Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 225 Arriving at Upside-Down Mountain

After just inspecting the Golden Merry, Usopp finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no major damage to the ship and that it was well maintained.

"It seems that the two thieves are not bad, at least they are well maintained..."

As he spoke, Usopp glanced at the distant port casually, and then was shocked - because he happened to see Uchiha Feiyu and Nami walking towards the Golden Merry with Lion Liki.

"Oops...Oops! The other party is coming! Why did they bring a lion?!"

"What should I do, what should I do? What should I do? I feel like I have a disease that makes me coma when I see a lion..."

"Damn it, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, when will you come back?! Don't leave me alone in a place like this!"

Back at the restaurant on the sea, Usopp had also seen Uchiha Feiyu's strength. This kind of strong man was not something that his little slingshot could deal with.

Let alone Uchiha Feiyu, Usopp felt that even the big lion brought by the other party could bite him in two in one bite.

"It's over, these people are coming... I don't want to be eaten by a lion!"

Usopp turned around twice and saw a wooden barrel placed on the Golden Merry. He immediately gritted his teeth and opened the barrel. He shrank in, and finally pulled the lid of the barrel and closed it. bucket.

"Luffy Zoro Sanji, come back quickly! Otherwise, the Golden Merli will be taken away again!!"

Back on the Golden Merli, Nami turned around on the deck with a happy expression on her face:

"It seems that the Straw Hat guys didn't come to our ship. Haha, that's great..."

"After Straw Hat and his gang are arrested, no one will want to take advantage of our Golden Merli!"

Usopp in the barrel gritted his teeth angrily - this woman is so shameless! The Golden Meri was obviously a ship given to him by Keya! In this woman's mouth, he became theirs, but instead, he and his group became thieves!

If he hadn't been defeated, Usopp would have wanted to climb out and punch these two bitches twice, letting them know what it means to know their shame!

While thinking in his mind, Usopp lowered his breathing in the barrel to avoid exposing any flaws.

Uchiha Feiyu also glanced at the Golden Merry with a sense of hegemony, then a smile appeared on his lips, and he looked at the barrel that Usopp was hiding from, but he didn't say much, and instead said:

"Let's get out of here first! Nami, it's almost time to go to the Grand Line."

"Are you leaving now?"

Nami asked a little surprised. Uchiha Feiyu turned his head, feeling the strong wind gradually rising in Rogge Town, as well as the dark clouds gradually gathering in the sky, and the brewing lightning, and his expression became a little serious:

"Leave now! After all... my parents are here now!"

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu's serious expression, Nami nodded:

"Okay, I get it! Let's go then!"

Although Nami didn't know what Uchiha Feiyu was worried about, she also knew that as a captain, she wouldn't do anything wrong. If she wanted to leave, there must be a reason.

After a while, the Golden Mellie left the port. Nami stood on the deck and looked at the farther and farther Rogge Town, complaining:

"Captain, what happened? Are you leaving all of a sudden? I'm planning to visit Rogge Town more! And if we want our ship to be fully operational, we still need one manpower."

"Anyway, the Straw Hat gang should have been caught! Why not stay in Rogue Town for a while?"

"Didn't I tell you? The parents of the Straw Hats are here!"

Uchiha Feiyu looked at Rogge Town with lightning and thunder in the distance, and said with a chuckle:

"I have told you before, Straw Hat's grandfather is the naval hero, Lieutenant General Garp, and his father is the most vicious criminal recognized by the World Government, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long!"

"Captain, you mean... Straw Hat's father is here!"

Nami's face was full of surprise, even a little frightened:

"The world's most vicious criminal... Captain, let's run!"

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"Don't worry. Although Straw Hat's father is called the most ferocious criminal in the world by the World Government, the World Government... understands everything. As long as the World Government does some human affairs, it will not be so inappropriate. !”

"A person who is wanted by this inhumane world government may not necessarily be a good person, but a person who can be called the most vicious criminal in the world by this world government, who is facing a powerful enemy, is definitely not a simple bad guy!"

"In fact, Monkey D Dragon is not only not a simple bad guy, he can even be called a good person to this world... So there is no need to worry too much. The most this guy can do is ask us to return the ship. It’s just Luffy’s group.”

"Give the boat back? It's bad enough!"

Nami muttered something, but Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much. He estimated that Long wouldn't be able to do such a thing - the leader of the revolutionary army would save the lives of his son and his companions, but he I won’t be my own son’s nanny.

If the boat is stolen, then just take it back. What's the point of looking for your own father? This is the logic that is popular in the sea today, and all the strong men are created in this way.

Sure enough, until Rogge Town finally turned into a small dot on the sea in the distance, no one was chasing it. The weather in the sky was still very normal. Obviously, the most vicious criminal in the world did not take his son's boat Take the theft seriously.

"Okay, we finally left Rogge Town... But Feiyu, a small sailboat like the Golden Meili requires three people to fully control it. Normally, there is no problem for one person, but soon, we We are about to go to the Grand Line and want to pass through Knockturn Mountain, but we can’t do it if we are short of men.”

"At least three people are required to control the rudder, control the sails, look out and observe, so that we can have enough confidence when crossing the Upside Down Mountain!"

"Don't worry, I have already found the candidate."

Uchiha Feiha chuckled, and the third generation Kitetsu's sword flashed, with a soft click, and a wooden barrel on the deck was directly split in half, revealing the long-nosed Usopp who was hiding inside.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Dead, dead, dead!!"

Usopp howled miserably for a moment, and then realized that he was not split in half with the knife, but was split open, just the barrel.

Before Usopp could think about what was going on and why he was unscathed even after the barrel was split open - the shadow of a sharp long knife had slowly blocked his head.

"This little guy with a long nose, you must have heard what we just said!"

"No, no, no, I didn't hear anything. I just got a disease that makes me forget everything I hear!"

"Oh!? Then it seems you are useless. In that case, Nami, what should you do if you encounter a lone pirate at sea?"

"Bindfold your eyes, then walk on the deck and jump into the sea? Or put it in a cannon and fire it? Or cut it into seven or eight pieces and use it for fishing..."

Nami understood Uchiha Hiba's meaning almost instantly, and appeared in front of Usopp with the same ghastly look on her face. Her eyes moved up and down Usopp's body, as if to see which piece was easier to cut off. .

"It's useful, it's useful! I'm very useful. My illness has been completely cured. I actually heard what I just said very clearly!!"

"Very good, from now on, you will be the handyman of the Golden Merrie. Handyman No. 1, get ready to work!"

"Um...actually my name is Usopp..."

Usopp said a few words, but when he saw Uchiha Feiyu's half-smiling expression, his voice became smaller and smaller:

"The name Handyman No. 1 is okay... Hahaha, I'm going to work!"

After finishing speaking, Usopp took out a large rag from nowhere and began to wipe the deck hard.

Seeing Usopp running off to work, Nami put away the expression on her face, frowned and asked Uchiha Fei:

"This guy is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates! Is he really trustworthy?"

"Don't worry, this guy with the long nose is relatively easy to handle. It will be no problem to at least let him do some chores."

"And he is basically a jack-of-all-trades. Whether it is ship repair, small inventions, artillery shell maintenance, naval battle firing, long-range sniping, maritime lookout, etc., he can do it all."

This is indeed the case. Although Usopp is most famous for his almost funny character-level luck, if we look at his ability alone, he is definitely not bad.

The frontal combat effectiveness may be a little weaker, but in addition to being responsible for sniping, Usopp also handles most of the other chores. Even Nami's weather stick is Usopp's invention.

Of course, the most important thing that made Uchiha Feiyu decide to keep him was that Usopp was very easy to handle. If it were other members of the Straw Hats, it would be very difficult to get them to do things.

With the introduction of Uchiha Feiyu, Nami quickly discovered Usopp's abilities, so poor Usopp directly became a coolie on the ship, being ordered around by Nami.

In a few days, Usopp was not only forced by Nami to renovate the entire ship, waxing the deck, but also made weapons such as weather sticks for Nami, completely turning him into a handyman on the ship. elder brother.

In the early morning of this day, on the blue sea, the Golden Merli slowly drove forward and came to a strange high mountain.

"This is the legendary Upside Down Mountain! The sea water from all over the world gathers here to form a soaring sea current. Due to the pressure of the ocean, it rushes against the Upside Down Mountain to the top of the mountain. It sounds strange and scientific - how weird!"

This so-called scientific principle is probably similar to the science of the Detective Conan world. It belongs to the oceanography unique to the One Piece world. Anyway, Uchiha Feiha can't understand it.

Fortunately, there is no problem if he can't understand it. As long as Nami, the navigator, can understand it, in fact, Usopp also knows some astronomical phenomena and hydrology. Uchiha Feiha is the only one on the whole ship who knows nothing about this. Know.

"What a spectacular current! Once it passes the Upside Down Mountain, it should be the Grand Line!"

Nami looked at the Upside Down Mountain in the distance, with a look of yearning on her face. As a girl whose goal is to be the world's top navigator, the Great Line is undoubtedly the most important part of realizing her dream.

"I, I, I, I... Do we really have to go through this Upside Down Mountain? In fact, I have always had a disease that will kill me if I go up Upside Down Mountain..."

Usopp's face was pale, his whole body was trembling, his legs were weak, and he looked at the towering mountains and turbulent currents in front of him, and his whole body seemed to be washed by water.

"What are you talking about? If you don't want the ship to be destroyed and people to die, if you really die on the Upside-Down Mountain, then adjust the ship quickly, we will rush up soon!"

"I don't care. Even if the Golden Merry hits the mountain, with my strength, it will only be the rocks that will be broken, not me. Nami has the ability of the Slippery Fruit. This level of physical attack can't hurt her. Even if she falls into the sea, she can rely on the power of the devil fruit to surf directly up. At that time, only you will die!"

Usopp's eyes widened immediately, his face full of disbelief. It turned out that he was the only one in danger on this ship!

"Why don't you drive the boat quickly! What are you doing here?"

Nami said to Usopp unhappily. At this time, Usopp's body stopped shaking, and he ran directly to the rudder and began to control the entire ship.

Although Usopp's steering skills are not very good, in fact, this level is already first-class in the entire East China Sea. In addition to Nami's advice, through the inverted mountain, he actually has 70% to 80% confidence.

The remaining 20% ​​to 30% confidence depends on luck. If he hits a ship from other seas, or the brain-sick large island whale Lab, it will not be a problem that navigation can solve.

Well, navigation can't solve it, but Uchiha Feiyu's flying slash can definitely solve it. At worst, he can just cut the opponent's ship in half with one knife.

To a certain extent, when sailing on the Grand Line, navigation is certainly one aspect, but strength is a more important aspect.

If navigation is not good enough, strength can make up for it. Hawkeye Mihawk, Pluto Rayleigh, and Kaido are among the best. Their navigation skills are obviously not very good, but relying on their own strength, they can still travel unimpeded on the Grand Line.

If you are not strong enough, no matter how good your navigation skills are, you will always encounter situations where you are not strong enough. After all, the weather in the Grand Line is not a place where normal humans can sail.

The first half of the Grand Line is just a place with unpredictable weather. In the second half, there are meteorites, icebergs, thunderstorms and fire falling from the sky. It is not a place that normal ships can pass through.

Even if you pull an aircraft carrier from the real world over, it will be a dead end if you are not strong enough. Only the monsters in the second half of the Grand Line are so powerful that they did not die there.

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