Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 66: Choosing Ninjutsu

Uchiha Feiyu didn't really believe what the Third Hokage said, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he opened the book of seals that had unlocked most of the seals and began to look at it carefully.

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu couldn't understand the contents inside the sealed book even after the seal was released. Except for the introduction of ninjutsu under the name of the ninjutsu, the rest was all gibberish.

Uchiha Feiyu raised his head with a confused look on his face. The Third Hokage chuckled and said calmly:

"After all, ninjas have all kinds of weird ninjutsu. Even Uchiha's Sharingan has the ability to copy memories. To ensure safety, all ninjutsu content is written in code. You can choose what you need from the introduction to ninjutsu. ninjutsu, and then I’ll hand you the decoded code book.”

After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu nodded slightly and sighed in his heart:

Not to mention other aspects, ninjas have indeed achieved the ultimate in intelligence work. Normally, it is almost impossible for the contents of the sealed book to leak out.

Of course... no matter how normal the operation is, it is no match for internal suicide attempts. For example, Uchiha Madara Orochimaru, a high-ranking Konoha executive who was considered to be the heir to the Hokage in the Konoha Ninja Village, defected for various reasons. Naturally, there is a certain amount of leakage of content.

This thought flashed through Uchiha Feiyu's mind, and then he lowered his head and began to carefully examine the contents inside the sealed book.

Just as Uchiha Feiyu expected, not to mention the reincarnation of the dirty land, even the first half of the sealed book, the Flying Thunder God Technique, was not recorded. Obviously, although the Third Hokage said generously, he actually still had a lot of reservations. .

Of course, it cannot be said that there are no good things in this book of seals. For example, the Bagua seal, the five-door continuous bomb, and even ninjutsu such as creative regeneration and eight-door armor are all recorded in this book.

Unfortunately, the compatibility between these ninjutsu and Uchiha Feiyu was really not high, so he just passed through them in a hurry, and finally stopped at an S-level forbidden jutsu.

The secret art of escape—the art of spiritual transformation!

After seeing this secret technique, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes lit up. To be honest, he was really a little afraid that the second half of this secret technique was also sealed!

The art of spiritualization came from the hands of Sannin Tsunade's unlucky ex-boyfriend, Konoha Jonin Kato Dan. Is it a ninjutsu inherited from his family, a self-created ninjutsu, or a ninjutsu learned from the Book of Sealing? Not sure.

Of course, now that we can see the art of spiritualization from the Book of Sealings, we obviously rule out the possibility that it is a family-inherited ninjutsu. Maybe he created it himself because of his amazing talent and then recorded it in the Book of Sealings, or maybe he also learned from the sealing skills. I learned ninjutsu from the book.

Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care about this, the only thing he cares about is the effectiveness of this ninjutsu!

The effect of the spiritual transformation technique is a simple soul leaving the body and killing people with the soul, which is quite similar to that of a ghost-immortal monk. The advantages and disadvantages are also quite different.

After the soul leaves the body, its perceptive ability is extremely powerful, its movement speed is mind-boggling, and its soul is hard to prevent from killing people. These are the advantages of the spiritual transformation technique.

The disadvantage is that after the soul leaves the body, the body becomes rigid and unable to move without supervision. If you are unlucky and are discovered, even a seven or eight-year-old child can stab him to death.

Essentially, this is a ninjutsu that is very easy to kill and be killed. Under normal circumstances, no matter how powerful a ninja who specializes in this ninjutsu is, due to obvious shortcomings, he cannot be considered a true shadow-level powerhouse. .

However, for Uchiha Feiyu, who has the ability to restrain the spirit general, the technique of spiritual transformation may have other wonderful uses.

The soul summoned by the Spiritual Punishment General is different from the spirit transformation technique. There is no way to seize the body and kill people.

If he could use the spirit-transformation technique to release the controlled soul in his hand, the power would be extraordinary - there are almost no ninjutsu in the ninja world that can resist soul-killing, and this move can be said to be a killer.

"Spiritual Transformation Jutsu? Are you sure you want to choose this ninjutsu?"

The Third Hokage looked at Uchiha Feiyu in surprise. Not only was the art of spiritual transformation extremely difficult, but it was also a very special ninjutsu. Generally, only ninjas with special talents would choose to learn it. Normal ninjas would definitely not learn it. Choose this double-edged sword ninjutsu.

And Uchiha Feiyu's fighting style is exactly the same as Konoha White Fang, and it is completely incompatible with the spiritual transformation technique. The only thing that is somewhat related is Uchiha's Sharingan, which belongs to the Yinjuan bloodline, and may be a little helpful in practice.

But for Uchiha, developing the Sharingan is the right way. The art of spiritual transformation is not in line with Uchiha's fighting style?

"I'm sure, Hokage-sama!"

Seeing that Uchiha Feiyu didn't care at all, the Third Hokage didn't do much to dissuade him. Firstly, the training of ninjas was a very personal matter. Secondly, he didn't think that the technique of spiritualization would change Uchiha.

Afterwards, Uchiha Feiyu picked a few A-level and B-level practical ninjutsu as supplements in the book of seals, and handed the book of seals back. The Third Hokage took out another scroll and knotted a few at will. After sealing, the garbled characters on the sealed book trembled and flowed into another scroll.

After the garbled characters on the sealed book leaked out, just a moment later, new garbled characters appeared in the book, and those garbled characters flowed into the scroll and were transformed into normal words.

After a moment, the transformation was completed. The Third Hokage threw the scroll in his hand, and the scroll flew directly into Uchiha Feiyu's arms. Then he asked with a kind face:

"Is there anything else?"

Uchiha Feiyu took the scroll, shook his head knowingly, and left with the scroll.

As for what Orochimaru and the Third Hokage said afterwards, it had nothing to do with Uchiha Feiyu, and he was indifferent.

Anyway, he had no idea whether his new cheap teacher could become Hokage or not. If he had that time, he might as well go back and see the Soul Transformation Technique first!

After returning home, Uchiha Feiyu first cleaned the house that was covered with a layer of dust, and then opened the scroll in his hand and began to observe it carefully.

The first thing to watch was naturally the Soul Transformation Technique. Having practiced the Soul Confinement and Condemnation Technique, Uchiha Feiyu had a good understanding of the soul, so he only watched it once and understood the Soul Transformation Technique.

First of all, the Soul Transformation Technique is to make the soul leave the body. Ninjas must have extremely high Yin Dun Chakra attainments to escape their souls from the flesh.

In addition, it is necessary to use chakra to create a shell that can accommodate the soul. In this way, the vitality and lethality of the soul can be guaranteed. Otherwise, if the soul is directly used to attack other ninjas, both sides will suffer losses.

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