Three more days passed. A white-haired ninja from Konoha Ninja Village in the Country of Fire arrived here in a hurry.

"Jiraiya-sama, you...what's wrong with you?"

The Konoha ninja stationed at the door looked at Jiraiya who walked in and asked in surprise. Now Jiraiya's white messy hair has lost its luster, his eye circles are black, and his skin is white. He looks as if he is more than ten years older.

Not only that, the clothes on his body were damaged in many places, but there were also some dried blood stains. Through the damaged clothes, some wounds that had been bandaged hastily could be seen.

Why does Jiraiya look like he's been beaten up now?

Considering the identity of this Konoha Sannin, the guard stationed at the gate of Konoha couldn't help but start thinking, who could let a big shot like Jiraiya get hurt? Could it be that something big is going to happen in the ninja world again?

"Is it Izumo? Contact Tsunade for me. I have important information to report... Forget it, I'll go there first."

Jiraiya was teleported out of Mt. Miaomu by Fukasaku Sennin through the counter-spiritual technique, but instead of returning directly to the ninja world, he appeared at the border of the Land of Wind.

After that, Jiraiya tried to summon the toads from Mt. Myoboku using his psychic skills. As a result, except for a few small frogs and tadpoles summoned at the beginning, all the remaining toads from Mt. Myoboku could not be summoned.

At that time, Jiraiya knew very well that Uchiha Feiyu had killed all the toads in Myoboku Mountain. In this case, Jiraiya could only endure his grief and kill the few remaining toads in Myoboku Mountain. The toad tadpole was brought to an oasis on the border of the Kingdom of Wind and settled there, and then hurried towards Konoha.

Along the way, Jiraiya didn't even have time to fully deal with his own injuries. He just bandaged them roughly and focused all his attention on rushing.

The strength shown by Uchiha Feiyu was too terrifying. Jiraiya had to make Konoha Ninja Village prepare in advance, and because he didn't know the factors that caused the Sage of Six Paths to cheat Nagato, in Jiraiya's eyes, he had The door was killed by Uchiha Feiyu. Now the entire ninja world may not have the power to resist Uchiha Feiyu.

Of course, Jiraiya would report this kind of important information to Tsunade, and then see how to solve it. If necessary, it would be like eight gates of armor, the sealing of corpses, the art of the Four Four Symbols, and the reincarnation of dirty soil. Ninjutsu like this should be used as needed.

The ninja who looked at the gate of Konoha did not stop Jiraiya, but reported directly to the inside. At this moment, in the Hokage's office, Uchiha Feiyu, who had been waiting here for a long time, suddenly showed a smile:

"Sure enough... this guy Jiraiya came to Konoha immediately!"

When he destroyed the entire Myoboku Mountain, Uchiha Feiyu actually didn't pay attention to whether Jiraiya was dead or not. It was later when he was counting the souls he captured with the Soul Sentence General that he realized that Jiraiya's soul was missing.

After that, he checked the soul memories of those toads and got information from them, knowing that Jiraiya had escaped from Mt. Miaomu.

However, the reverse channeling technique that was hurriedly performed at that time was impossible to directly channel Jiraiya back to Konoha, and it would most likely take a while.

After Uchiha Feiyu returned to the ninja world, he first spent half a day killing all the tailed beasts, and then spent the next three days busy dealing with Konan, turning her into a cauldron that obeyed his words.

As for the future, Uchiha Feiyu planned to let Konan go undercover at Nagato's place, using the excuse that Konan escaped with his life because he was channeled out by the reverse spirit.

Jiraiya also had some understanding of the battle situation at the beginning, and might be able to detect some flaws. Although Nagato must have great trust in Konan, with the power of the more advanced Rinnegan, as long as he has the slightest suspicion, he can take a move. Through hypnotic questioning, Xiaonan's identity can be discovered.

"Tsunade, Jiraiya will be left to you when the time comes."

Uchiha Feiyu turned to look at Tsunade and said something. After hearing this, Tsunade nodded sadly.

Although she didn't want to attack her old friend, she didn't have the ability to refuse Uchiha Feiyu's request.

After a while, Jiraiya hurried to the Hokage's office. Looking at Tsunade, the old god was there, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"It seems like that guy Uchiha Feiyu hasn't done anything yet? I came back in time."

"What happened, Jiraiya? And the Uchiha Feiyu you mentioned, what on earth is he going to do? Didn't you go to the Kingdom of Wind to get information about him?"

As soon as Jiraiya relaxed, he felt pain everywhere in his body. He sat on a bench in the Hokage's office and sighed:

"Yes, I went to the Country of Wind to inquire about the information. As a result, I don't know exactly what this guy wants to do, but I know that Uchiha Feiyu does have a conspiracy, and his strength is far away. Beyond my imagination.”

"Looking at your appearance, that guy must have beaten you up!"

"It's not like they beat me up... to be precise, I just fell into the kind of injury that was affected by the aftermath of the battle..."

Jiraiya's face showed a mixture of bitterness, fear, anger, and even despair. After a moment, he lowered his head:

"Mt. Myoboku has been completely destroyed by that Uchiha Feiyu!"

"All the toads in the entire Myoboku Mountain have been annihilated, leaving only a few palm-sized toads and tadpoles, which were summoned by me and escaped!"

Although she had known this situation for a long time, Tsunade still pretended to be surprised and looked at Jiraiya:

"Jiraiya, what happened? Is that Uchiha Feiyu so strong?"

"It will only be stronger than you think. It took Uchiha Feiyu less than one or two minutes to destroy the entire Myoboku Mountain... I'm afraid he only needs this much time to destroy the Konoha Ninja Village!"

As he spoke, Jiraiya coughed twice, and blood began to seep out of the dark brown bandages on his wounds.

"Don't say so much, Jiraiya, let me treat you first!"

Tsunade's hand was glowing with green light, and she approached Jiraiya. Jiraiya took a breath and said:

"Thank you very much, Tsunade... eh?!"

As the green light from Tsunade's hand touched Jiraiya, Jiraiya immediately felt that the chakra in his body stopped flowing instantly, and then his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

At this time, Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing behind Tsunade, took off the mask on his face and said with a chuckle:

"I didn't expect to take him down so easily. It seems that Jiraiya still trusts you very much."

While speaking, Uchiha Feiyu directly used Kamui and sucked Jiraiya in. Then, from the Kamui space, a female ninja with blue-purple hair and a cold face was spit out. It was his original captive Xiaonan.

"Master Feiyu, have you caught the teacher?"

"Yes, the one who was just sent into the Kamui space was Jiraiya."

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Konan and answered directly:

"Now Jiraiya's hidden danger has been eliminated, and you can go find Nagato then."

While speaking, Uchiha Feiyu took out a few black earrings, which were the signal marks made by Nagato using Yin-Yang escape, and had been worn on Konan's ears. In theory, as long as Konan inputs chakra, Nagato can receive the signal.

Fortunately, at the beginning, Konan thought Nagato was dead, and later she was taken into the Kamui space by Uchiha Feiyu. In that alien space, Nagato could not receive Konan's signal.

Later, Uchiha Feiyu entered the Kamui space, turned Konan into a cauldron, and took back her earrings. Through these two earrings, Uchiha Feiyu could also feel how far Nagato was from here.

"According to my perception, Nagato will be able to enter the Ninja World in about two days. Before that, you can use this earring to contact him."

Konan silently reached out and took the earring, then looked up at Uchiha Feiyu:

"How can I contact you, Master Feiyu?"

"Well... in that case, I'll leave a mark for you!"

Uchiha Feiyu reached out his hand, entered his collar, and left a Flying Thunder God mark on the valley between the two peaks of Konan.

The blood-red three-magatama mark flashed twice on the fair skin, and then gradually disappeared. Uchiha Feiyu nodded with a smile:

"I also used the power of Yin-Yang escape in this Flying Thunder God Mark. In this way, as long as you input chakra, you can contact me. You can also use this positioning to let me appear next to you, or directly summon you back."

Konan stretched out her hand and gently touched the mark on her skin. She slowly approached Uchiha Feiyu, half-undressed, revealing a white and tender skin:

"Feiyu, didn't you say that Nagato will enter the ninja world in two days?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to meet you for a long time in the future, so don't waste these two days..."

For such a good thing, Uchiha Feiyu naturally accepted it, and didn't care that this was the Hokage's office. He directly pulled Konan and Tsunade and started to practice the Hehuan Collection.

Two days later, a dusty figure flew in the sky of the Wind Country.

"Finally back to the ninja world... According to Jiraiya, the Kingdom of Wind is the base camp of Uchiha Feiyu. I wonder if he is staying here too?"

Flying in the sky, Nagato had no joy or sadness in his eyes, and his whole face was cold and hard, like a stone statue.

Having lost all his companions and his teacher, and witnessed the destruction of Myoboku Mountain, the only thought in Nagato's mind now was to seek revenge on Uchiha Feiyu.

The perception of the Sage Mode spread, and in an instant it expanded for dozens of kilometers. Nagato flew all the way and sensed all the way, but unfortunately he only felt some ordinary ninja chakra, and did not find Uchiha Feiyu.

Nagato gritted his teeth. The Kingdom of Wind is vast, and although his perception range is wide, it can only cover a small part of the country.

It would take at least one or two months to thoroughly scan the entire Kingdom of Wind through perception.

Not to mention that this perception would have a lot of omissions, the other party would not be able to stand in one place without moving, not to mention that if the other party was not in the Kingdom of Wind, he could not scan the entire Ninja World!

"How about... go to the Sand Village? That should be Uchiha Touha's base!"

After searching for a while, Nagato changed his mind and began to think about whether he could force the Sand Village to hand over Uchiha Touha.

Although Uchiha Feiyu's personality probably doesn't care about the Sand Ninja, but now Nagato has no other choice, right? He can only try this trick first.

However, at this moment, Nagato suddenly felt a strange signal that was constantly contacting him. His face changed, revealing a look of surprise, and he quickly transferred the thought wave in the direction of the signal.

"Konan!! Are you okay? It's great!"

As the thought wave was transmitted, Nagato soon saw Konan who was constantly sending him signals, and immediately shouted in surprise.

Then he turned around and no longer thought about the Sand Ninja Village or Uchiha Feiyu. He directly located Konan's signal and performed the summoning technique.

With a bang, after a burst of white smoke, Konan appeared in front of Nagato. Nagato looked at his only companion with excitement and found that although Konan looked a little haggard and tired, his face was ruddy, his skin was healthy and plump, and he was not hurt.

"I'm fine, Nagato... I used the Divine Paper Technique to dodge that guy's Shinra Tensei, and was later lucky enough to be sent out by the Toad Sage using the Reverse Summoning Technique."

"At that time, I was also sent directly to the Kingdom of Wind. During this period, I recovered from my injuries and gathered some information from the Sand Village."

"Thank you for your hard work, Konan!"

Nagato looked at Konan and smiled with relief. Even the anger that had been burning since leaving Myoboku Mountain was unconsciously calmed down a lot.

Konan lowered her eyes slightly, feeling a little guilty, but Uchiha Feiyu's control ability had already penetrated her mind. When she thought of Uchiha Feiyu's order, this trace of guilt was quickly thrown behind her.

"Nagato, there is an important situation. I want to tell you that in the past few days before you came back, Uchiha Feiyu had already attacked all the tailed beasts!"

"Attacking the tailed beasts?!"

Nagato's face changed slightly. After meeting the Six Paths Sage in the Pure Land, he now has a clear understanding of the ins and outs of the evolution of chakra in the entire ninja world, and naturally knows what those tailed beasts represent.

After the Six Paths Sage taught him the skills, he even told him that if he couldn't defeat Uchiha Feiyu, he should continue to seek the power of the tailed beasts, which is the chakra source closest to the original sacred tree.

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