【Your Majesty the Goddess!】

【Please accept one of my magic stones!】

【Your Majesty the Goddess!】

【Your light shines upon all worlds!】

【Your Majesty the Goddess!】

【Even the Lord of the Star Realm above the clouds will be impressed by you!】

【Your Majesty the Goddess!】

【You are the greatest Creator ever!】

【Praise the wise, bright, pure, and loving...Lady Goddess of Light! 】




【The Eagle God rewarded the Goddess of Light with a divine stone!】

【The God of Machinery rewarded the Goddess of Light with a divine stone!】

【The God of War rewarded the Goddess of Light with a divine stone!】

【The God of the Sea rewarded the Goddess of Light with a divine stone!】

【Hercules rewarded the Goddess of Light with a magic stone!】


A series of reward messages appeared.

The goddess of light in the live broadcast is still cool

【Your Majesty, Goddess of Light, I have donated 20 God Stones in total. Can you come to my kingdom of God once?】

The Sea God spoke humbly.


Chen Ge soon discovered something strange.

Why are these gods so poor ?

So far, the highest reward is only one God Stone.

Is it difficult to obtain God Stone?

It should not be difficult for the gods in the strange world, right?

It seems that there is no introduction to this in the textbooks of Yanlong Academy?


【Baal gave the Goddess of Light ten divine stones! 】

Another reward message came.

The Goddess of Light was unmoved.



The Demon King of the Abyss?

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

【The Barr brothers are so generous!】

【He is worthy of being one of the twelve pillar gods of the abyss!】

【The pillar gods are the pillar gods, and we can't compare! I heard that there is a sinking valley in the abyss. If you are lucky, you can dig out a divine stone in seven days. It's so enviable! 】

The gods were amazed.


Chen Ge sprayed when he saw this scene.


Baal rewarded ten divine stones and you reacted so strongly!

I will directly reward 1 million divine stones!

Your souls will stagnate directly!


Another reward message passed by!

【The Lord of Gray Mist gave the Goddess of Light 100 divine stones!


The Lord of Gray Mist?

He was mentioned in the textbooks of Yanlong Academy.

He is one of the creators of the strange world.

The fog that shrouds the strange world was created by this guy.

【The Lord of Gray Mist has taken action!】

【Too exaggerated! It's really too exaggerated! I, the God of Storms, can't even accumulate 100 God Stones in 500 years! You are worthy of being the Creator!】

【Your Majesty the Goddess of Light, please agree to the Lord of Gray Mist once and visit the Lord of Gray Mist's kingdom of God!】

【Lord Gray Mist, are you still in need of a younger brother? I, the God of War, want to follow you! 】 In the chat group of the gods, various exclamatory messages were flashed.

Qin Ge laughed.

How to describe it?

In his opinion, who has 100 million God Stones, one God Stone is equal to one dollar, and 100 God Stones are only one hundred dollars. This Lord of Gray Mist, a reward of one hundred dollars, the gods of the strange world are so exaggerated.


In the previous Blue Star live broadcast platform, the audience basically had no reaction to a flying star.


In the textbook of Yanlong Academy!

The gods of the strange world are described as extremely terrifying!

Each one is indescribable!

Each one cannot be looked at directly!

The textbook also specially reminds all students who enter the strange world!

Never provoke the gods before becoming a god!

It is best to curry favor with a god and become a believer of the god!

However, in this chat group of the gods!

The performance of the gods of the strange world is simply a group of cattle and horses!

As if they have never seen a woman!



That's it?



Another reward message came by!


【Lucifer rewarded the Goddess of Light with 500 divine stones! 】



The chat group of the gods was in an uproar!

【my God!】

【500 magic stones!】

【As expected, Lord Lucifer, one of the seven creators of the abyss!】

【I, Baal, am nothing in front of Lord Lucifer!】

【Lucifer, I, the Lord of Gray Mist, admit that your background is indeed stronger than mine! 】

Countless exaggerated messages!


The Goddess of Light still looked arrogant!


What's so arrogant about that! Why do you want to set up a memorial archway when you are just collecting money from live streaming!


Start my plan!

Chen Ge glanced at the Goddess of Light, and an idea came to his mind. He found the gift reward interface of the chat group of the gods!


Reward the Goddess of Light with 10,000 God Stones!


A prompt appeared!


【The ancient god of knowledge rewarded the goddess of light with 10,000 divine stones! 】


The chat group of gods!

The chat information stopped for a moment!

The aloof goddess of light was obviously stunned for a moment!

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