Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 231: Battle in the Small Garden

"That's the giant in the small garden!?"

Princess Vivi, Nami and others were all surprised, looking at the giant in front of them.

Led by Uchiha Feiyu, they had walked out of the jungle area of ​​the small garden and came to the volcanic area, just in time to see the giant Dongli standing there and laughing "hehehehe".

"This laugh... has this guy also been to the Soul Palace?!"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the giant who was grinning there speechlessly. He laughed so stupidly, so he shouldn't learn to laugh like a villain!

Oh? You said that the experience pack elders of the Soul Palace are not very smart? That's fine.

In front of the giant Dongli who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and grinning, there was a small mat spread out, as if Golden Week was having a picnic and afternoon tea, and Mr. 3 who was performing a candle stage play.

It was because of Mr.3's candle stage play that the giant laughed like a fool. There was no other way. Dongli and Broki had been fighting on this island for 100 years and were already bored to the extreme. So even if this candle stage play was not very good, it could still make him laugh.

100 years for ordinary people may be a lifetime, and even for giants, it is 1/3 of the life course. Uchiha Feiyu couldn't figure out what these two giants were thinking about, wasting their lives here for a little thing.

However, the humans in the world of One Piece are stupid enough, not to mention the giants. It is estimated that among all the sub-human races, only the dwarfs are a little stupider than the giants.

Uchiha Feiyu and others came out. When they saw the giants, the giants Dongli and Golden Week, and Mr.3 also saw them.

Princess Weiwei hadn't recognized these two colleagues yet, but Golden Week and Mr.3 saw that the other party was their target at a glance.

Mr.3 jumped out immediately, not caring about the candle stage play, and shouted:

"So you are hiding here! Miss Wednesday! Your story has been exposed! I didn't expect the princess of Alabasta to go undercover in our Baroque Works!"

"Come back with me! I don't want to use violence..."

Princess Vivi's face changed, and she took a step back:

"Be careful, the other party is from Baroque Works! Are they in the same group with the giants?"

"Hehehehehehe! I am not in the same group with this villain, although his performance is really interesting."

The giant Dongli shook his head. Although he liked Mr.3's performance very much, it did not mean that he would interfere with the work of Baroque Works. If it was Princess Vivi who caused trouble for Mr.3 and them, the giant might protect Mr.3 and Golden Week, but since he was going to fight Princess Vivi himself, it didn't matter to Dongli.

And...looking at the mountain with smoke gradually coming out from behind, the giant Dongli also knew that he would soon face a battle!

"Hehe, I don't need the help of the giant. With my strength, you don't have..."

"Nami, I'll leave this guy to you!"

Uchiha Feiyu said nonchalantly:

"Be careful, the other party is a candle fruit ability user, who can control candles to make various weapons and can also use candles to solidify the human body, but he is afraid of high temperatures, and you are a slippery fruit ability user, and candles can't solidify you."

Nami nodded slightly and walked out, holding the weather stick in her hand.

The candle fruit ability doesn't sound like a strong ability, not to mention the disadvantage of being afraid of flames. Nami's weather stick can't directly control flames, but there are still ways to indirectly create high temperatures.

And the slippery fruit also restrains the wax wax fruit to a certain extent. Whether it is the wax ground made by the candle fruit or the solidification of the human body, it doesn't make much sense to Nami.

Seeing Nami coming out, Mr. 3 couldn't hold it anymore. What does it mean? This uncle is Mr. 3 of Baroque Studio, and he is also a strong man who can rank in the top five in the entire Baroque Studio! Let this little girl deal with me?

However, Nami gently rotated the weather stick, a cunning smile appeared on her face, and the whole person disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This is an invisibility trick developed by using the slippery fruit to control the friction of the body, manipulate the atmosphere and light. For a strong person with observation Haki, this trick is naturally meaningless, but in the first half of the Grand Line, how many people can use observation Haki?

At least Mr. 3, who thinks he is very strong, does not have the skill of observation Haki.

"Damn, do you think you can win like this?! Look at my candle river!"

Mr. 3 directly controlled a large amount of candle material to rush out of his body, covering the ground, and the whole ground suddenly became full of white wax, slippery and shiny.

"Tsk... the worst choice,"

As soon as Uchiha Feiyu finished speaking, Mr. 3 was hit by Nami's stick, and was dizzy. Then the invisible stick attacked continuously, and a set of combos directly beat Mr. 3 beyond recognition.

For ordinary people, it might be difficult to maintain balance on a waxy ground, but for Nami, the user of the Slippery Fruit, it was like a fish in water.

"Candle Champion Cup!"

After being beaten up, Mr. 3 no longer dared to hold back and immediately used his strongest ability. With a burst of wax oil, a strange set of armor formed on his body, looking like a small robot.

"Hahaha, with the Candle Champion Cup, your weak attack can't hurt me at all!"

Mr. 3, hiding in the candle mecha, laughed loudly, but did not notice that the dark clouds in the sky were vaguely condensing, and there were faint lightning flashes in it.

At this moment, with a loud bang, the volcano behind instantly erupted with thick smoke, and red magma flowed down from the top of the mountain like a trickle.

"Hehehehehe! A new round of fighting has begun again!"

The giant Dongli picked up the weapon in his hand and looked into the depths of the jungle. After a moment, with a burst of huge footsteps, a giant with a full beard walked out of the jungle:

"Gabababababa! Dongli, the winner of this duel must be me!"

"Hehehehehehe! Broki, what are you kidding? The winner of the battle can only be me!"

After the two giants greeted each other, they each picked up the broken huge weapon and started fighting with excitement. However, the two giants seemed to know the lethality of their battles and left Uchiha Feiyu and others intentionally or unintentionally. Otherwise, the aftermath of the battle between the two giants alone would probably be enough to make Princess Weiwei and others drink a pot.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the two fighting people and touched his chin:

"These two guys look really unique. If the weapons in their hands were replaced with Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhangba Snake Spear, it might be more appropriate."

Well, yes, these two giants are the creators of the Pirate World (Oda), and they are made according to the models of Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. Maybe they are the isotopes of the two in different time and space.

The two giants ran to fight on their own. Mr. 3 was driving his candle mecha and dealing with Nami. The only people left on the field were Uchiha Feiyu and others and the Golden Week.

The little girl Golden Week drank black tea and ate biscuits while looking at the battlefield. Perhaps she felt that it was not good for her to slack off here. She showed a bit of entanglement on her face, and then she packed up the teapot and biscuit box and picked up her paintbrush.

Golden Week's ability is quite strange. It is a special ability to control other people's emotions by using the color of the painting. Yes, this ability is not a devil fruit ability, but can only be called a special ability. Not only can it manipulate people's emotions, but it can even turn the virtual into the real and the fake into the real when it is developed to the limit.

Although the ability to turn the virtual into the real is just to change the decoration of others, it can be called very perverted in this pirate world, and it is almost the same as the devil fruit ability.

Of course, the ability is strange and powerful, which does not mean that she is strong. Although Golden Week is already 18 years old, her size and physical strength are no different from that of a 12- or 13-year-old girl. As long as she is not allowed to use her ability, it is easy to defeat her.

So just as Golden Week took out the drawing board, Uchiha Feiyu disappeared in a flash, and then appeared behind her and directly gave the little girl a knife.

With a snap, Golden Week's eyes rolled up and she fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, Princess Weiwei couldn't help but frowned:

"Mr. Feiyu, she is just a little girl, aren't you making a fuss?"

"Don't look at her as just a little girl, but her status in Baroque Works is higher than yours. You don't really think that the agent who can partner with Mr. 3 will be an ordinary little girl with no ability!"

Princess Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then nodded gently:

"Sorry, Mr. Feiyu, it's my fault..."

Just at this time, the thunderclouds in the sky had completely condensed into shape, and a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit Mr. 3's candle championship cup.

The original candle mecha instantly turned into a pool of wax water, and Mr. 3, with a flame on his head, was struck by the terrifying thunder and lightning and fainted with his eyes rolled up.

"How's it going? I killed it!"

Nami slowly emerged from the air with a smile on her face. Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and gave her a thumbs up:

"Well done. This kind of strength can also occupy a place in the Grand Line!"

After that, Uchiha Feiyu reached out and gently stroked Nami's head twice. Nami moved her head away angrily and shouted:

"I'm not a child! Don't touch my head!"

After chuckling twice, Uchiha Feiyu withdrew his hand and walked to Mr. 3, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Although the candle fruit is not a powerful fruit, it is actually very practical. Except for the huge disadvantage of being afraid of fire and high temperature, it has a great role in combat, assistance, or daily life.

"Maybe... I should give this devil fruit ability to Usopp, so that at least it will be easier for him to wax the ship."

"It's a pity that I've never heard of a candle that is not afraid of flames. The wax-wax fruit with this defect can only be considered second-rate no matter how it is developed."

After all, the biggest reason why the flame-flame fruit is not eaten by ** is that the power of fire is too common. Facing an opponent who can use the power of fire, the wax-wax fruit ability user can only be regarded as a waste.

But Usopp is not someone who can fight on the front battlefield. This kind of devil fruit with more functionality than combat is just right for him.

"Take these two guys back to the ship first, I'll deal with them later."

"What about you? Feiyu, what are you going to do?"

Princess Weiwei looked at Uchiha Feiyu looking at the giant battlefield with eager eyes, and was shocked and asked.

"Of course, I will fight these two giants!"

Uchiha Feiyu said excitedly, while casually pulling out the Sandai Kitetsu to face the giant.

"Feiyu, you are crazy, that's a giant! Drop your weapon!"

Vivi's face suddenly changed, and she quickly tried to stop him, but Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and left her speechless with one sentence:

"Although the strength of these two giants is strong, they are still inferior to Shaklockfar. If we can't even deal with them, then we'd better not go to Alabasta."


"Okay, you guys go quickly, these two guys have noticed me! You will only be a burden to me here!"

Hearing this, Nami gritted her teeth immediately:

"Okay, everyone retreat! As Feiyu said, the greatest support we can give him in this battle is to stay away from the battlefield!"

While speaking, Nami has already activated the ability of the Slippery Fruit, dragging Golden Week with one hand, and left here.

Seeing this, Princess Vivi sat on the Running Duck, and the curly-haired man took Mr. 3 and rode on the Griffin Riki, and they all began to retreat.

Broki and Dongli, who were fighting, had already felt the surging murderous aura and fighting spirit the moment Uchiha Feiyu pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu.

Although these villains were insignificant in the eyes of the two giants, Dongli and Broki knew very well that among the villains, there were strong ones who were no less powerful than the giants, or even stronger than the giants!

The Sandai Kitetsu was already a divine weapon at the level of a great sword, and even in terms of its ferocity, it was even more powerful than the Supreme Great Sword. This fierce sword in the hands of a strong man of Uchiha Feiyu's level was enough to pose a huge threat to the two giants.

Moreover, the basic setting of the giants in this world is a strong Nordic Viking style, and there is even a prince named Loki.

The Nordic Vikings have always regarded fighting as glory, pursuing death on the battlefield, and despising people who died on the hospital bed, otherwise the two giants would not have been fighting for a hundred years.

So, when they saw Uchiha Feiyu raising his sword, in order not to betray their own honor and also because of the threat they felt, the two giants stopped fighting each other and also raised their weapons, aiming at Uchiha Feiyu.

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