Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 223 The Straw Hat Pirates and Buggy Pirates Arrive

The central square of Rogge Town is also a famous check-in place in the One Piece world. At the end of the square, there is an execution platform that looks ordinary and simple.

But now, the holy place where people came and went, no one was around anymore, and only two groups of pirates were left confronting each other.

"Damn Straw Hat brat!! Uncle Bucky will never spare you today!"

A pirate dressed like a clown with a big red nose, waving a scimitar and shouting loudly, is none other than Bucky the Clown, the famous "big pirate" in the East China Sea.

Luffy, who was opposite him, reached out and picked his nose with a bored expression on his face:

"It's you again, red nose!"

"Asshole! Don't call me Red Nose!"

"Oh, I know, red nose!!"

"Listen to me, you damn Straw Hat brat!!"

Although there is no Nami, the Bucky Pirates still have a relationship with Luffy. Not to mention anything else, just seeing the straw hat on Luffy's head, Bucky can't suppress the anger in his heart, and the two clash. , it’s simply too normal.

"It's so boring! Sanji, I want to eat..."

"Just bear with it, I don't think the other party will give us time to cook!"

"Then let Zoro deal with them!"

"Captain Idiot, have you forgotten? That green algae head just arrived in Rogge Town, and he has already lost his way somewhere!"

The conversation between Luffy and Sanji who didn't care about Bucky the Clown immediately made the "big pirate" extremely angry, and he yelled angrily:

"Don't ignore others!! You arrogant brats!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hands suddenly broke apart. One hand held a scimitar, and the other hand held a dagger and flew out.

The scimitar struck Straw Hat Boy directly, and the dagger stabbed Sanji. The strange moves were enough to make any pirate who had never seen him suffer a big loss.

However, Straw Hat Luffy had already fought against Bucky and knew that he had a special ability to be torn apart. He just lowered his head and dodged Bucky's scimitar, and then swung his fist at a weird curve and hit it. Bucky grabbed the hand holding the scimitar and hit the scimitar directly on the ground.

The unlucky Sanji was obviously not mentally prepared. He was a little shocked at first, but when he reacted, he was a little late in dodging, and was directly scratched by the dagger on his shoulder, leaving a bloody gash.

"What the hell is this! Is this guy some sort of devil-turned-human being? How come his arms can still be split?"

"Idiot, I am not a reformed person. I am a splinter who ate the split fruit! I have the ability to split into pieces!"

"That's right! You don't even know this, Sanji, you are so stupid!"

Luffy raised his head, showing a don't make a fuss expression, and spoke to Sanji in the same way.

Sanji: ( ̄ヘ ̄#)

"Captain idiot, you should have told me this kind of thing earlier!!"

"Eh!? Didn't I tell you?!"

"What the hell! You damn rubber head!"

"Damn the Straw Hat Pirates! There should be a limit to how you look down on people!"

Bucky was extremely angry when he was ignored again. His hands returned to his arms. Then the pirate took out several small red cannonballs from his arms and threw them at the two of them.

Although Luffy and Sanji were arguing, when Bucky threw his cannonball, the two people who sensed the danger immediately reacted.

Sanji kicked out, using his feet with skillful strength, and directly kicked away the cannonball that hit him. The cannonball was kicked into the air by him and made a loud boom, just like a dynamite pack exploding.

Luffy took a long breath and quickly transformed into a big fat man, blocking the cannonball.

I saw those cannonballs hitting the ball Luffy, as if hitting a trampoline, sinking deeply into it, and then bounced back with a hiss.

"Oops, too bad"

Seeing the rebounded shells, Bucky's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and even his red nose popped out. He made a nervous and frightened expression, and then only heard the rumbling explosion. The unlucky one was burnt to a crisp, and his arms, legs, and head were scattered on the ground.

"Wow, how pitiful, it was blown into parts!"

When Luffy saw Bucky's head falling in front of him, he lifted it up with a look of sympathy on his face. Then he saw the charred Bucky head open his mouth and cursed loudly:

"Asshole, isn't this all because of you?! What are you doing here so hypocritically?"

"Ahhhhhhh!!! The head, the head is talking!!"

Luffy screamed twice in fright, and threw the head out of his hand. Sanji raised one foot, successfully caught the "ball", and directly suppressed Bucky's head under his right foot.

"Captain Idiot! Have you forgotten that he is a user with the ability to split fruit? Isn't it normal for him to be able to talk even if his head falls off?"

"Yeah! I almost forgot!"

Luffy stretched out a hand and placed it on his palm, as if he suddenly remembered this setting.

At this time, the bits and pieces of Bucky the Clown rolled over and got under his head, quickly forming his body.

"Curse your eyebrows, get your stinky feet away!!"

"What are you talking about, red-nosed idiot, don't you know what politeness is?"

Sanji said calmly, but instead of taking his foot away, he stepped on it harder, causing Bucky the Clown to scream.

"Oops, Captain Bucky is caught, what should we do? Are we going to rescue him?"

"Don't be kidding, even Captain Bucky is no match for them. If we go up, won't we end up killing people?"

"Then what should we do? Otherwise... let's run!"

"Uh...isn't it a little bad? Just abandon the captain and run away..."

Just when this group of people were discussing, thick smoke suddenly floated over, and after a while, it condensed into a strong man with white hair.

"The Straw Hat Pirates, and the Buggy Pirates! You are all arrested!"

As soon as Smoker finished speaking, there were the sound of neat footsteps all around. A large group of marines had surrounded the entire square, and the guns in their hands were pointed at all the members of the two pirate groups in the center of the square.

Only Luffy and Sanji were present in the Straw Hat Pirates at the moment, but all members of the Buggy Pirates were present. However, seeing that they were surrounded, one or two of the members of the Buggy Pirates were already panicking. He almost raised his hands and surrendered.

"Oh no, no, no, it's that White Hunter Smoker!!"

"What! Is it that monster who has guarded Rogge Town for three years and no pirates have ever been able to escape from his pursuit?!"

"It's over, there's no chance of winning!"

On the other side, Luffy glanced at the navy surrounding him and scratched his head:

"We're surrounded again, there's nothing we can do! It seems we can only use that trick to escape!"

"That move? If the captain has any way of escaping, use it quickly! Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Sanji glanced around and frowned as well. Although his strength was not afraid of ordinary marines, he was not invulnerable. Those marines could still interfere with him.

As for the white hunter Smoker, Sanji also had some understanding. This natural fruit ability user was not something that a guy like him who relied on physical attacks could deal with.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

The next moment Luffy finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out an arm and wrapped Sanji tightly around him.

Not sure what kind of trick this was, Sanji, who was about to ride a Luffy roller coaster for the first time, showed a slightly curious expression.

Immediately, Luffy's other hand continued to extend, directly grabbing a clock tower in the distance.

Whoosh! ! !

Under the influence of the Straw Hat slingshot catapult, Luffy and Sanji directly imitated Spider-Man and flew out. However, Luffy in mid-air had an excited look on his face, while Sanji opened his mouth wide and shamelessly. Trembling, he was directly blinded by this move.

"Perfect landing!"

Luffy did a somersault in mid-air and stood on the clock tower easily. Unlucky Sanji was unprepared and hit the copper bell inside the clock tower. The clanging sound clung to the surface of the copper bell and fell slowly.

Then the dizzy Sanji raised his head and looked at Luffy with a lifeless expression:

"You... idiot captain!!!"

On the other hand, Smoker in the center of the square looked at Luffy and Sanji escaping and sneered:

"Do you think you can run away like this? Dasqi, leave these pirates to you, I'll catch those two guys!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Smoker's entire body turned into a cloud of smoke, rising into the sky and flying towards Luffy and Sanji on the bell tower.

"Got it, sir! Everyone, take action and arrest all these guys!"

Dasqi looked at the Bucky Pirates who had almost lost their will to resist. She didn't think the task was too difficult and directly issued the order. A group of marines immediately took handcuffs and arrested all the Bucky Pirates. got up.

When it was Bucky's turn, this guy seemed very honest, but his eyes were rolling around. Dasqi saw this and said:

"Don't use ordinary handcuffs, this guy is a devil fruit user, use seastone handcuffs!"

As soon as he heard the words "Hai Lou Shi Handcuffs", Bucky's expression suddenly changed and he shouted:

"How can I be caught by you so easily! I am the big pirate Bucky! Just let me eat the fart from behind!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bucky's body was distorted, producing a series of strange deformations, and finally turned into the shape of a racing car, with two hands pushing the front wheel, two feet pedaling the rear wheel, and swishing. Rushed out.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

Without saying a word, Dasqi slashed down with a knife. She knew that Bucky was a user with the ability to split the fruit, so the knife was not aimed at Bucky's body, but instead hit his wheels.

Unexpectedly, Bucky threw another handful of small bombs with his backhand. With a rumble of explosions, the whole square suddenly became chaotic. Dasqi took a few steps back and by the time he could react, this cunning and lucky guy had already escaped. Without a trace.

Not only that, because of the chaos caused by the bomb, the Bucky Pirates, who were already at a loss, seemed to have found an opportunity and broke up in a crowd, trying to escape.

A trace of anger flashed in Taschi's eyes, and the Koye Shigure in his hand turned into streaks of sword light. Along with a burst of screams, the poor members of the Buggy Pirates were slashed by the Navy female captain. Fall to the ground.

Although Dasqi is reckless and looks like she has no strength, in fact, this girl will be able to practice to the point of possessing two-color domineering in two years. It is conceivable that the current foundation is definitely not bad, and her true strength is even better than Some big pirates with tens of millions are not inferior.

It's just because of his personality and behavior that he doesn't seem to be strong. It's more than enough to deal with these ordinary pirates.

"Catch these guys and put them in the Marine Prison. Come over here with two fast Marines and follow me to chase that damn clown Bucky!"

After giving the instructions, Dasqi led a few marines and chased in the direction of the clown Bucky. As for the remaining marines, they took these Bucky's men and escorted them to the prison of the Rogue Town Naval Base. .

The originally bustling Execution Square of Rogge Town became deserted at this moment. Only a weak, helpless and very edible lion was left, lying there with his head in his hands.

Well, this is exactly the lion left by the trainer of the Bucky Pirates. Because there is no bounty and it is not a human being, the navy didn't know if it was a brain attack, so they didn't care about it at all. This lion lying there.

After a while, the lion put down his paws on his head and looked around, only to find that no one seemed to be in the square. A humane expression of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, some animals in this world are really spiritual, almost as smart as humans!"

Hearing the voice behind him, the lion's face, which was originally showing a joyful expression, froze, and then the expression on its face calmed down, becoming like an ordinary lion, and it also let out two loud hooting sounds.

After barking, the lion turned its head, looked at the person behind it, and showed a threatening expression, looking like an ordinary beast.

"Hahaha...are you pretending to be stupid in front of me? It is true that an ordinary lion cannot be considered a member of the pirate group, but since you appear in the town, in order to prevent hurting civilians, I have no choice but to kill you with one punch! Just in time. I am also missing a lion skin rug..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lion fell to his knees on the ground without saying a word, and immediately sat down.

"Hehehe, Feiyu, this guy is so funny!"

A crisp female voice came, and the lion named Liji quietly raised his head and saw a pretty girl with orange hair and a rather ordinary-looking young man. These were Nami and Uchiha Feiha .

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