Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 47 Killing and Trapped

Before the four-tailed Sun Wukong began to condense the tailed beast jade and Orochimaru summoned the triple Rashomon, Uchiha Feiyu himself turned into a flash of lightning and rushed down the hillside.

Well, it's not that he didn't believe Orochimaru, but a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall. The feeling of watching that kind of big bomb flying over his head is very scary.

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu who disappeared in a flash, and just twitched his mouth, shook his head, and stretched out his hand to make a seal.

A rumbling sound suddenly sounded, and the four-tailed who was condensing the tailed beast jade in the distance roared, and a huge purple python rushed up from the ground and bit the octopus tail of the four-tailed.

Long before the battle, Orochimaru had summoned the Ten Thousand Snakes and let it hide secretly underground. After sensing the chakra of the four-tailed, this cunning giant snake directly dug a hole underground and came under the four-tailed, giving the gorilla a hard blow.

Not to mention the battle between Orochimaru and the Four-Tails Jinchuriki, after Uchiha Feiyu rushed into the lower part, he did not continue to use the Lightning Chakra, but used the Camouflage Hidden Technique to eliminate his own figure, and then used the Light and Heavy Rock Technique to eliminate the footsteps.

Not using the Lightning Chakra, in addition to the tiny thunder and lightning sound, but also because when Uchiha Feiyu uses the Lightning Chakra mode, the effect of the Camouflage Hidden will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, the Light and Heavy Rock Technique can greatly reduce its own gravity. Combined with the Camouflage Hidden Technique of Wind Style, it also has a certain function of eliminating air resistance, and can still maintain its maximum speed of 70% to 80%.

On the chaotic battlefield, many Rock Ninjas spurted out a stream of blood from their necks without seeing any enemies at all, and died with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

This creepy and inexplicable scene kept repeating, and dozens of Rock Ninjas died inexplicably in just a few minutes.

While maintaining 70% to 80% of his own speed, he also eliminated all his own images and sounds, and even his smell became vague because of the wind attribute chakra wrapped around his body. Now Uchiha Feiyu is completely an invisible high-speed ghost.

Ninjas without certain perception abilities, even without knowing what happened, were directly killed.

The strange situation not only killed a large number of rock ninjas, but also made the morale of the rock ninjas plummet. The invisible and mysterious killer made almost all the rock ninjas feel insecure.

Uchiha Feiyu's two ninjutsu were all learned from the rock ninjas. However, after integrating the wind escape in the White Fang Sword Technique, the effect of camouflage invisibility was greatly improved, and he could maintain invisibility even in high-speed movement. The light and heavy rock technique was a perfect match for the new camouflage invisibility, which made the rock ninjas helpless.

"Perceiving ninja! Is there any perceiving ninja?! Find this invisible guy quickly, ugh!"

"No, no... He's too fast. Even if I sense him, I can't locate him at all!"

"Use covering ninjutsu! Even if it's accidental injury, we can't let him continue to run rampant on the battlefield!"

"No... Covering ninjutsu can't catch up... The opponent's speed is too fast, ugh!"

With Uchiha Feiyu's invisible assassination, the death toll of Rock Ninja is still rising rapidly. This guy is ruthless and only cuts the neck. He is also very shameless and only picks on the weak Rock Ninja. All the ninjas killed are Chunin and Genin level ninjas.

Even if these ninjas fight Uchiha Feiyu openly, they can't withstand one or two moves, let alone Uchiha Feiyu's sneak attack in the invisible state.

As for those Rock Ninja masters who seemed to be quite powerful, Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of taking action. Not to mention whether these jonin had any trump cards, their experience in battle was enough to sense the murderous aura and entangle with Uchiha Feiyu for a while.

As long as they were entangled, they might be in danger. How could Uchiha Feiyu, who cherished his life so much, bite those hard bones? Of course, he would pick those soft persimmons first.

However, after killing hundreds of people, the Rock Ninja finally couldn't help it. Huang Tu, who had been fighting with Qiu Daoqufeng, was hammered and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. He got rid of Qiu Daoqufeng's entanglement and started to seal without saying a word. Finally, he punched in the general direction of Uchiha Feiyu:

"Earth escape-mudslide!"

The ground shattered into countless fine sands, and then eroded away like a tide. This move almost covered everyone within a few thousand meters, but the power was mediocre, just like a gangster throwing sand into people's eyes.

However, Huang Tu did not use this move to kill. After a burst of fine sand and dust, a hazy figure appeared in the air. A large amount of dust interfered with the imaging of the camouflage technique, and finally let Uchiha Feiyu reveal his outline.

"It is you, the descendant of Konoha White Fang, the little devil of Uchiha!"

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said lazily:

"The intelligence of the Rock Village is really good. You found out my old background so quickly. You even found out that I am an Uchiha!"

As for whether this information was leaked by an insider, it is hard to say. This kind of thing is a bad account. Uchiha Feiyu just made a note in his heart.

"How can Konoha White Fang have a descendant like you? You actually picked those ordinary ninjas to attack. Don't you even inherit a little sense of honor of White Fang?"

Facing Huang Tu's non-lethal accusation, Uchiha Feiyu felt no pressure and even wanted to laugh:

"Yes, yes, so the honorable Konoha White Fang died! (White Fang Soul: Please stop talking) The facts show that in this world, people with thick skin live better!"

"Besides, I am just a teenager of fourteen or fifteen years old. The ninjas I killed are much older than me. Instead of complaining that I am strong and bully the weak, you might as well ask why you rock ninjas are living like dogs at such an old age. At such an old age, you are still only Genin and Chunin?"

After a sharp tongue, Huang Tu, who wanted to provoke Uchiha Feiyu, was angered by Uchiha Feiyu. However, at this time, a huge rock barrier suddenly rose up dozens of meters around Uchiha Feiyu.

"Little ghost, this world is not a place where you can win just by being strong. I'll teach you a lesson. In your next life, you'd better not talk too much with the enemy on the battlefield!"

The face of Huang Tu emerged from the rock wall, and then he walked out with a smile on his face. Obviously, his words just now were just to delay time.

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