On the second day after receiving the gift from Uchiha, Uchiha Feiyu brought his newly written scroll and went to find his cheap teacher Orochimaru.

"It seems that Feiyu, have you made up your mind? Are you ready to join the root with me?"

"Yes, teacher, after all, there are some things that I can only rely on the power of the root."

"Oh?! Feiyu, are you also interested in human experiments?"

"Human experiments... you can say that!"

While speaking, Uchiha Feiyu handed Orochimaru a piece of information. Orochimaru was slightly stunned, picked it up and took a look, and immediately gasped.

Even though Orochimaru himself was cold-blooded and ruthless enough, and did not take human life seriously, the "human materials" required in the information also made him a little scared.

"With so many materials, are you going to massacre a small ninja village? The number of people consumed in my human experiments over the years is probably only a fraction of yours, right!?"

"Teacher, stop joking. Your human experiments have very high requirements for materials. Ordinary Genin are not even qualified to be consumables!"

"The blood pool I want to build does not require such high specifications. Any corpse with a little chakra will do!"

"But the number is too much... I am not the leader of the root, just a worker."

"Teacher, you are joking. Workers don't have as high authority as you. With your ability, joining the root should at least be an important strategic partner!"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile, and handed another scroll to Orochimaru. Orochimaru curiously opened it and took a look. He was immediately attracted by it, and his whole face burst into surprise.

Greedy eyes scanned the scroll until he saw the end of the entire scroll, then Orochimaru's eyes slightly condensed, revealing an anxious look:

"What's next? Where is the second half of this ninjutsu? ! ! Give me the last ninjutsu!!"

The lich reincarnation ritual, even in the dnd world, is a spell that only the top mages can use. Every wizard who is transformed into a lich is absolutely extraordinary, at least close to the legendary monster.

Under the improvement of successive generations of mages, although the transformation of liches still has various defects such as negative energy eroding the soul, unable to preserve the body, and gradually fading emotional memories as time goes by, it is indeed a complete road to immortality.

At least the liches in the dnd world live for thousands of years like playing, all liches die in vain, and I haven't heard of any lich dying of old age!

On the other hand, can Orochimaru, who later developed the immortal reincarnation, really live forever? That's hard to say.

Anyway, in Uchiha Feiyu's opinion, with that kind of simple method of taking over another body, Orochimaru can only live for one or two hundred years at most, and by then his soul will be broken and disappear.

Therefore, after seeing the Lich Reincarnation Method, Orochimaru seemed to have seen a guiding light. Even though many things in it were not too consistent with the chakra system of the Naruto world and could not be directly applied, it still made his mind suddenly brighten, and countless inspirations gushed out.

Seeing that this spell only started, and then there was nothing below, he was excited for a while, and stared at Uchiha Feiyu with an anxious face.

It was not until he saw the half-smile on Uchiha Feiyu's face that Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief and realized his own loss of composure.

"Sorry... I think I lost my composure."

"This ninjutsu is really brilliant. Although it seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the chakra system, the various theories in it are eye-opening to me!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled. He knew very well how tempting the lich reincarnation technique was to a guy like Orochimaru who pursued immortality.

If it weren't for his strong strength, which was not inferior to Orochimaru at all, Orochimaru would have already started to do it directly!

"Teacher Orochimaru, don't worry. As long as you can provide the materials I need, I will naturally offer the lich reincarnation technique with both hands."

Hearing this, Orochimaru's eyes lit up slightly and nodded gently:

"In that case, it's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

The resources needed by Uchiha Feiyu to build the blood pool are difficult for him personally. Even for Orochimaru, it is not an easy task.

Although Orochimaru has some of his own men in Konoha Village who can do some private dirty work, it is still beyond the ability of his own men to handle such a large order involving more than 2,000 ninja corpses.

But it doesn't matter. The Root is professional in this regard. Orochimaru can completely subcontract the project!

At most, he can make more dirty deals with Danzo. As the top scientific researcher, he can just report more losses and then take a few of his previous research results and give them to Danzo. Isn't it perfect?

Although he thought so in his heart, Orochimaru couldn't help twitching his mouth after seeing the list of materials in his hand. To collect so many materials, he must bleed heavily this time.


"We're here. This is the base of the Root!"

In the forest outside Konoha, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the bushes in front of him with curiosity, but saw Orochimaru casually stretched out his hand to make a few seals. With a rumbling sound, the bushes parted, revealing a huge hole in the ground.

"It's quite secretive..., but is it really necessary to be so secretive in Konoha?"

"Hehe, it may be because of the personality of the leader of the Root. The old man always has various worries."

Orochimaru said with a smile, almost saying that Danzo had paranoia.

There was a clattering sound, and an indifferent old man walked out of the darkness, his voice was a bit cold:

"Orochimaru, what do you want to say? Do you mean I'm old?"

"Haha, of course I don't dare. Lord Danzo is now old and strong. Who doesn't know the name of the Dark Ninja in the Anbu of the major ninja villages?"

Danzo snorted lightly and didn't say much. After his eyes turned around Orochimaru, he looked at Uchiha Feiyu:

"Is this your apprentice? In addition to you, he also wants to join my root?"

"Not everyone can join the root. If you want to become a root ninja, you must first forget the past and the future, become a thorough ghost, and support the dark root of Konoha!"

"Uchiha kid, do you have such awareness and courage?"

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