Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 167 Jiraiya's Request

For a long time, Uchiha Feiyu and Jiraiya had no communication. Even when he was still in Konoha, they occasionally met and nodded at most, and there was no conversation.

The three views between the two were completely different. Jiraiya had nothing that Uchiha Feiyu liked. The only trick was the Sage Mode. Uchiha Feiyu also had a better version. Of course, he didn't pay much attention to Jiraiya.

However, as Uchiha Feiyu's strength became stronger and stronger, and gradually began to have an impact on the entire ninja world, the people hiding behind the ninja world probably couldn't sit still. This was probably the real reason why Jiraiya started to act.

"Let Jiraiya come over! I want to see what he has to say?"

Tsunade propped her face with her fist, leaned against the table, and said impatiently.

The half-kneeling female ninja of the Anbu nodded slightly, and her figure disappeared instantly. After a minute or two, Jiraiya with white hair came over carelessly.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. How come Konoha's female ninjas have become so powerful! Tsunade, how did you train these Anbu ninjas? I feel like two teams can suppress me!"

This unkempt ninja is tall and broad-shouldered, with a hedgehog-like white hair. Some burnt marks can be seen, and there are several holes on his sleeves. It is obvious that he suffered a little loss in the conflict just now.

The several teams of Anbu female ninjas around Tsunade, relying on the factors of proximity, are at least elite jonins, and quasi-kage level is standard. Although this kind of strength that relies entirely on physical fitness and chakra volume is a little watery, it can suppress Jiraiya by relying on numbers.

"This is Konoha's secret. You, an idle person who has been away from Konoha for so long, why are you paying attention to such things?"

Tsunade's voice was a bit disgusting, so Jiraiya had to scratch his head and smiled awkwardly.

Although Jiraiya is very famous in Konoha, his image is doomed. He cannot know too many secrets. In order not to take more responsibility, he has consciously avoided suspicion.

So Jiraiya had no way to refute Tsunade's words. He could only laugh twice and change the subject.

"By the way, Tsunade, I came here this time to use Konoha's intelligence system to find someone."

"Looking for someone? You are not looking for your son of prophecy again! If you want to find the savior, go ask those toads in your Myoboku Mountain. There is no son of prophecy in Konoha."

After listening to Tsunade's teasing, Jiraiya could only smile bitterly.

The matter of the son of prophecy actually has a little influence in the ninja world. First of all, the person who said this is Jiraiya, and the one who guaranteed it is the Myoboku Mountain Holy Land. In any case, the words of such a big man are always easier to believe.

The Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain has the ability to predict. Ordinary ninjas may not know this information, but the other two holy places know it very well. Orochimaru and Tsunade, who are also the inheritors of the other two holy places, are of course very clear.

So although they don't care about Jiraiya's search for the child of prophecy, they didn't think it was a scam at the beginning.

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu secretly controls the entire ninja world, and the two of them have no trust in the so-called child of prophecy. After all, looking at Uchiha Feiyu's methods, let alone the child of prophecy, it's not an exaggeration to say that he is the big devil!

"Tsunade, I know you don't care much about the child of prophecy, but at least you should admit the prediction ability of the big toad sage!"

"This time I'm not here to inquire about the information of the child of prophecy, but to find the culprit who can destroy the entire ninja world!"

The culprit who destroyed the entire ninja world! ? Tsunade's expression changed slightly, and she glanced at Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing beside her and still wearing a mask.

Speaking of threatening the entire ninja world, or even destroying the world, who else can do it except Uchiha Feiyu within Tsunade's cognition?

And Uchiha Feiyu is indeed likely to destroy the world. Judging from his training method alone, it can be said that he is completely anti-human. If he implements some human completion plan or national cultivation one day, Tsunade will definitely not be surprised.

Could it be that the big toad anticipated something, so he was ready to let Jiraiya report to the ninja world?

Uchiha Feiyu still looked silent, but the look he looked at Jiraiya was also a little playful. It seems that those real chess players in the Naruto world finally couldn't bear it and started to test it?

But it's still too late to start testing it now. Whether it's the big toad sage or the six-path sage in the Pure Land, they have gradually lost the concept of efficiency over a long period of time.

When Uchiha Hiha refined Uchiha Madara, he also absorbed Indra's chakra. When Uchiha Hiha plotted and started the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he also sucked out the Ashura chakra in Uzumaki Naruto.

Theoretically, at that time, the Six Paths Sage should have discovered something wrong. Since Uzumaki Naruto no longer had the Nine-Tails and Ashura chakra, the Great Toad Sage should have noticed the problem at the first time.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't know whether they were procrastinating or because they had turned into wandering spirits and Alzheimer's disease. It seemed that they didn't react until now. However, as long as the Sage of Six Paths didn't directly resurrect to his prime and challenge him, He didn't care much about other issues.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care, but Tsunade still cared very much. She frowned, looked at Jiraiya and asked:

"Destroy the entire world... The Great Toad Immortal must not be suffering from Alzheimer's disease! What kind of person can have the power to destroy the world?"

Seeing Tsunade's interest, Jiraiya immediately showed a smile on his face:

"Who knows whether the Great Toad Sage is really suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but anyway? His prophecy ability was still very useful in the past. Even if the so-called destruction of the ninja world is only one in ten thousand, Tsunade, you can It’s impossible to take a gamble!”

Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya with complicated eyes. If it were based on her previous personality, what Jiraiya said would be correct, but unfortunately...

"Haha... forget it, it's just some information anyway. Tell me, who did that old toad ask you to find this time?"

After hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya had a solemn look on his face and said:

"If I guess correctly, the ninja who may destroy the ninja world should be the S-class rebellious ninja of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Hiba!"

When Tsunade heard this, her fingers trembled slightly, then she raised her head and said calmly:

"Uchiha Feiyu? You should know that although he has been designated as an S-level rebel ninja by our Konoha, in fact Konoha and him are more like water in the river. Not many ninjas in Konoha are willing to do so. Go after him."

This is not bad. In fact, Uchiha Feiyu's reputation in Konoha is not too bad. After all, his defection did not cause much harm to Konoha.

The only ones he tricked to death were Danzo and the root ninjas, and even the deaths of those Uchiha ninjas were blamed on the roots.

In this case, Uchiha Feiha is the image of a righteous avenger who endured the humiliation and joined the Roots after his parents were killed by Danzo, investigated all the truth, and then turned around and destroyed Danzo and the Roots.

Uchiha Feiyu himself, of course, doesn't care about his image in Konoha, but he has no interest in modifying the impression of people in Konoha - which shepherd cares about the sheep raised in his sheepfold, whether he admires himself or not What about hating yourself? He will only pay attention to whether the mutton is fatter and whether the wool is fluffier.

Although ninjas call themselves tools, few ninjas actually regard themselves as tools. Even an honest man like Kisame, didn't he still kill the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Demon in the original novel?

Now that they have subjective intentions, it is not very realistic to expect these ninjas to do their best to hunt down Uchiha Feiyu. Originally, the most suitable people for this task were the real tool men of the root, but the original ninjas of the root were also He was beaten to death by Uchiha Feiyu.

Coupled with the considerations of Konoha's top management and Uchiha Feiyu's strong strength, the final result is that Konoha has always paid no attention to Uchiha Feiyu's arrest, let alone sending ninjas to hunt down, or even just announcing the opponent. He's an S-class traitor, but he doesn't even have a bounty!

This is not Tsunade's cover for Uchiha Feiyu. This was Konoha's attitude towards Uchiha Feiyu before Tsunade became Hokage.

"Then you should at least have information about this guy! Don't tell me that you haven't even collected information about such a dangerous person!"

Hearing Jiraiya's somewhat anxious voice, Tsunade opened her mouth slightly, but before she could speak, she heard a small voice coming from her ear.

Without changing her expression, Tsunade followed Uchiha Feiyu's instructions and asked:

"Before that, Jiraiya, please tell me, why did you decide that Uchiha Feiyu will destroy the ninja world? As far as I know, the prophecy technique of the Great Toad Sage is not that accurate!"

Jiraiya did not doubt why Tsunade knew so much about the prophecies of the Great Toad Sage. He had indeed introduced the Great Toad Sage's dream prophecy technique to his companions before.

If this kind of prophecy technique were really so accurate, then Jiraiya wouldn't need to spend so many years recruiting disciples to find the son of prophecy.

"Actually... I'm not sure that it's the brat Uchiha Feiha. According to the Great Toad Sage, the person who caused the turmoil and will destroy the entire ninja world is Uchiha who has a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes. ”

"The entire Uchiha clan in Konoha is theoretically suspect...but no matter what, the Uchiha in Konoha has many constraints, and the strongest one is only at the Kage level. He wants to destroy the ninja world. It’s really not up to par.”

As a disciple of the Third Hokage, Jiraiya obviously also knew something about Uchiha's strongest power, the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Before the Uchiha clan opened the kaleidoscope, even if they had the strength of the shadow level, they were generally only the mediocre ones in the shadow level.

In fact, whether it is Obito, Shisui, or Uchiha Fugaku, even if they broke through to the shadow level with the power of their blood, without the Mangekyo Sharingan, they can only be regarded as the bottom of the shadow level.

It can even be said that any Uchiha with kaleidoscope turned on, if he is not afraid of being blinded, can single-handedly beat these three Uchiha together!

This is also why Jiraiya doesn't care much about the Uchiha clan in Konoha. The Uchiha with three magatama is indeed very strong in the sense of ordinary ninjas, but at the stage of Kage-level ninjas, the three magatama Sharingan cannot be said to be useless, but it can only be said to be of little help.

Only Uchiha Feiyu, a maverick Uchiha, has walked a path that other Uchiha have never walked. In the composition of Uchiha Feiyu's strength, the power of the Sharingan also occupies a certain proportion, but it is definitely not the core of his strength - at least in the information revealed by Uchiha Feiyu to the outside world, even if he only has the three magatama Sharingan, he is definitely one of the strongest in the current ninja world.

This is also why Jiraiya thinks that the biggest possibility is Uchiha Feiyu, not other Uchiha.

"I see... Is it determined by strength? But even so, how can a three-magatama Uchiha destroy the whole world?"

"I admit that the Uchiha kid named Feiyu is indeed very strong, and may even be one of the strongest in the ninja world today, but he is just very strong, not invincible..."

"You can destroy the whole world at this level, what do you think the world is?"

"Well... Anyway, even if it is not the destruction of the world, it should be a disaster that affects the whole world! Tsunade, you should pay attention to it, at least pay attention to the other party's intelligence!"

Tsunade, who was about to continue laughing, paused slightly, and heard the voice of Uchiha Feiyu again.

Then Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a bit of pity and said:

"Since you want to know the information, then I will tell you the information! In fact, the defected Uchiha has never concealed his own situation!"

"Now, he is lurking in the Kingdom of Wind. He is the uncrowned king who secretly controls the entire Sand Village. In terms of status and position, he may be much more important than the surface Kazekage Yekura!"

"In fact, he didn't even hide his whereabouts, but he didn't publicize it."

After hearing this, Jiraiya widened his eyes and opened his mouth:

"What?! You said he controls the entire Sand Village now! How is this possible?"

You must know that Uchiha Feiyu had killed Chiyo of the Sand Village and the Fourth Kazekage before. With such a big hatred and such a big hatred, the ninjas of the Sand Village don't care at all?

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