Under Minato Namikaze's Flying Thunder God Technique, it took the two of them less than half a day to return to the camp of Konoha Ninja Village by constantly moving through time and space.

At this moment, the figures of the Cloud Ninjas could be seen near the Konoha camp, but Minato Namikaze's Flying Thunder God Technique was extremely fast and flashed by, so they were not intercepted by the Cloud Ninjas.

Back in the command room of the camp, Uchiha Feiyu also found that the atmosphere in the command room had become extremely tense, and all the senior ninjas had serious faces and were ready to go.

"Lord Orochimaru, we are back!"

Just after entering the command room with the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato Namikaze spoke immediately. Orochimaru glanced at the two and nodded slightly:

"Thank you for your hard work. The mission was well executed. The barbarians of the Cloud Ninja were really angered this time."

While speaking, Orochimaru also glanced at Uchiha Feiyu with a subtle look. Even a cold-blooded ninja like Orochimaru felt that it was too much to attack those disabled soldiers directly.

The main reason is that those disabled ninjas themselves can no longer go to the battlefield. They will only become a burden to the Cloud Ninja. Killing them will not only anger the Cloud Ninja, but there is no benefit to be gained, so Orochimaru has this kind of extra sympathy.

But Orochimaru also had to admit that Uchiha Feiyu's approach was indeed very effective in the current situation. Look, the Cloud Ninja was directly provoked to a decisive battle.

Uchiha Hiha ignored Orochimaru's subtle gaze, found a seat and sat down, and asked:

"When are you going to start the war?!"

"Tomorrow, just in time for you to rest tonight and recover your spirit!"

The actions of ninjas have always been vigorous and resolute. The next morning, all the Konoha ninjas in the entire camp were ready to go.

Standing at the forefront of the Konoha army was naturally the commander Orochimaru, and on his left and right were Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Hiha.

"Let's go!"

With Orochimaru's wave of his hand, the ninja troops that had originally gathered together exploded like fleas and rushed out of the camp.

Twenty miles outside the camp, the ninjas of the Cloud Village had already arrived. Several sensing ninjas felt the chakra aura of the ninja army and hurried to find the Third Raikage to report.

"Are those guys from Konoha finally willing to fight us? Let's go, let's go together and crush them!"

The Third Raikage waved his hand, and the group of cloud ninjas under him shouted loudly, followed their boss, and rushed out with the same momentum.

In terms of the ninja's foot strength, 20 kilometers passed in a flash. When the ninjas of both sides could see each other face to face, the original ninja army had already scattered and formed one team after another. This is the most common way for ninjas to fight.

"Have the insidious little devil who plays with snakes finally come out of your turtle shell in Konoha?!"

The Third Raikage standing on the front line with the AB combination looked at Orochimaru in front of him and laughed loudly.

Because the previous ninja army was directly annihilated by the Third Raikage's heart blossom, so this time Orochimaru's design of the camp can be described as crazy, superimposing layers of barriers, which is why the Third Raikage called it a turtle shell.

"Haha, you are so confident in being a robber, you Cloud Ninjas really open my eyes!"

"Stop talking nonsense, this world is the law of the jungle, you Konoha can't compare to us Cloud Ninjas, so you should give up the interests that don't belong to you!"

"Tsk, let's see the truth with your hands!"

Orochimaru is not the successor of the Will of Fire, and he also agrees with the law of the jungle. Seeing this, he didn't argue, but directly slapped his hands on the ground:

"Spirit summoning technique!"

As a burst of smoke came out, the huge Ten Thousand Snakes suddenly appeared on the battlefield, but the image of this Ten Thousand Snakes was very different from before.

The original purple scales have now turned into brilliant silver, and the two tiny horns on the top of the head have even shown a bit of bone jade. The most surprising thing is that the snake fangs in the mouth have now become crocodile-like sawteeth.

And judging from the aura, the Manshe in front of him is definitely stronger than before. Uchiha Feiyu has never seen a real tailed beast, but in his mind, Manshe is probably not much worse than the weak tailed beast.

"Did you use the method of cultivating the silver-scaled venomous snake? I didn't expect that even a giant snake like Manshe could be successfully cultivated!"

Seeing Manshe's silver scales, Uchiha Feiyu immediately understood the origin of the change of this giant snake.

However, it is estimated that only a genius in research like Orochimaru can improve the original cultivation method to this extent.

"Go, Manshe! All the cloud ninjas in front of you are your food!"

Orochimaru said softly, Manshe roared, and rushed up without saying a word.

"Mandarin snakes seem to be much more obedient, probably due to the training of Orochimaru..."

Looking at Orochimaru and Mandarin snakes rushing towards the Third Raikage, Uchiha Feiyu nodded slightly. It was good that Orochimaru was strengthened, at least he could fight the Third Raikage for a longer period of time, so that he could find a chance to launch a sneak attack.

"Uchiha brat, where are you looking?!"

Just then, a roar came, and the Fourth Raikage turned into a flash of lightning and rushed directly towards Uchiha Feiyu!

"Idiot, I'm not afraid of you!"

Uchiha Feiyu, who came back to his senses, laughed loudly, and the whole body was also shining with lightning. The Kusanagi sword in his hand was shining with a pale light, and he rushed towards the fourth generation Raikage.

"Raito Ninyuu Sutourei Dao!"

The iron fist wrapped with lightning was swung out, and Uchiha Feiyu suppressed the complaints in his heart, "Isn't this just a straight punch?" The Kusanagi sword in his hand flashed with dazzling white light and was also swung out.

As the two lightning lights intersected, the air was blown up inch by inch, and the blade and fist came into contact, and the face of the fourth generation Raikage suddenly changed.

The high concentration of lightning chakra wrapped around the fist, just as it came into contact with the Kusanagi sword, it had completely collapsed like a dead tree and rotten wood. The cold sword body instantly cut into the fist, skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones, in front of the sharp sword body, no stronger than a piece of thin paper, and instantly turned into a ball of blood mist!

A shrill scream came from the mouth of the Fourth Raikage. As a well-known tough guy in the entire Cloud Ninja, under normal circumstances, the Fourth Raikage would not have let out such a scream even if he was torn to pieces. However, the damage to the soul caused by the evil spirit brought pain that was ten times stronger than the damage to the physical body!

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