Tower of Babel?

Tower of Babel?

The gods can't enter the Tower of Babel?

Lords can?

The Yanlong Academy textbooks didn't mention the Tower of Babel in the strange world. It seemed that there was very little description of the Offa Empire, and only a few key figures were mentioned.

The Emperor of the Offa Empire.

The Empress of the Offa Empire.

The Three Magic Gods of the Offa Empire.

As for the God of Babel who created the Tower of Babel, the Yanlong Academy textbooks didn't even mention his name.

"So...How do I get to the Tower of Babel?"

Chen Ge looked at the Goddess of Light.

"You need the Tower of Babel Teleport Stone."

The Goddess of Light shrugged.

"The Lord may not believe it, but when the Arcane Empire was at its peak, it almost pulled the Lord of Gray Mist down from the altar, and that was before the mysterious God of Law and Heaven personally intervened. Regarding the God of Law and Heaven, some people speculated that he was a primordial god from the ancient times in disguise."The

Goddess of Magic groaned.

"I have heard about that battle. The Lord of Gray Mist was almost beheaded by the Emperor of the Offa Empire with a sword. It is said that the Emperor of the Offa Empire fell into madness, and the sword that could kill the Creator was also missing."

The Dark Moon Goddess thought for a moment and opened her mouth

"That is a very terrifying sword, and it seems that it can ignore the existence of the Supreme Will!"

The Elf Goddess lowered her voice.


There is such a powerful artifact?

What is the origin of this Tongtian Magic God of the Arcane Empire?

Chen Ge was a little surprised.

He thought of the Eye of Arcane.

He thought of the magical resonance of the Eye of Arcane.

The first resonance was when he rewarded the Dark Moon Goddess.

He returned 10 million God Stones.

The second resonance was in the Broken Heaven.

He saw the battle between the Heaven and the Abyss in ancient times.

"Tongtian...Tongtian...It shouldn't be related...."

Chen Ge whispered.

He began to organize his thoughts.

According to the information obtained so far, as long as the territory is bound to a god, it can obtain at least one talent blessing, or get something.

Goddess of Light: Seraph Temple.

Elf Goddess: Elf Pasture and World Tree Seed.

Dark Moon Goddess: Fallen Angel Temple.

Magic Goddess: Infinite Magic Power.

Witch of Disaster: Primal Charm, Heart of Chaos, Gate Talent, Steel Talent of Heart of Chaos.

Goddess of Love: Infinite Energy.

If you want to ignite the divine fire and become a god, you must have a godhood.

A broken godhood can only be promoted to a demigod. Only a complete godhood can truly ascend to the rank of god.

In the strange world, godhood is extremely scarce.

The old gods fall.

Only new gods can take the throne.

At least this is the case at this stage.

By the way, the Goddess of Light mentioned a way to be promoted.

That is to gather all the goddesses in the strange world.

Gathering all the goddesses can directly promote to the Creator

"If it weren't for the Supreme Will that was pressing down on the gods and not allowing them to personally take action, I would have taken the Goddess of Light to kill the gods....Supreme Will...Formulated the rules of the strange world...The Lord of Gray Mist is just an executor."

Chen Ge thought of something.

Ding! Ding!



Above the territory!

Above the gray fog!

A strange bell sounded!

The sky suddenly became dark!

The whole world was dim! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elf, the Goddess of Magic, and the Goddess of Dark Moon changed their expressions, and the next second they all ran into the broken Taoist temple in the center of the territory. With a flash of divine light, several goddesses sealed themselves up! What's going on? Chen Ge raised his eyebrows. Is the bell sound from the sky so scary?

"Blackest Night..."

Little Angel Avril!

Little Angel Emile!

At this moment, he stared at the sky blankly! He uttered a whisper like a dream!

The faces of the ten angels showed great fear!

"My Lord, it’s getting dark, I’m so cold, please hug me!"

The God of Love called out from the Seraph Temple!

【Damn it!】

【what's the situation!】

【What is that bell sound in the sky? My Frost Dragon fell directly to the ground and trembled!】

【When the bell rings, it's worth a ton of gold!】

【My Feather Clan High Priest is trembling all over!】

【My legendary elf...Trembling too!】

【My mermaid general collapsed to the ground!】

Lord channel.

Familiar faces.

Sending voice messages immediately.

All of them are extremely shocked.


【All Gods chat group members are banned from speaking!】

【All members of the Abyss chat group are muted! 】


Chen Ge received two reminders.

He opened the chat group of the gods and found that there was no message in the chat group of the gods. He scanned the group member list and found that it was all gray, and no god was online.

He raised his eyebrows again and opened the chat group of the Abyss. He found that all the group members were also gray. The King of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lucifer, the Lord of Corruption, etc. were all offline.


The bell rang?

The gods of the weird world sealed themselves?

"Lord, give me a hug!"

In the Seraph Temple, the call of the God of Love came again. Chen Ge was directly teleported into the Seraph Temple. The God of Love wrapped around him like a beautiful snake.


A divine light flashed!

Chen Ge seemed to have entered an illusory kingdom of God!

At this moment, he only felt that countless Gods of Love pounced on him!

Over a night

【Damn it!】

【What was going on with the bell ringing yesterday? My Frost Dragon was still lying on the ground. It seemed like it was scared!】

【My Feather Tribe High Priest...I was still in a daze. I, Luo Guangming, had been planning to attack a dragon's nest today and prepare to slaughter the legendary green dragon. The drum sound yesterday seriously affected my plan!】

【My legendary elf...Also in a daze...】

【My Mermaid General...Also in a daze...】

Chen Ge just opened his eyes.

The Lord Channel message flashed.

"Lord...Last night I gave you a very precious gift. I invite you to join a group...."

At this time, the god of love lying in Chen Ge's arms murmured.


What group?


【The God of Love invites you to join the God Queen chat group! 】


God Queen���Tianqun?

What does that mean?

Chen Ge was stunned, and subconsciously opened the God Queen chat group. He scanned the group member list and found that there were only five people including himself.

"The Queen of Light?"

"The Dark Queen?"

"Queen of Chaos?"

"All offline?"

Chen Ge was a little curious.

The next second, the god of love came close to his ear.

"Lord...This chat group has a trading interface with some very special stuff!"

"The three queens were all wives of the ancient god kings....The God King of Light, the God King of Darkness, and the God King of Chaos have all fallen....The three queens are all widows now...."

"If the Lord can take down the three God Queens, he can obtain three God King-level inheritances and three Creator Godheads!"


What do you mean?

The three God Queens are all widows?

The God of Love wants me to be a thief?

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