Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 233 Wax-wax Fruit Transfer

"So, Captain, you killed those two giants?"

Nami said a little surprised. Uchiha Feiyu didn't hide his special abilities very much. When killing people and absorbing blood, he always did it directly in front of Nami, so Nami still had some doubts about her captain's ability. understand.

Since he said he absorbed the energy and blood of those two giants, those two giants must be dead.

"Yes, I did kill those two giants. If I hadn't been lucky, it might have been me who died this time."

"But you don't want to publicize this matter. The two giants Dongli and Brockie seem to be quite famous in the giant country. There are still many giant admirers so far. If the news spreads, they may cause trouble. Come get some trouble."

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care about the trouble caused by those giants, but he didn't want to cause more trouble, so he gave the order casually.

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Feiyu!"

"Got it, Captain!"

Everyone on the boat nodded in agreement, with a little excitement on their faces.

The strength of those two giants was not unseen by the group of people on the boat. Especially the impact of that move of domination could be seen by everyone sitting on the boat at that time. It was simply earth-shattering.

As a result, such strong men were no match for Uchiha Feiyu, which naturally gave them a lot of confidence.

Nami felt that having such a powerful captain gave her a sense of security. Princess Vivi and Drumhead also felt that their country finally had hope. If they could defeat such a huge giant, they should also be able to defeat the Shichibukai. !

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Where is the candle fruit user?"

Uchiha Feiyu stretched his body. Although his injuries were completely recovered after absorbing the energy and blood of the two giants, in fact, the pain-sensing nerves in his body still had some phantom pain from the battle. The adrenaline from the previous battle had faded, and now he was a little tired.

So Uchiha Feiyu was going to finish things quickly and then go back and have a good rest.

"What about that? Isn't that what's in the bucket?"

Uchiha Feiyu turned his head and saw Mr. 3's head in the bucket. He glanced at the deck again and frowned:

"Where is Usopp? Where did they go?"

"Usopp was attacked by a pterosaur when he was on the ship. He was slightly injured. He is still resting in the cabin."

"Tsk... I have to find a doctor later... otherwise this will delay things too much."

This time, Nami did not get sick from the insect infection in the Grand Line. Of course, this must be due to the slippery fruit. With this fruit, even mosquitoes cannot scratch Nami's skin, let alone be bitten.

But whether it is Nami or Usopp, their physical fitness is there, and they are not weak like Luffy and Zoro. They definitely need a doctor when sailing on the sea.

Uchiha Feiyu can be a part-time battlefield doctor, and the treatment method is also very simple - just find a big fish or sea monster on the sea, drain the opponent's qi and blood and convert it into mana for on-site treatment. Top-level techniques, as long as there is enough energy of blood and blood, it is easy to recreate the physical body.

But if he gets sick, then there is nothing he can do. There are so many diseases in the pirate world, and they are as powerful as Roger the Pirate King.

(It has been decided that after the incident in Alabasta is over, we will go to the Drum Country to call the food reserve doctor!)

There are many skilled doctors on the Grand Line, but since the original Straw Hats have proven Chopper's medical ability and fighting talent, Uchiha Feiyu doesn't want to waste the effort to find other doctors.

(But in this case... the doctor and navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates have been cut off by me. I don’t know what will happen to Luffy’s pirate journey?)

(If you think about it carefully, I'm afraid it's not just the crew members who have been intercepted, but also the Golden Merli and most of its opponents. It seems that I have them all covered.)

"Call Usopp out first. If it's just an injury, I can still handle it."

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Nami didn't say much, and went directly to the room to call Usopp out. After a while, Usopp, wrapped like a mummy, came to the deck.

"Didn't you say it was just a little injured? This doesn't look like a little injury..."

"And...what's with this guy's stench?"

"Whoa, Captain, I almost didn't get eaten by that pterosaur! Fortunately, I prepared a super stink bomb, and then I stun the pterosaur... but I also fell from the sky. , fell like this.”

"Tsk...your guy's operation is really speechless..."

Uchiha Feiyu was speechless for a moment, then walked up to the bucket and stabbed Mr. 3's heart with one hand.

In an instant, the agent of Baroque Works was fucked by Uchiha Feiyu, his energy and blood turned into a trace of blood nerve mana, and the Devil Fruit in his body turned into a wisp of Devil Fruit soul.

Then Uchiha Feiyu walked directly in front of Usopp, stretched out his hand and slapped him on the head. The blood nerve mana entered Usopp's body and directly dissipated into the blood essence, restoring Usopp's injuries in a moment. Most of it.

At the same time, the soul of the devil fruit also merged into Usopp's body. Uchiha Feiyu only felt the heat in his palm and raised his hand quickly. He saw that a big hole was burned on Usopp's headscarf, his hair stood up, and a wisp of fire appeared in the center.

"Tsk... Is it a sequelae again?"

The candle fruit will ignite a tiny flame on the head of the ability user, just like a burning candle.

However, this is only when the candle fruit activates its ability. It is definitely not normal for Usopp to keep this hairstyle in normal state.

Just like the original lion niche merged with the vulture fruit and turned into a bald lion, this is obviously also the sequelae of Uchiha Feiyu's transfer of the devil fruit.

This little sequelae is nothing. Think about the artificial devil fruit of the Beasts Pirates. The success rate of that thing is only 1/10. Even if it succeeds, it often turns people into neither human nor beast, like a ghost, but there are still many pirates who want to eat artificial devil fruits.

This transfer ability of the devil fruit only has such a small side effect. If the pirates of the Beast Pirates knew about it, they would probably cry and shout to pull me over.

"Huh, huh, huh, huh? What happened to me?"

Usopp screamed in surprise, feeling the changes in his body, stretched out his hand to touch his head, but was burned by the flame on his head.

"You are now a candle fruit ability user, come and use your fruit ability!"

Uchiha Feiyu explained to Usopp, and Usopp was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would become a devil fruit ability user.

Not only that, he also felt that his original injuries had healed for the most part, his internal organs had fully recovered, and his wounds had healed. That is, some injuries such as fractures in his body were still slightly fragile and had not fully healed.

However, Usopp didn't dare to ask more. After all, he was just a captive. What if he asked too much and the other party killed him to silence him?

He stretched out his hand, and Usopp's mind moved, and a large amount of wax oil sprayed out from his hand, and in a moment it solidified into a statue exactly like himself.

"Really! I am also a Devil Fruit user! This should be the power of the Candle Fruit! So powerful!"

Usopp played around with the Devil Fruit power for a while, and used the wax produced by the Candle Fruit to create various objects. He soon had an understanding of his own fruit power.

It seems that because the Devil Fruit power was originally extracted from Mr.3, the wax produced by Usopp is as strong as steel. He was able to use the abilities such as the Candle Champion Cup and the Candle Seal after a few tinkerings.

It can be said that from the beginning, he inherited Mr.3's development progress. From this aspect, Uchiha Feiyu's transfer of the Devil Fruit power, in addition to the sequelae, also brought a much stronger effect than simply eating the Devil Fruit.

However, Mr.3's development was just that. Although it was not weak, it was not strong either. At most, it saved Usopp some time to explore.

Ignoring Usopp, who was excited after having the power of the Devil Fruit, Uchiha Feiyu gave an order and ran directly to the cabin to rest.

The next morning, when he opened his eyes, Uchiha Feiyu felt full of energy. After moving his body a little, he felt his joints crackling.

"My strength has improved again... I feel really good!"

Although he didn't do any exercise, the training after the fight is obviously also a way to improve his strength. After his body was completely recovered, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that he could beat three of himself before he went to the small garden.

After walking out of the room, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't wait to exercise to see how much his strength had increased, but as soon as he came to the deck, he was slightly stunned.

On the deck, Usopp was controlling the rudder to drive the boat, Nami was still studying her weather stick, Princess Vivi and the curly hair were chatting...

These are nothing, there is also a Golden Week, who is spreading a picnic blanket on the deck and sitting on it to drink tea and eat senbei.

"Miss Golden Week? What happened to this brat? Why did you let her out?"

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Golden Week put down the senbei and black tea in her hand, and looked at him angrily. Nami scratched her head and laughed:

"There is no way... I can't always keep Mariannu in the cabin! And she is not a devil fruit ability user..."

If she is not a devil fruit ability user, there is no need to kill people to extract abilities. In fact, neither Nami nor Vivi can do anything to Golden Week.

After all, from the outside, she is just a 12-year-old girl. They, the decent people, certainly can't do it to such a child.

"Okay, then leave her here!"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about this. It's good that this little girl has powerful abilities, but she doesn't have a strong desire to fight.

Although she cares more about her companions, and the original work also staged a cover story of saving the entire Baroque Studio companions, she didn't use any violence during the whole process, which shows how Buddhist she is.

As for whether Golden Week Mariannu can be subdued, let Nami handle this matter. It would be best if this little girl could go out to sea with him. If not, Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care.

And Uchiha Feiyu's surprise was not because of Golden Week Mariannu, but because of another person he sensed in his observation Haki.

Slowly raising his head, Uchiha Feiyu said lightly:

"The one sitting on the mast, won't you introduce yourself?"

As soon as Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, everyone on the deck was shocked and raised their heads quickly. They saw a lady with slightly dark skin, wearing a black leather jacket, who looked a bit like a western cowboy sitting on the mast of the ship.

"This person is... Miss Sunday! She is the partner of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. She replaced Shaklockfar and controlled the Baroque Works!"

Princess Weiwei was shocked and screamed. As soon as the voice fell, everyone on the deck immediately took alert actions.

Miss Sunday, also known as Nico Robin, who was sitting on the mast, smiled softly after hearing what Princess Vivi said:

"What a lovely princess, but shouldn't you thank me more? If it weren't for me, you would have been exposed when you first joined Baroque Works!"

"What... Did you find out my identity from the beginning? What conspiracy do you have?"

Princess Vivi said nervously, and at this time Uchiha Feiyu suddenly stretched out his hand to block Princess Vivi, interrupting their conversation:

"Well, as Miss Sunday said, she has no ill will towards you. Although she did some things to help the tiger, she has actually tried her best to help you within her scope."


Princess Vivi was shocked. The other party provided help to her? Is this true or not!

Nico Robin, who was originally sitting on the mast with a smile on her face, froze her smile slightly, revealing a serious look, and carefully looked at Uchiha Feiyu, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't tell Uchiha Feiyu's identity.

News on the sea can spread fast or slow, and no one is sure.

Fast, the World Government and the Navy, or the pirates and the Revolutionary Army, will spread the news to the world as soon as they do something, and everyone will know about it.

Slow, as long as they have nothing to do with the above-mentioned power groups, even if they are amazingly powerful, they are often unknown. Uchiha Feiyu is undoubtedly in this low-key category.

Robin had seen it when she came. This Golden Merry is not a pirate ship. There is no pirate flag on it. Since it is neither a pirate nor a navy, Nico Robin is not sure about Uchiha Feiyu's strength.

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