Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 75 Mission Completed

"Feiyu, you are so lucky. There are probably less than ten ninjas in the entire Yun Ninja Village who have this kind of ninjutsu."

Hatake Sakumo's soul faintly revealed a bit of excitement, flying around Uchiha Feiha:

"At the beginning, I thought of many ways to find out the secrets of the Cloud Ninja's Thunder Chakra Mode, and I once captured a ninja who was also taught part of the Thunder Chakra Mode... Unfortunately, nothing was gained in the end."

"These barbarians of the Cloud Ninja are famous for their loyalty to their Ninja Village, among other things. Coupled with the seal restrictions in his brain, it is really difficult to get information from their brains."

"Don't worry, Sakumo-senpai,"

Uchiha Feiyu directly collected the soul of the Kumo ninja spy and spoke confidently:

"Not to mention this incomplete Thunder Chakra mode, even if it is the orthodox Thunder Chakra mode, I will get it one day!"

At worst, after I learn how to reincarnate from dirty soil, I can go straight to Yunyin Village to do some archeology and dig graves!

Hatake Sakumo didn't know Uchiha Hiba's psychological activities, so he thought he was in a rare high-spirited mood, so he said happily:

"Don't worry, you are still young. The Third Raikage is not simple. He is the only monster that makes me unable to raise my fighting spirit at all."

"But I heard that the son of the Third Raikage inherited his mantle and also learned the Thunder Chakra mode. Maybe you can compete with him in the future."

The fighting styles of the Third Raikage and Hatake Sakumo are very similar, and can even be called an enhanced version of Hatake Sakumo - at least in terms of point attack power and self-defense, the Third Raikage is far better than Hatake Sakumo .

It is easiest to distinguish between ninjas of the same type, and one very sad thing is that compared to the Third Raikage, Hatake Sakumo is the one who is completely at a disadvantage.

Although Uchiha Hiba has more tricks than Hatake Sakumo, his hard fighting ability is almost the same as that of Hatake Sakumo at his peak. Naturally, it is impossible to defeat the Third Raikage.

Regarding Hatake Sakumo's misunderstanding, Uchiha Hiba just curled his lips and didn't say anything else. He just wanted to dig a grave. He only went to fight with that tough guy worth ten thousand a dozen!

Although the strongest third generation Hokage and the strongest third generation Kazekage contain a lot of water, the strongest third generation Raikage...maybe really the strongest!

Whether it is among the Third Kage of the Five Great Ninja Villages or among the Raikages of all generations, the performance of the Third Raikage is obviously superior. Now Uchiha Feiha faces this kind of monster, whether he can escape or not Hard to say.

After killing Ichiro Hattori, Uchiha Feiyu cut off his head and put it back into the seal scroll. Then he raised his head and glanced at the messy church, and faintly heard a little sobbing.

The two children hiding under the table were covering their mouths and suppressing their cries. Compared with the two companions who were blown to pieces, these two children were undoubtedly lucky, but the aftermath of the battle still made them There were many scars on the body.

Looking at the two crying children, Uchiha Feiyu frowned and walked over. The two children suddenly shivered with fear.

Uchiha Fei didn't say much to the two of them, but just stretched out his hand, and the light green medical ninjutsu light flickered in his hand, slowly healing the wounds on the two of them.

"This money is my compensation for you... It's not too much. Too much will make you guilty. In short, live well!"

Taking out tens of thousands of taels of banknotes from his wallet, Uchiha Feiyu placed them on the shaky table, turned around and left directly.

As for what would happen to the two brats in the end, Uchiha Feiyu, who felt that he was the most benevolent person, no longer had the time to care.

"I really didn't expect it... Judging from your indifferent expression when you first avoided the suicide bomb, I thought you would have done well without killing those two children."

Hearing Hatake Sakumo's sigh, the corner of Uchiha Feiyu's mouth twitched slightly:

"I am indeed selfish and not a good person, but I am not a big devil either! Why would I kill a child like this when I have nothing to do?"

"Many ninjas have this habit of cutting grass and roots...especially the ANBU and root ninjas. Most ordinary people who see their actions will be killed by them."

"Haha, I forgot, you seemed to have been an ANBU minister before... In Konoha, where the will of fire is prevalent, are there many such things?"

To this, Hatake Sakumo's answer was a moment of silence, which made Uchiha Feiha chuckle.

It only took two days to complete the task. In the remaining ten days, Uchiha Feiyu used the soul of the Fourth Kazekage to completely fuse the Wind Release and Earth Release chakras to synthesize the Magnetic Release Blood Succession Limit.

The moment the Magnetic Release Blood Succession Limit was developed, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that his body and chakra had evolved again, just like the influence of his Sharingan opening.

First of all, the physical strength and chakra have increased a little, and they will maintain high-speed growth for a long time. It is precisely because of this positive impact that almost all blood successor limit owners have abundant chakra.

The second thing is the change in the nature of chakra. After the fusion of the magnetic style chakra, the power of the change in the nature of the wind style and earth style chakra as the foundation has increased a lot. When using ninjutsu with these two attributes, the power also increases. A lot.

To a certain extent, the fusion of two chakras to produce new blood stains is in itself the best way to exercise the changes in chakra properties.

"So the world of Naruto is, after all, a world dominated by bloodline. Even the so-called bloodline limit is actually a process of returning to one's ancestry like the bloodline net."

"It's really hard for ordinary ninjas to survive... Oh, I'm also a bloodline ninja, so forget it."

After gathering the golden sands all over the sky, Uchiha Feiyu muttered twice and set out on the road back to Konoha. Along the way, he also refined the golden sands in his hand, extracted the gold from them, and made several pieces of dog-head gold.

The gold sand extracted by Luosha's magnetic escape is not real gold, but a metal mixture with a high gold content. It is very good to extract one kilogram of gold from hundreds of kilograms of gold sand.

But even so, if you use this ninjutsu to pan for gold, as long as you can find a good place, you can earn more than one million taels a day, which is equivalent to an S-level task. For the ninja village, it is also a huge sum of money that cannot be ignored.

It is no wonder that even though Rasa is the Kazekage, he still goes to the desert to pan for gold every day to support his ninja village. On the one hand, it is because he is really poor, and on the other hand, it is because this kind of ninjutsu is too profitable.

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