Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 97 The Cloud Ninja's Defeat

"Father... Father, how is it possible?"

The Fourth Raikage, who was already seriously injured, was shocked to see his father being killed in one move.

In the final analysis, it was because the Third Raikage was too confident in his strongest shield. If it were the Fourth Raikage, he would never dare to let Uchiha Feiyu's Kusanagi sword pierce his heart, because his lightning chakra mode could indeed be broken.

"A good swimmer drowns in water... After the strongest shield was broken, the death of this strongest Raikage is a foregone conclusion!"

Uchiha Feiyu let out a long breath. Originally, with the vitality of the Third Raikage, even if his heart was pierced, he might still be able to live for more than ten minutes, or even fight a few more moves. Unfortunately, the broken evil spirit hurt his body and soul, and directly took the life of the Third Raikage.

Reaching out his hand, Uchiha Feiyu activated the ability of the Soul Binding and Summoning General, and directly summoned the soul of the Third Raikage with a small wound on his heart.

After taking the soul back, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that the soul in his hand was injured by the spirit of the broken evil, and was slightly weak, but it was only weak, not unusable.

After killing the Third Raikage, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the Fourth Raikage again. The Fourth Raikage was originally immersed in the grief and shock of his father's death. At this moment, seeing Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, he suddenly shook his body and shouted loudly:

"Bi, take all the Cloud Ninjas to retreat!! You are allowed to use the full tailed beast mode!!"

Kirabi, who was already half-tailed beast and fighting with Namikaze Minato, was also shocked after hearing the voice of his elder brother. He turned his head and saw the corpse of the Third Raikage standing.

"Third-generation sir... how could this happen?!"

"Take everyone and run away. This time we, the Kumo Ninja, are defeated... Run away!"

The Fourth-generation Raikage had a resolute face. Even though his bronze face had turned pale due to blood loss and soul damage, the lightning on his body became even more dazzling, and even a trace of charred black appeared on his originally well-forged body.

That was because his body could no longer withstand the excessive lightning chakra, which caused the physical body to be injured and on the verge of collapse.

Although this could increase the strength of the Fourth-generation Raikage to the peak in a short period of time, it would leave endless sequelae in the future. But obviously, the current Fourth-generation Raikage has not considered the future.

"Tsk, what a trouble. Teacher Orochimaru, this seriously injured person is left to you!"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the Kusanagi sword inserted in the chest of the Third-generation Raikage, and made up his mind to print a summoning spell on this sword in the future. However, now that he was unarmed and his chakra had been mostly consumed, he should not fight the Fourth-generation Raikage desperately.

Although the Fourth Raikage was seriously injured, a more ordinary ninja might have fainted directly, but it was precisely because of the difficulty of recovery and the determination to die that the Fourth Raikage was now more dangerous than his normal state.

Orochimaru, with a pale face, twitched his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that Uchiha Feiyu beside him had gradually disappeared into the air. It was his camouflage hiding technique.

"Asshole, Uchiha brat, get out of here, fight me like a man, damn coward!"

Just when Uchiha Feiyu's figure disappeared, a flash of bloody lightning flashed, and the Fourth Raikage punched into the air, looked around, and suddenly roared angrily.

He really didn't expect that the Uchiha brat in front of him was so shameless. Seeing that he had used a desperate forbidden technique, the other party actually disappeared!

Feeling the vitality draining from his body and his body gradually paralyzed by the lightning, the Fourth Raikage's eyes were full of blood. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Orochimaru next to him. Orochimaru twitched his mouth, his face helpless, and stretched out his hand. Nine silver snakes flowed out from his sleeves, forming a silver snake sword, and complained: "If I accept two more apprentices like this, I will probably lose my life!" After becoming invisible, Uchiha Feiyu sneaked back to the Third Raikage's side and drew back his Kusanagi sword. Then, looking at the chaotic battlefield around him, a smile appeared on his mouth. The Third Raikage was dead, and the Fourth Raikage was almost dead, but only some ninjas on the edge of the battlefield saw it. It would take at least ten minutes for the news to reach every Cloud Ninja. Even if the Cloud Ninja received the news and began to retreat, it would be difficult to get rid of the Konoha ninjas who were entangled with them in a short time. In short, it would take at least half an hour for more than 5,000 Cloud Ninjas to really retreat. And this half an hour is the best hunting time for Uchiha Feiyu!

The night fell quietly, and the battlefield that was fierce during the day has now become a dead cemetery.

Only the ninjas of Konoha are left on the battlefield, and they are collecting the bodies of the ninjas of their own ninja village.

Pale, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and even half of his long hair was cut off, Orochimaru, who looked a bit embarrassed, was sitting on a stone, directing his ninjas to clean up the battlefield.

A golden flash appeared in front of Orochimaru. Orochimaru glanced at Minato Namikaze and asked:

"How is it? Did you leave him?"

Minato Namikaze also lived up to his sunny appearance, with messy golden hair, sweat on his face, panting and pale, and a look of exhausted chakra.

"No... Jinchūriki's defense is too strong, my attack is basically ineffective."

After hearing this, Orochimaru did not have any regretful expression on his face, and said calmly:

"If you don't stay, then don't stay. This time, the Third Raikage and his successors are all dead. If the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki is really killed, it may not be a good thing for Konoha."

Konoha itself is located in the center of the continent, where four wars are fought. In terms of military strategy, this kind of terrain belongs to a situation where the strong will swallow up the world, and the weak will be a pack of wolves and tigers. Unfortunately, since the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara started the civil war, it has lost the opportunity to truly swallow up the world.

If Konoha is really too strong now, then other ninja villages will eventually unite and attack it.

Even though the Cloud Ninja and the Sand Ninja are both crippled now, Konoha's losses are not small at all. Although there are no casualties among the Kage-level strongmen, nearly half of the grassroots ninjas below have been killed or injured.

Otherwise, facing the nearly 4,000 invading ninjas of the Cloud Ninja, Konoha would not have sent out only less than 3,000 ninjas to deal with them. It was because the grassroots were already in a state of emergency and there were not many people left.

"And... Feiyu has not come back yet. I'm afraid he is still hanging behind those Cloud Ninjas. With that kid's murderous intentions, the Cloud Ninjas will definitely suffer!"

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