Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 84 Obito's Surprise

On the afternoon of the next day, hundreds of miles into the Land of Fire, the ninja from Konoha finally saw some of the vanguard teams of Kumo ninja.

After those Cloud Ninjas saw the large army of Konoha, they immediately turned around and left. Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing at the front, narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Kakashi and the other three:

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll pick a few heads first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in front of the three people.

Namikaze Minato, who was standing next to Uchiha Hiba, narrowed his eyes and sounded a little surprised:

"Feiyu-kun, have you actually improved the White Fang sword technique to this extent? The lightning on his body has formed a thunder escape armor. Although it is far inferior to the third generation Raikage, it is enough to withstand ordinary C-level ninjutsu. "

Namikaze Minato had also seen Hatake Sakumo take action, and he knew very well the principles of Konoha White Fang's various ninjutsu.

With the help of Thunder Release to stimulate the body and Wind Release to reduce wind resistance, Hatake Sakumo may not be slower than the Thunder Release Chakra Mode, but his defense is about the same as that of an ordinary ninja, and he is still at a level where he can be stabbed to death by kunai.

Although the current layer of Thunder Armor seems not very powerful and can only defend against things like C-level ninjutsu and kunai shuriken, in fact, for ordinary chunin, C-level ninjutsu is A powerful ninjutsu.

On the battlefield, 99% of attacks are composed of these C-level ninjutsu and kunai shuriken. Higher-level ninjutsu are considered ultimate moves among elite chuunin, and only jounin can use them easily.

With such a layer of defense, at least on a chaotic battlefield, there is no need to worry about "stray bullets" attacks, and the killing efficiency can be said to be greatly improved.

"I don't know very well...Although I am his teacher, Feiyu's strength is no worse than mine, and the path he takes is completely different from mine."

Orochimaru shrugged and said calmly.

"However... his strength has indeed improved very quickly, especially after going to the battlefield. It seems that his potential has been developed, and his strength has become much stronger in a short period of time."

Just as Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato were talking, several screams were heard in the distance. A moment later, Uchiha Feiyu reappeared in front of them with a few heads.

"Teacher, go find the ninjas of the mountain clan and search the brains of these people. At least you can get some information."

He handed the blood-stained head directly to Orochimaru. Orochimaru didn't say much. After taking the heads, he glanced at the ninjas behind him. Naturally, ninjas from the Yamanaka clan came to take away the heads. .

Their heads were taken away by the people of the Yamazaka clan, their bodies were taken away by the giant snake summoned by Uchiha Feiyu and prepared to be sent to the blood pool, and their souls were also controlled by Uchiha Feiyu. It can be said that these ninjas were not wasted at all.

Now Uchiha Feiyu gradually feels that he is very much like a person in the devil's path, and the "use" of ninjas in his eyes seems to be increasing.

"Should I come up with some Netherworld Bone Flags or something like that in the future? The current Spiritual Punishment General can no longer control so many souls, and as my foundation is polished, ordinary souls will no longer be of much use."

Uchiha Feiyu here is still deep in thought, while several of his subordinates over there are already shocked.

Fortunately, Hatake Kakashi has a calm personality and strong enough strength. He is a first-class genius. Plus, he wears a black mask on his face, so he can't see much change.

The surprised expressions on Obito and Lin's faces were completely unbearable, especially Uchiha Obito, who opened his mouth wide and stared wide-eyed. When he saw several heads, he shrank back in fear.

"Feifei...Feiyu, you...why are you so strong?!"

Although Obito's question was a bit strange, it also interested both Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Rin. For a moment, the three young ninjas all looked at Uchiha Feiha with piercing eyes.

Unlike Orochimaru, who was well-informed and watched Uchiha Hiba's transformation bit by bit, and Namikaze Minato, who had never seen Uchiha Hiba before, Uchiha Hiba was their classmate before.

Although Uchiha Feiyu's strength at that time was no longer weak, there was no doubt that he could only dominate the Ninja Academy at most.

As a result, just after not seeing each other for more than a year, this older classmate's strength has soared to the film level. To describe it as a rapid improvement is a bit inadequate. He is simply a completely different person!

They had never seen Uchiha Feiyu take action before, and Obito and the others did not have a clear concept in their minds. Now they saw Uchiha Feiyu moving faster than lightning. After taking the role of themselves, the three of them discovered in horror——

Uchiha Feiyu wants his own head, and it seems that he only needs such a flash of time!

"As long as you are like me on the battlefield and kill hundreds or even thousands of ninjas, your strength will also become this strong!"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile. Of course, this was a perfunctory statement - without Uchiha Feiyu's strength, how could he kill hundreds or even thousands of ninjas?

"Thousands of ninjas..."

Obito shrank his head and stopped talking. Although it had been more than a year since he graduated from the ninja school, Obito only had the lives of a few thieves on his hands, and he had never even killed a real ninja.

The corpses of thousands of ninjas were piled up to form a small mountain. Not to mention whether he could kill them or not, the thought of killing so many people made Uchiha Obito's heart tremble a little.

Even Kakashi's pupils trembled slightly, and he looked at Uchiha Feiyu inexplicably - this apprentice of his father is really an out-and-out murderer!

Fortunately, there are many psychopaths among ninjas, and murderers are really not a problem. Others just muttered in their hearts, but didn't say anything.

"Lord Orochimaru, the information has been sorted out!"

The Yamanaka clan ninja who took the head down took only a few minutes and came back, saying with a serious face:

"Lord Orochimaru, according to the information we got from these heads, the Cloud Ninja has built a camp in the Land of Fire, just 20 kilometers ahead!"

"Tsk, these barbarians are really fast..."

Orochimaru said, squinting his eyes:

"It seems that these guys really want to take a bite in the Land of Fire!"

There is still a little difference between the ninja village and the country, because the ninja itself does not collect taxes, and the finances, except for the task commission, are all allocated by the daimyo.

So even in the ninja world war, it is rare to invade the territory of other major countries. Because ninjas could not directly benefit from the act of occupying territory, taxes and other things had to pass through the daimyo, and then see if he would increase military spending.

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