In the early morning, Nami, who was sleeping in bed, opened her eyes, sat up, and stretched.

The quilt that was originally hanging on the body seemed to have no way of covering the smooth and delicate skin, and slipped directly down, revealing a piece of spring.

"Huh!? This sound is..."

Hearing the sound of exercising outside, Nami had a strange expression. After changing her clothes, she opened the door and saw Uchiha Feiha who was exercising.

"Did you not sleep last night? Did you exercise all night? That's a bit too much!"

There was an expression of disbelief on Nami's face. She knew very well that Uchiha Feiyu exercised very hard every day. According to Nami, Uchiha Feiyu's exercise plan could almost be said to be constantly jumping to the limits of the human body. After jumping, if you increase the amount of exercise, it is not called exercise, but suicide.

It is true that the physical gap between humans in this pirate world may be greater than the gap between humans and dogs. Some people can directly withstand the attacks of firearms and even rocket launchers with their physical bodies, while others can fall down from a staircase less than two meters high. If you fall to death, the intensity of natural exercise is completely different.

However, after these few days of sparring, Nami is completely certain that Uchiha Feiyu's physical fitness and strength talent are much higher than ordinary people. He can barely be regarded as a gifted person, but he is definitely not a monster. , the daily training plan has reached this guy's limit.

If you practice more in this case, not only will you not get a better training effect, but you will cause harm to yourself.

But looking at Uchiha Feiyu's energetic appearance, Nami didn't seem to be hurt, but her aura became stronger? Even the muscles seemed to swell a bit.

"Don't worry, my body's endurance is much stronger now than before."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and spoke confidently.

Nami saw this and took a closer look. Uchiha Feiyu made sure that there were no signs of over-exercise on his body, and then she believed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"You guys have to be careful. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for not fulfilling my promise. I don't want to accept a paralyzed guy as the captain."

The tone didn't sound very good, but the arrogant tone proved that Nami had basically recognized Uchiha Feiha.

"Don't you know me well? When have you ever seen me do something I was unsure of?"

After hearing this, Nami agreed very much. Not to mention other aspects of this guy, Uchiha Feiha, his sense of caution is definitely no worse than that of himself as a little thieving cat. When exercising, he will maintain his physical limit. As for fighting... …

Nami had only seen Uchiha Feiyu fight once. That time, even though Uchiha Feiyu was no less powerful than Arrita, he still pushed himself out first as a bait, and then made a sneak attack from behind, which was called It's caution to the extreme.

When she thought of that battle, Nami remembered the scene where Uchiha Feiyu absorbed Arrita's body, and she suddenly seemed to understand something.

It should be a kind of power to strengthen oneself. I remember that after Uchiha Feiyu absorbed Arrita, he felt as if he had become a lot stronger...

Could it be that the change in Uchiha Feiyu's physical endurance this time was also due to this reason?

It seems that this guy probably did something last night.

Nami's guess was soon proven. When the time was approaching noon, many navy suddenly appeared in the town, seemingly looking for someone.

However, after searching for an afternoon, these marines returned to the base and made no further actions.

In fact, it is quite normal. To put it bluntly, Kerby is just a naval handyman. That is to say, he disappeared silently in the naval base, so he attracted a little attention, and some navy came out to look for him. But just one afternoon was enough to be worthy of his rank as a handyman.

Otherwise, in this chaotic sea, the navy doesn't know how many people die every day, so why would the navy care about a navy handyman? He is still a naval handyman who has only joined the navy for less than half a month.

So quietly, the disappearance of Kebi passed away. Except for the person involved, Uchiha Feiyu, and Nami, who had some speculations, no one else cared about the missing naval miscellaneous person. Served.

Three or four days passed quickly. Three or four days was not a long time, but Uchiha Feiyu's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

In just three or four days, Uchiha Feiyu's training effect was stronger than all the training effects put together from the time he came to this world until he absorbed Kirby's potential!

At least Nami saw with her own eyes how Uchiha Feiyu progressed from splitting a large stone as high as a person at the beginning to being able to easily cut a stone as high as a two-story building into two pieces.

This strength is almost comparable to that of Zoro who just went to sea, and even if he just went to sea, Zoro's strength is already the strongest in the East China Sea. If you are more cautious, he can defeat the entire Dragon Pirates alone. A lot of certainty.

Because of this, Nami's trust in Uchiha Feiyu is increasing day by day. With Uchiha Feiyu's progress, even if she can't meet Garp, another month or two of training will definitely help her destroy the evil dragon pirate. group.

Of course, Nami's progress has not been slow during this period. Not only has the basic ability of the Slippery Fruit been fully utilized, it can be immune to a large extent of physical attacks and provide extremely fast speed, but she has also developed many advancements. level application.

It has to be said that as a navigator, Nami's advanced application of the slippery fruit also has a very obvious navigator style, and it is an ability completely related to wind and water.

Among the two applications she developed, one is to control the air in the skin area and achieve near-invisibility through the air sliding over the skin. The other is to use the sea as an ice rink, ride the wind and waves on the sea, and directly perform slide.

In the process of developing Devil Fruit, Nami also gradually got rid of her fear of Aaron - the so-called knife-minded and murderous intention. Originally, Nami's potential was limited. No matter how hard she trained, it was difficult to defeat Aaron. But after After gaining the ability of the Devil Fruit, she already had the capital to resist, and naturally her fear of Aaron began to disappear.

Of course, the character of the little thieving cat also determines that Nami is not a tough girl like Luffy and Zoro. If she can be on Garp's lap, she can directly solve the Arlong Pirates without taking risks herself. This is the best ending for Nami.

This morning, Nami opened the door again, looked at the open space at the door, and yawned slightly. When she finally woke up from her sleepiness, her expression was a little strange:

"Hey! Where did that guy Feiyu go? Didn't he exercise this morning?"

On weekdays, when Nami was awake, she could always see Uchiha Feiyu who was practicing outside, rain or shine, but today she didn't see his figure, which made her a little confused.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. After a while, the door opened and Uchiha Feiyu walked in from the outside.

"What are you still doing here? Today is the day when the escort ship arrives. Let's go to the dock and take a look. Garp should be arriving soon."

"What? A naval hero is coming?"

A trace of nervousness flashed across Nami's face, and she hurriedly ordered herself, swallowed her saliva, and followed Uchiha Feiyu to the dock.

As he walked, the guy's body was still a little stiff, and he almost couldn't walk smoothly.

Looking at the nervous Nami, Uchiha Feiyu didn't say anything. When he arrived at the dock and met the one-celled Garp, Nami would probably recover.

The two soon arrived near the pier, which was already surrounded by the navy from the 153 Naval Base. After taking a look around, Uchiha Feiyu directly dragged Nami and jumped to a tree, looking at the sea in the distance. .

A huge dog-headed battleship sailed over the sea. This time, Uchiha Feiyu didn't need to say anything. Nami had already recognized this battleship, which was famous in the entire pirate world.

"It's truly a naval hero's battleship! I didn't expect...a mere colonel of the naval branch to actually attract such a big shot!"

Nami's face was full of surprise. The captain of the navy branch was equivalent to the rank of a captain in the headquarters. Although Garp was only a vice admiral, his true status in the navy was definitely no worse than the three generals. Where to go.

By analogy, it is equivalent to a company commander committing an offense and being escorted by a certain commander of a large military region. This is obviously not something that would happen under normal circumstances.

Even if the hierarchy of hierarchy in the pirate world is not very clear, and the higher-ups do whatever they want, this kind of thing is too fussy and more wasteful than anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes.

"Now I believe that the straw hat kid who beat up Monka is Garp's grandson... Otherwise, the matter of Monka will never reach the ears of this naval hero!"

Nami murmured a few words, and soon the dog-headed battleship had docked, and a wooden ladder descended from the battleship.

Several marines from the 153 base pressed down on the tall and strong Mengka and walked to the battleship. Even these navy can be said to be big and round. Compared with Mengka, they can only be said to be thin and small. Pressing down This guy was very strenuous when doing it.

On the battleship, a tall old man wearing a dog-head hat stood on the deck, his head slightly lowered, his posture upright, and he seemed to have an aura of calmness and self-power.

Looking at the old man, Nami couldn't help holding her breath, and her eyes showed awe:

"That's the naval hero, the protector of the East China Sea, Vice Admiral Garp who once captured the Pirate King! It feels really impressive..."

"Are you ready, Nami?"

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly asked. Nami was stunned for a moment and looked at Uchiha Feiyu:

"Prepare?? Prepare for what!?"

"Get ready to play!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and when Nami's expression was still inexplicable, he suddenly grabbed the clothes on her back.

"Wait, wait, wait!! You, you... what do you want to do? No--!!"

"Garp, you bastard! I want to settle the account with you for your grandson!!"

Uchiha Feiyu grabbed the clothes behind Nami, fell directly from the sky, landed on the battleship, and then hit Garp's dog face with an iron fist.

With a bang, Garp, who had no resistance, was directly punched into a top by Uchiha Feiyu. He flew upside down for more than ten meters, spun around seven or eight times, and hit the cannon on the bow of the ship with a bang. He couldn't get up for a long time. .

The elite navy of the headquarters who were originally standing on the battleship and the branch navy who were escorting Mengka were all frightened. Their tongues and eyes protruded from the elders, as if they had seen aliens.

Please, the one who was shot away was Lieutenant General Garp! He's the monster who uses warships as sandbags when practicing boxing, and can flatten eight mountains with his fists after just a little training when he has nothing to do! He was actually punched and sent flying... Who was the person who said this? Red-haired Shanks or Beast Kaido? !

"Ahhhhhhhhh!! What are you doing? Why are you attacking the navy!!"

"Have you forgotten that Straw Hat damaged our boat? He owes us a lot of money! Isn't it only natural to ask his grandfather for the debt?"

"Ah!? What..."

Nami's face was pale after being violently shocked. Listening to Uchiha Feiyu's nonsense and unintelligible words, she wanted to complain, we have never seen that straw hat boy!

However, after all, she is also known as the little thief cat. She has deceived countless pirates in the entire East China Sea. She is a smart girl who is much stronger than the average person in terms of intelligence. In just a moment, she understood what Uchiha Feiyu meant, and at the same time I also thought about the consequences after the matter was exposed.

Uchiha Hiba packaged the two of them as victims, so that he could have a relationship with Garp... Although he didn't know what kind of person this naval hero was, could the situation be worse?

If they hadn't followed what Uchiha Feiha said, the two of them would have directly attacked the Vice Admiral. This crime would be enough to get them into Impel Down!

Thinking of this, Nami could only grit her teeth, follow Uchiha Feiyu's words, and continue:

"But you can't attack the navy directly and damage our big ship. After all, the person who owes us money is Straw Hat and has nothing to do with his grandfather."

It turns out that the grandson damaged someone else's boat, and he won't pay back the money he owes? A group of marines looked at each other with expressions of reaction. I didn't expect Lord Garp's grandson to be such a person. He was simply cheating Grandpa.

"Is that Straw Hat boy you are talking about my grandson Luffy?"

With a crash, Garp pushed away the cannon that was pressing on him and stood up directly. He saw that the dog-skin hat had fallen down, revealing his slightly bruised face, but he didn't care at all, instead he had a smile on his face. :

"He actually damaged all your ships - he is worthy of being my grandson!"

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