He thought of the Goddess of Life.

He opened the chat group of the gods.

He found that the chat group of the gods was still in a muted state.

He opened the chat group of the abyss.

The muted state of the abyss chat group had been lifted.

"The wind in the abyss today is particularly noisy!"

"The Day of Sinking seems to have grown a little bigger. If the Day of Sinking devours the Day of Glory, we, the demon gods of the abyss, should be able to easily defeat the gods of the Great Light. It’s exciting just to think about it!"

"The Dark Moon Goddess hasn't been online for several days. Her Majesty, could she have gone to the Sun of Sin?"

"I really want to rob the God of Knowledge, kill him and get some gold coins! No! Not gold coins! But God Stones!"

"The sunset is so beautiful, but it is almost dusk!"

The Seven Deadly Sins of the Abyss, the Lord of Decay and other guys were chatting about nothing, as if they all accepted that the strange bell sound yesterday did not exist.

Chen Ge looked at the Broken Taoist Temple.

The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, the Goddess of Magic, and the Goddess of Dark Moon were still in a self-sealed state.


【My frost dragon is lame!】

【My farm was completely destroyed, and the granary was blown away by the red dragon's breath. I, Andre, suffered heavy losses!】

【I, Luo Guangming, as the chosen one of the Goddess of Light, was defeated so miserably by the monsters in this siege! My High Priest of the Feathered Man was hit by two arrows in the knee!】

【I am Poseidon, and my mermaid general's hair was blown away by the dragon's breath...Half of the buildings in the territory were destroyed, causing considerable losses!】

【I have suffered a lot of losses here. Just now, when the monsters attacked the city, a legendary thief rushed out of the fog. I didn't pay much attention, and the legendary thief stole the Elf Spring in my territory! The Elf Spring can instantly heal any injuries below the legendary level, and the Elf Spring can also be upgraded! I am Anya, I am so angry! 】

Lord Channel.

Familiar faces are floating by.

【Hmm? Chen Ge, you should be dead, right? I, Ma Cang Ye, was almost crushed by several waves of monsters caused by the dark tide. Can you withstand it? Chen Ge, you are not going to die, are you? No! You are my reserved toy. When my fallen angel army is formed, I will come to patrol the territory! 】

Ma Cang Ye started to go crazy again

【Thank you for your concern. Everything is fine now. 】

Chen Ge thought and replied

【Hmm? Everything is fine? You are still alive? Humph! Thank you for your concern? You don't think I really care about you! 】

Ma Cang Ye replied immediately.


Chen Ge did not respond again.

He heard a ding sound.

This sound came from the chat group of the gods


【The ban on all Gods chat group has been lifted! 】


The next second!

Another prompt!


【The goddess of luck has started live streaming! 】

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