Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 181 Destruction of Myoboku Mountain

Ninjutsu like Shinra Tensei will cause greater damage to the larger toads. Except for the giant toads that are really super-sized and as big as mountains, they can avoid some damage by relying on their own weight. The other giant toads have already Dead and naked.

The strength and age of the Myoboku Mountain toads are exactly proportional to their body size. With the exception of Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin, the other toads are stronger, older, and bigger - just powerful toads. They were all caught in one sweep and all died.

Instead, there were some tadpoles left, small frog-like toads. Although they were weak, some relied on luck to survive this move of Shinra Tianzheng.

"But... Fukasaku Sennin..."

"No time to hesitate! Let's go quickly!"

Fukasaku Sennin shouted, and slapped Jiraiya casually. With a bang, in a burst of white smoke, Jiraiya disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Jiraiya disappear, Fukasaku Sennin breathed a long sigh of relief and turned to look at Uchiha Feiyu floating in mid-air. A pair of small toad eyes instantly turned blood red:

"Uchiha Hiba!!! Take your life!!"

Coincidentally, on the tattered ruins of Miaomu Mountain, countless white papers condensed into a graceful human shape, and finally Konan's figure was revealed.

It's just that although Xiaonan was immune to most of the damage with her special paper escape technique, such a number of people could only save her life, but not her companions.

Konan looked around in panic, and finally found Yahiko who was still breathing in a ruins. As a newly promoted Kage-level ninja, Yahiko was not crushed to pieces by this Super God Luo Tianzheng, and could still survive. Saying a few last words with your last breath is already the limit.

"How are you now? Yahiko!!"

"Ahem, cough, cough... All the bones in my body are almost broken, and most of my internal organs are damaged... It seems that I can't survive..."

"Xiaonan... we are no match for him, run away..."

After saying a few words, Yahiko gradually lost his breath. Xiaonan wiped her tears and did not follow Yahiko's words and start running away. Instead, without saying a word, she also spread out a pair of wings made of white paper and flew into the sky. Towards Uchiha Feiyu.

Uchiha Hiba is not a ninja who knows how to be merciful, does not bully the weak, and has the burden of idols. On the contrary, his motto is to eliminate the root causes and nip problems in the bud.

With Uchiha Feiyu's chakra, after casting such a large-scale Shinra Tensei, there was a slight cooling time of five seconds, so he did not continue to do it.

However, by the time Fukasaku Senage and Konan had already flown into the sky, his cooling time had also ended. At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu did not look at the two of them at all, but then used the Super Shinra Tensei again.

As the air exploded again, Miaomu Mountain, which had been turned into a pile of ruins this time, was completely razed to the ground. The original gravel on the entire ground was crushed into sand. It originally looked like The somewhat unequal ground has now turned into a large, smooth round pit.

The unlucky Iwasu giant toad was immediately suppressed by the second Shinra Tenzheng and spurted out blood. The whole toad flattened, and even its internal organs spurted out, and it died immediately.

The rushing Fukasaku Sage was ejected in mid-air and fell to the ground. He was then pushed and dragged along the ground by the spreading repulsive force, and finally turned into a puddle of toad paste.

Only Xiaonan once again activated the Paper God's Technique and transformed into a large piece of white paper, immune to the physical damage of Shinra Tianzheng. However, even so, the white paper was torn and scattered too much. When she restored it again, He was also half-kneeling on the ground with a pale face, his chakra almost exhausted.

"Are you the only one left? Without those toads, this place looks a lot cleaner."

Uchiha Feiyu's perception ability has spread, and now, except for Xiaonan, there are no other living people or living toads in the entire Miaomu Mountain. Even the insects in the entire Miaomu Mountain are almost dead.


Konan looked at Uchiha Feiyu in the sky and wanted to say something more, but Uchiha Feiyu was no longer interested in this, and his whole body appeared behind her after a period of time and space twisting.


Before Konan could speak, Uchiha Feiyu slapped her on the back of the neck and knocked her unconscious. Then, amid a wave of time and space fluctuations, Konan was brought into the Kamui space.

"It's over... Without the natural energy of those toads, Miaomu Mountain looks a lot docile..."

This so-called Miaomu Mountain, if it were in some world of cultivating immortals, would be the so-called blessed land of cave heaven! I don’t know whether he was born like this, so he was occupied by these toads, or whether these toads were transformed through enchantment and sealing techniques. This is probably a secret that only the Great Immortal Toad knows.

It's a pity that Uchiha Feiyu practices magic skills. If he has some righteous skills, this cave heaven paradise and the possible existence of the barrier sealing technique with the function of gathering souls will definitely be a great gain.

But no matter what, this cave heaven paradise should still be very useful. Uchiha Feiyu subconsciously left a coordinate in Miaomu Mountain to see if he could go here to hunt for treasures in the future.

Then he stretched out his hand and directly pulled all the dead souls in this land over and put them into the illusion space, and then he stopped.

Soon, he felt the increasingly obvious space fluctuations coming from the distant space mezzanine. Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that if Nagato got hung up, he would probably come back from the Pure Land. Uchiha Feiyu didn't want to fight him. Bo Feiyu's whole figure flashed and disappeared here.

With a flash of light, Nagato reappeared in the ruined Miaomu Mountain. At this moment, six magatama were flowing in his purple eyes. Behind him, there were also six black seeking jade floating on his face. With a bit of pride.

However, his arrogant look only lasted for a second. After seeing clearly the current situation in Miaomu Mountain, Nagato's body was shaken, and the arrogant look on his face completely disappeared, turning into an expression of shock and grief.

"How could this happen? Yahiko!!! Konan!!! Jiraiya-sensei!!! Fukasaku Sennin!!"

"Damn it!!! Uchiha Feiyu!! I must kill you!"

Uzumaki Nagato is obviously not Uzumaki Naruto, the reincarnation of Asura, who can forgive all enemies.

At this moment, his originally dark purple Rinnegan eyes were almost turning red, and his grief and anger were soaring into the sky. If he were of Uchiha blood, it would be as high as a magatama or a kaleidoscope.

He really didn't expect that he just ran to the Pure Land and let the Six Paths Immortal pass on his skills. In less than a minute, the other party had already razed the entire Miaomu Mountain to the ground, killing all the toads, his teacher and companions.

Before you kill someone, don't you say a few words? What's the point of using the ultimate move directly?

And... Nagato turned his head and looked around, confirming that Uchiha Feiyu had left Myoboku Mountain. The anger in his heart had nowhere to release. He was so angry that he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood:

"No matter where you hide...I will definitely kill you!"

Relying on the time and space marks left behind, it took Uchiha Feiyu less than ten minutes to cross his original journey of more than ten days and return to the ninja world.

"I don't know to what extent that guy Nagato will be strengthened... Tsk, even if that guy awakens the space ninjutsu, without the space coordinates, it will take a few days to come back. Take this opportunity, Let’s collect all the tailed beasts first!”

After Uchiha Feiyu made up his mind not to follow the path of chakra, he no longer had any need for the power of tailed beasts. This is why there are still tailed beasts left in the ninja world.

But Uchiha Feiyu doesn't need tailed beasts, but after Nagato gets the tailed beasts, his strength will definitely be further improved. In order to avoid this happening, he naturally has to kill all the tailed beasts as soon as possible.

Ordinary ninjas cannot completely kill tailed beasts, but for Uchiha Feiyu, he has many ways to deal with tailed beasts. The simplest one is to directly use the Hunyuan Treasure Box to refine them, and then only Even if a tailed beast with no real spirit and no soul can be resurrected, it will take hundreds of years.

In a few hundred years... Uchiha Feiyu will probably have wiped out the Otsutsuki clan by then!

After returning, Uchiha Feiyu came to the Suna Ninja Village immediately. He first refined the One-Tailed Shukaku and obtained a large amount of extremely high-quality chakra pills, and then began to run around the ninja world.

In order to prevent Nagato behind him from noticing his relationship with other ninja villages, Uchiha Feiyu deliberately made a lot of noise in other ninja villages, and then captured these jinchūriki.

Among them, the other jinchuriki are okay, but the key is the two-tailed and nine-tailed jinchuriki. It takes some effort, because the jinchūriki of these two tailed beasts are themselves the harem of Uchiha Feiha.

Fortunately, with Uchiha Feiyu's current level of strength, this kind of thing is not difficult. The simplest thing is to draw out the tailed beast, directly use Yang Release Chakra to hang the lives of the two people, and then refine the tailed beast into a high-level one. Feed some of the high-quality chakra elixir to them.

Not only did they no longer have the burden of tailed beasts, but they also directly entered the top level of perfect Jinchuuriki mode. Especially Uzumaki Kushina, after obtaining the nine-tailed chakra elixir, she could enter the top level with just a thought. Tailed beast golden body mode.

Now Uchiha Feiyu has begun to teach her some of her own training experience, hoping that she can practice the sage mode, and even took out a lot of Hashirama cells to refine into elixirs and gave them to Uzumaki Kushina - from some kind of To a certain extent, Uzumaki Kushina is the ninja most likely to have the power to help him in a short period of time.

In the past, Uchiha Feiyu didn't care how strong his harem was, because he was invincible in the entire ninja world, but now with an opponent like Nagato, Uchiha Feiyu also began to pay attention to developing the power of his subordinates.

In addition to these two jinchuriki, the eight-tailed jinchuriki Kirabi has been killed by Uchiha Fei. It will take at least a few years before the eight-tailed gypsy can be resurrected. The other three tailed beasts, the seven-tailed, four-tailed and five-tailed beasts, Not in a village controlled by Uchiha Feiyu, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't act if he wanted to capture these three tailed beasts, but had to do it himself.

This is not difficult for Uchiha Feiyu, but it is just a little cumbersome. Needless to say, the Nanao of Taki Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu sneaked in directly with Kamui, and then knocked Kaji unconscious with one move before the Jinchūriki could react. The seal, the human and the tailed beast, were directly thrown into the Hunyuan Treasure Box for refining.

When Uchiha Feiyu left, the Taki Ninja Village didn't even know what had happened. It wasn't until they couldn't find their tailed beast Jinchuriki no matter how hard they searched, that they discovered the Jinchuriki's disappearance.

Iwa Ninja Village is the only great ninja village that is free from the control of Uchiha Feiha.

Slowly walking into the Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu disappeared and walked towards the largest ball of chakra he could sense.

"There is only one tailed beast chakra, it should be the five-tailed jinchuriki Han! Has the four-tailed jinchuriki Lao Murasaki left the Iwa Ninja Village now?"

In the original comic plot, the four-tailed Jinchuuriki left the Iwa Ninja Village, transformed into a monk, and roamed the entire ninja world.

In fact, many powerful ninjas don't really like to stay in Ninja Villages, especially Jinchuriki, and they don't like the environment of Ninja Villages.

However, although he left the Iwa Ninja Village, the four-tailed jinchuriki was not considered a defector. At least the Iwa Ninja Village did not declare him a traitor, so his actions could only be regarded as wandering around like Jiraiya.

"I guess that guy Onoki should also know the whereabouts of the four-tailed jinchuriki. When the time comes, we should first get the five-tailed jinchuriki, and then go to Onoki to get some information!"

In a short period of time, Uchiha Feiyu had arrived at the location of the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki. He turned into a shadow and entered a simple barrier. He saw a man who was meditating inside the barrier and wearing armor. Tall man.

The five-tailed Jinchūriki of Iwa Ninja Village was meditating in the barrier at the moment. He was using this method to get used to the tailed beasts. Suddenly, he saw a phantom emerging from the door and walked in. His face suddenly changed. Change:

"Who are you……"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't bother to say more to him, and glared directly at him. Three magatama were spinning in the sharingan's eyes. The poor five-tailed jinchuriki was stunned for a moment. Three magatama were also exposed in his eyes. In an instant, he was Uchiha Feiyu was in complete control.

After taking out the Hunyuan Treasure Box, Uchiha Feiyu directly put the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki inside, then turned around and prepared to leave.

However, he had just taken two steps when he heard an angry shout from a distance, and a short figure flew out from the Tsuchikage Building. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a square strange energy body blasted over, followed by a violent burst of energy. A white light flashed, and the entire house and the surrounding barriers were all reduced to ashes in an instant.

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