Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 79 Battle Preparation

After learning the news of the disastrous defeat on the Konoha front line, Obito and others were in a very low mood and soon left.

As for Uchiha Feiyu, he also returned to his roots and was ready to ask his cheap teacher - he had a premonition that he might have to go to the battlefield again soon.

Although you can definitely gain a lot on the battlefield and open up your blood pool more, neither the Iwa Ninja nor the Kumo Ninja can compare with the weaklings of the Sand Ninja.

There is also a distinction between high and low in the Kage level. As for Rasa's two moves, they are far worse than the Third Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage. The power of these two ninja villages is far superior to the weakened Sand Ninja Village.

Let's put it this way, although the Ninja World War often starts with the Suna Ninja Village, in fact the Suna Ninja is always just a foil, and the Mist Ninja is the soy sauce all the way. The protagonist on this battlefield stage is always Konoha. and Iwa Ninja Kumo Ninja.

Naturally, every time Konoha fought against the Iwa ninja Kumo ninja, the battle casualties were the most severe and the crises encountered were the most numerous.

If it weren't for the fact that Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja had a feud with each other, Onoki was also a famous sixth figure among the shadows of each village, and had no credibility at all. As a result, even if the two major ninja villages joined forces, the level would be 1+1 less than 2. , Konoha Ninja Village may not be able to withstand the last Ninja World War.

After returning to the root, Uchiha Feiyu saw Orochimaru. Today, Orochimaru was not doing experiments in the laboratory. Instead, he was wearing a combat vest and was sorting out his ninja tools.

At this moment, Orochimaru was holding a white cloth and was gently wiping the Kusanagi sword in his hand. After seeing Uchiha Feiyu walking in, a smile appeared on his face:

"Looking at you, it seems you know some news?"

"I met a classmate on the way, that Asuma from the Hokage family, and I did hear some rumors...I heard that Konoha suffered a big loss from the Kumo ninja this time?"

"Not only was it a huge loss, he even lost his underpants! The Third Raikage took action himself, and brought along his own son who has been recognized as the next generation Fourth Raikage and won the title of Ai, plus an Eight-Tailed Jinchilla Strength, the comparison of the next generation..."

"Three Kage-level experts have joined forces... Fortunately, the person on the Kumo Ninja front is Jiraiya's apprentice who learned the Flying Thunder God technique. If it had been anyone else, whether it was me, Jiraiya or even the old man, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to join forces." It’s a fate that we will suffer together with our lives!”

"Even though Jiraiya's apprentice Namikaze Minato escaped with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the entire ninja army on the Konoha Cloud Ninja front was almost wiped out. Only ten people were saved by Namikaze Minato using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Several.”

"So this time... Konoha did not lose more than 3,000 ninjas, but almost the entire army was wiped out. Only a dozen of the more than 4,000 ninjas on the entire front came back!"

"So cruel...are Kumo Ninja crazy? They don't even care about their hometown, are they not afraid that Iwa Ninja will take out their butts?"

In the past, when Kumo Ninja and Iwa Ninja fought with Konoha, they would basically leave a Kage level to guard their hometown, just like Konoha's Third Hokage generally would not transfer away from Konoha.

Although the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen has a lot of problems and has gradually transformed from a ninja into a politician, you really can't say that he is afraid of death and going to the battlefield - no one who can become a movie these days is afraid of death.

There are various reasons why he does not go to the battlefield, but the biggest reason is because Konoha is fighting on all sides. Once he, the Hokage, leaves Konoha Village, he will easily be taken over by other ninja villages.

Although Kumo Ninja is not located in the center of the continent like Konoha, a place of four wars, but because of its tough and rough attitude towards the outside world and its greedy and savage personality, it is basically on par with all other ninja villages.

Especially the Iwa Ninja Village is the feud of the Kumo Ninja Village. In theory, even if the Kumo Ninja wants to go to war with Konoha, there will definitely be enough manpower left to defend the Iwa Ninja.

That's why Uchiha Feiyu feels a little strange about the current situation. Does Kumo Ninja not even want his own home?

"I don't know the specific reason, but it is obvious that the Kumo ninja and the Iwa ninja have reached a certain level of mutual trust. I don't know how Onoki persuaded the Kumo ninja barbarian?"

Orochimaru spoke lightly, stuffed the Kusanagi sword in his hand into the mouth of a big snake, then stretched out a hand, and nine slender silver snakes crawled out from his wrist. The snakes are interlocked to form a strange and gorgeous silver snake sword.

While Orochimaru was inspecting the Silver Snake Sword, Uchiha Feiyu also frowned, feeling something was wrong.

I remember that in the original work, in the later stages of the Third Ninja War, Konoha was already in full decline. As a result, the Iwa Ninja played a cool trick and directly attacked the Kumo Ninja led by the Third Raikage.

The Kumo ninja didn't expect that the sixth son of the Iwa ninja village would stab him in the back so quickly, but the Iwa ninja also didn't expect that the Third Raikage of the Kumo ninja was so good at fighting!

In a three-day and three-night battle, the tens of thousands of ninjas of the Iwa ninja suffered heavy losses. The third generation Raikage, the strongest Kumo ninja, was also exhausted and died after being cut off. Neither of the two great ninja villages received any benefits, but it made them unable to survive. The restless Konoha calmed down.

It can be said that that was the real turning point of the three ninja wars in the original work. The subsequent sparring battles between the AB brothers and Golden Flash, as well as the battle of Kanna-Konqiao, can only be regarded as the aftermath of the battle after a strategic failure. .

Judging from the fact that the Third Raikage stopped the 10,000 Iwa Ninja army and fought for three days and three nights, he may not have been aware of the Iwa Ninja's sudden actions, but he must have been on guard against the Iwa Ninja.

However, this time, the Third Raikage led his men to invade the Konoha Village. This was a completely different choice from the Third Ninja World War in the original work. The only explanation was the butterfly effect brought by Uchiha Feiyu.

After thinking for a long time, Uchiha Feiyu, who had not figured out the reason, simply put this question aside and thought of another thing-can Konoha withstand the sudden attack of the Cloud Ninja?

Jiraiya had to keep an eye on the Rock Village, and he was too busy to split himself up. He might need support, so he definitely couldn't participate in the war.

In addition to him, the remaining masters of Konoha were the Third Hokage, Golden Flash, Orochimaru, and himself. Maybe Shimura Danzo could also be considered half a master?

Judging from the data alone, it seems that Konoha can still have the upper hand, but it's hard to say when the actual fight starts.

The strongest fighting force of Konoha now should be the Third Hokage who has not completely fallen out of his peak period. This legendary "strongest Hokage" is afraid that the chances of winning against the real strongest Raikage will not be too high.

This is because the third Hokage has never appeared in the Naruto comics in his peak state, so Uchiha Feiyu tried to overestimate him. Otherwise, Uchiha Feiyu felt that the third Hokage must have been beaten by the third Raikage.

Among the remaining strong men, except for the golden flash, Danzo, Orochimaru and himself basically have their own thoughts.

Orochimaru may be able to do more, but if he encounters a disadvantageous situation, he will definitely run away, and it is hard to say whether Danzo will do anything fancy.

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