"Such a fast speed... Be careful! He's coming!"

The leader of the four-man team had cold sweat on his forehead and a trace of panic in his eyes. He was just a special jonin, and the few subordinates he brought with him were just the most ordinary chunins. Such a configuration could be called elite in the Sand Village.

But the ninja rushing from the opposite side only left a lightning-like afterimage in his retina, and he had already rushed from a distance to the front. Just looking at the speed, it was definitely not an ordinary jonin.

"Damn, he's coming! Prepare for defense!"

The Sand Ninja standing in the front made hand seals with both hands and directly used the Wind Style Wind Cutting Technique. The violent whirlwind turned into an invisible and formless wind blade, cutting the ground and bushes in front into pieces.

However, although the invisible wind blade was extremely fast, it was still far behind Uchiha Feiyu's extreme speed. The lightning that rushed over drew a Z-shaped arc and avoided the ninjutsu performed by this special jonin. Then a white and dazzling knife light chopped his forehead.

With a snap, the special jonin was split in half, and then turned into two pieces of substitute wood, and his figure appeared again in the woods above his head.

Blood dripped down his forehead, and the body of the special jonin trembled slightly. If his speed was slightly slower by 0.01 seconds, it would not be a flesh wound, but his head would be directly opened.

The shrill scream immediately awakened the nervous special jonin. He turned his head and saw that two of his three chuunin subordinates had died. The last puppeteer also saved his life because he hid far away, but the puppet on the surface had been cut into several pieces.

"Konoha... White Fang!?"

As if awakening the memory of the past, the eyes of the special jonin were full of fear, until he saw Uchiha Feiyu who stopped and stood under the tree opposite him, and then he came back to his senses a little.

The trembling hands stabilized, and the special jonin of the Sand Village barely pulled the corners of his mouth, trying to comfort himself and calm down.

"It's okay, he's just a 14 or 15-year-old ninja... Even if he has great talent, his combat experience is definitely not as good as mine..."

Just as the special jonin was still mumbling, he suddenly found that the young ninja's eyes changed and turned blood red, and two black magatama rotated in his pupils, which made him feel dizzy.

"Oh no... The opponent is actually Uchiha!"

Just with such a thought flashing through his mind, the special jonin felt his eyes go black. When he came to his senses, he felt a chill in his chest, and the numbness spread from his chest to his limbs. He fell from the tree with his whole body softened.

The short knife that pierced his chest fell out as the special jonin fell, blood gushed out of his heart, and his body gradually became cold. The poor special jonin didn't even say his name before he died silently.

"Why did this guy lose focus on the battlefield? Didn't they say that the Sand Ninja pursued an elite policy?"

Uchiha Feiyu rubbed his short sword on the Sand Ninja's body twice to wipe off the blood. He was a little surprised by the Sand Ninja's performance just now. Although he didn't know what level of ninja he killed, it was too outrageous for him to lose focus on the battlefield? !

"Well... I seem to have a little impression of this guy before. Maybe he has seen me on the battlefield or in a mission!"

"Maybe it's because I saw your swordsmanship, so I thought of something and suddenly lost focus."

Hatake Sakumo's voice came slowly, and Uchiha Feiyu understood what was going on. As for whether it was as Hatake Sakumo said, he could directly ask the soul of this ninja.

With a casual wave of his hand, the ability of the Soul Condemnation General was activated, and the souls of the three ninjas killed by Uchiha Feiyu were immediately taken back by him. Under the control of the Soul Condemnation General, there will be plenty of opportunities to ask these ninjas for information in the future.

Although these souls cannot be compared with Hatake Sakumo's soul, and Uchiha Feiyu will not use the spirit-taking method to take the soul of the same kind, every ninja has his own strengths, and he can learn some unique ninjutsu and fighting skills from them.

Let alone other things, in the past few months, with the help of Hatake Sakumo and the pangolin soul, Uchiha Feiyu has successively cultivated the wind attribute change and earth attribute change of chakra. Now, for the five elements change of chakra, Uchiha Feiyu only needs one water attribute.

If Uchiha Feiyu cultivates two chakra attribute changes by himself, it will take at least three to five years to have results, which shows the effectiveness of possession training.

"Feiyu, are you okay? Wait... Did you kill these ninjas?"

Asuma and Hong entered the battlefield nervously and excitedly, and then found three ninja corpses and some puppet fragments on the ground. Obviously, the battle here just now has been completely over.

Hinata Hizashi, who was following at the end, also came over, still with a bit of horror in his eyes. Just now, he witnessed Uchiha Hiba cutting three ninjas like cutting melons and vegetables, and it felt as easy as mowing the grass.

Recalling Uchiha Hiba's heroic figure, Hinata Hizashi sadly found that even if he faced Uchiha Hiba, he would probably lose more than he won. This was considering that he had the Byakugan, which could restrain high-speed ninjas to some extent. Otherwise, he would probably be chopped down in a few moves.

You know, a few months ago, I could still defeat Uchiha Feiyu calmly. Isn't the opponent's progress too fast?

Not knowing the existence of Hatake Sakumo, Hyuga Hizashi overestimated Uchiha Feiyu's strength. However, even if Uchiha Feiyu does not rely on Hatake Sakumo, his strength is almost the same as Hyuga Hizashi. And to some extent, the Soul Confinement and Condemnation itself is indeed part of Uchiha Feiyu's strength.

"Indeed, they were all killed by me. By the way, there is still one puppeteer who escaped."

"Don't worry, he can't escape. We will catch him now." Hyuga Hizashi said easily. Facing the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, a mere Chunin-level puppeteer naturally has nowhere to hide.

"Let Asuma and Hong practice this time, Feiyu, don't do it."

The Sand Ninja's puppeteers are considered elite troops. Although traditional puppeteers are weak and perform poorly at the level of Kage, puppeteers do have an advantage at the Chunin stage. Basically, those who have obtained the title of Chunin are elite Chunins.

If Asuma and Hong face a Chunin puppeteer with full status, they will probably lose more than they win, but facing a Chunin puppeteer whose puppets have been blown up, they will have a great advantage.

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