Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 157 A strange mistake

Blood splattered everywhere, and Hyuga Hiashi fell to the ground in despair, his body full of wounds, the fatal wound being the severed trachea and artery in his neck.

"Huh... He's dead! What a fluke!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thanking that the Hyuga clan leader in front of him, although powerful, had no combat experience, so he was easily killed by his trick.

The so-called scattered escape was a trap from the beginning. You must know that the purpose of this group of people is not the Byakugan, but to use the Byakugan to provoke a war between the Rock Ninja and Konoha.

If they escaped separately, Hyuga Hiashi would only need to catch any ninja and find that they were just fake Rock Ninjas, and were actually ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village. At that time, the plan would collapse completely.

So when the leader of the Cloud Ninja shouted to retreat, what he actually meant was that everyone was ready to fight to the death. At the same time, he also broke the news that the Byakugan had been taken away, which disturbed Hyuga Hiashi's state of mind. That's why he finally used the Thunder Lightning Pillar developed by the Cloud Ninja Village to deal with the pupil-jutsu ninjas, and controlled Hyuga Hiashi all at once.

Although Hyuga Hiashi's current strength is not at the level of Kage, he is definitely a first-class ninja below the Kage level. If they were to fight head-on, even if these Cloud Ninjas were truly elite, it would be hard to say whether they could win together.

Unfortunately, because of their lack of combat experience, they ended up being killed in one move, which vividly explained the essence of ninjas with high attack and paper defense, and glass cannons.

"Let's go... Take Hyuga Hiashi's Byakugan with you, and destroy his brain to prevent the Konoha ninjas from reading the information in his brain! Hurry up!"

The leader of the Cloud Ninja gave an order. This place is not far from the Hyuga clan's land, and it is estimated that they will be discovered by those cataracts soon. If they don't pack up now and run away, when will they?

The subsequent retreat was finally smooth. As soon as the Cloud Ninja leader returned to the hotel, he secretly placed the Byakugan in the ground under the Rock Ninja Building and covered it with a seal.

This seal can block the Byakugan and some perception ninjutsu - but it certainly can't block the dog's nose.

Cloud Ninja can use lightning to dissolve the sweat on their bodies to make the smell disappear, but the bloody smell on the Byakugan can't be covered up, and ordinary dogs can't smell it that deeply, but the Cloud Ninja leader knows that there is a Inuzuka clan in Konoha, and the ninja dogs there are much stronger than ordinary dogs.

If you hide something too shallow, it is easy to be suspected of framing, but if you hide it too deep, if Konoha really doesn't find it, it will be funny. Now it's just right.

The long night finally passed, because the two ninja village delegations were active, and the whole Konoha was in chaos.

Let’s not talk about the Uchiha and those Rock Ninjas. For the Hyuga clan, not to mention that Hyuga Xia was knocked unconscious, Hyuga Hiashi, the clan leader of the Hyuga clan, was killed, and at the same time, his and her daughter’s Byakugan were also taken away. For the Hyuga clan, it was simply a big shock!

You know, over the years, except for the Mist Ninja Village that once took away the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, there has never been a situation of Byakugan outflow, not to mention that four were lost at once!

In addition, the clan leader was killed on the spot, and the Hyuga clan ninjas were almost crazy. They stared with bloodshot, almost red Byakugan, looking for people everywhere on the streets of Konoha. When they saw it, they thought that this group of Hyuga blood had mutated and became Uchiha!

Early in the morning, the door of the building of the Cloud Ninja Village in the foreign hotel was knocked loudly. The leader of the Cloud Ninja opened the door and saw a group of Anbu wearing animal masks, looking at him with cold eyes.

"What are you doing? Is this how you treat guests in Konoha?"

No matter what he did last night, the leader of the Cloud Ninja now looks like he has no guilt at all. He even speaks loudly, as if he is in the right.

"These Cloud Ninja messengers, please come with us. We don't want to fight."

A voice that sounds unmotivated rang in the ears of this group of people. Three ninjas who are also familiar to the Cloud Ninja came out from behind the Anbu.

The handsome guy with dead fish eyes, white hair and a black mask is the new generation of Konoha's White Fang - Hatake Kakashi.

He wears goggles on his head and smiles a little silly, but his eyes are hit by three magatama, which gives people a thrilling feeling - the rookie of the Uchiha clan in the three wars, Uchiha Obito.

The last one looks exactly like the Hyuga clan leader they killed yesterday, but he wears a forehead protector on his head. He is the twin brother of that Hyuga clan leader - Hyuga Hizashi.

Seeing the arrival of three heavyweights, the leader of the Cloud Ninja frowned slightly. He always felt that these people were a bit aggressive, as if they had found out some hard evidence and had already identified them.

But it was impossible. He didn't leave any traces yesterday. The most important thing was that he didn't have the Byakugan. Most people would never think that he and others would use the Byakugan, a strategic treasure, to frame others!

Although he was a little confused, the leader of the Cloud Ninja didn't dare to confront him, mainly because the look in Hyuga Hizashi's eyes was a bit scary.

The relationship between Hyuga Hizashi and his elder brother Hyuga Hiashi was very delicate. When they were young, they were truly brothers and sisters, but as the two of them got married and had children, thinking that his son would also become a caged bird in the Hyuga branch family, Hyuga Hizashi could not help but be alienated from Hyuga Hiashi.

But no matter what, as the old saying goes, everything comes to an end after death. After his brother is really dead, Hinata Hizashi will only have the good things about his brother in his mind. Therefore, he is almost the best person in Konoha. Angry, the one who wants to catch the murderer the most.

If Kumo Ninja really dared to shirk at this time, Hinata Hizashi might really kill someone!

"Okay, okay! Then I will go with you and see what kind of explanation the Konoha Ninja Village will give us!"

After saying the most cowardly words in the strongest tone, the leader of the Cloud Ninja led his little brother behind him and walked out with his head held high.

The ANBU around them roared, semi-surrounding them. Standing at the front were Hinata Hizashi, Uchiha Obito, and Hatake Kakashi, who stood in a triangle shape around the Kumo ninja leader.

‘It’s not good, it’s not good at all! Why are these Konoha ninjas so defensive about us? Did they really find any clues? ’

The leader of the mission looked confident on the surface, but in fact he was already beating a drum in his heart, racking his brains and starting to wonder if he had forgotten something.

It wasn't until he walked into the Hokage's office that he breathed a huge sigh of relief!

A group of Iwa ninjas were injured, shackled, and stood in the office in despair. At this moment, in the office, Tsunade held her chin in her hands with a stern expression on her face.

On the desk in front of Tsunade, there were two test tubes, each with two white eyes, and around the Iwa ninja, there was a circle of Uchiha ninjas.

'It seems that it's not us who has the problem, it's just that Konoha is a bit too tough. Ninjas like Iwa Ninja are much worse off than us, and they must be regarded as the number one suspect! ’

Just when the cloud ninja secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the fifth generation Hokage also looked at the group of cloud ninja:

"I've finished talking about those Iwa ninjas, now it's you Kumo ninjas... Tell me, why did they break into the Hyuga clan's territory in the middle of the night and not only attack the Hyuga clan's members, even though they were here to sign a peace agreement? The ninja took away two pairs of Byakugan and even killed the leader of the Hyuga clan!"

The leader of the cloud ninja trembled in his heart, but his face showed a look of confusion mixed with anger:

"Stop joking! Is this your property management's attitude towards our diplomatic mission?! Blame us without any evidence!"

"We stayed in the hotel last night and didn't go out at all! Where did you roll your eyes and blame us so hard?"

Tsunade shook her head, picked up two test tubes from the table, and said calmly:

"This is the Byakugan we found from the hotel where we stayed in Iwa Ninja Village..."

"What does this have to do with us?!"

"Please don't interrupt me, the next step is the real point..."

The leader of the Kumo ninja had an angry expression on his face, but looking at Tsunade's calm and unhurried attitude, his heart sank deeply.

"Just last night, the envoys from the Iwa Ninja Village attacked Uchiha Itachi, the son of the Uchiha clan leader. They were finally stopped by Uchiha Shisui of the Uchiha clan. Except for the killed Iwa Ninja, the remaining All the Iwa ninjas were captured into the Uchiha Guards that night, the same people you see now."

"Ninjas of the Kumo ninja, please tell me how these Iwa ninjas were able to attack the Uchiha clan and at the same time go to the Hyuga clan and kill Hyuga Hizashi?"


After Tsunade's words fell, the expressions on the faces of the group of cloud ninjas became very exciting. They really didn't expect that their and others' flawless plan would end up with such a result? !

"And we interrogated some Iwa ninjas and obtained information directly from their brains. Do you know what their specific plans are?"

Specific plans? ! As if a bolt of lightning struck the head of the mission, he laughed dryly and looked at the leader of the Iwa Ninja, Huo Guang, but saw that Huo Guang looked at him with the same wry smile full of irony and self-deprecation.

"It seems that you have already thought of it. Yes, their plan is very simple, which is to seize the Uchiha clan's Sharingan and use it to frame the blame on your Cloud Ninja Village... I have to say that if it weren't for digging out their heads, After coming up with this plan, I really didn’t think so quickly that what happened to the Hyuga clan was your fault.”

As Tsunade narrated, both the ninjas from the Iwa Ninja Village and the Cloud Ninja Village showed extremely wonderful expressions on their faces, including resentment, regret, self-deprecation, and bitterness. It was really as if they had opened a dyeing workshop.

"Damn Kumo Ninja, what else do you have to say?"

Hinata Hizashi was the first to stand up with gritted teeth and looked at the leader of the cloud ninja with hatred. The leader of the cloud ninja gave a wry smile:

"Okay, I have nothing to say... Damn things like this can happen! What the hell can I say!"

At the end of the day, the leader of the Kumo ninja gave an indignant look at the Iwa ninja. It was because of these losers that his plan failed!

Of course, he didn't consider that if Iwa Ninja's plan was successful, his side would also have to be splashed with dirty water. It could be said that these two ninja villages, which had their own evil intentions, wanted to go together, and the final result was that both sides All bad luck.

Hinata Hizashi clenched his fists and looked at the Kumo ninja in front of him, seeming to be thinking about where to start. However, under Tsunade's gaze, he did not take action directly in the end.

"Okay... give these eyes back to your Hyuga clan! As for these two missions, leave them to the ANBU and let the Yamanaka clan search out all the information in their heads!"

Tsunade waved her hands and spoke indifferently. In her eyes, these were just some trivial matters.

The Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja had no idea what they were facing. To put it bluntly, as long as Uchiha Feiyu had the mind, he could give any of the three major ninja villages an order to directly crush the Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja to the ground.

Looking at the bitter and vengeful Hyuga Hizashi, Tsunade spoke again to comfort them:

"When the value of these ninjas is squeezed dry, I will send them to the Hyuga clan for processing."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Hyuga Hizashi's expression improved a lot, and he thanked Tsunade respectfully twice.

The ninjas from the two ninja villages were taken away, and the other Konoha ninjas also left. Tsunade stretched and let out a long breath.

"Iwagakure and Kumogakure...these two ninja villages are really cunning enough,"

"Leave it to me, I can teach them a lesson, and make them behave, which is also a good thing."

A pair of hands went deep into the collar and grasped a pair of headlights. Uchiha Feiyu whispered to Tsunade.

"Wu...I what extent do you want to warn them?"

Tsunade flushed and adjusted her collar to make it easier for Uchiha Feiyu to ask.

"Just kill Ohnoki and Killer Bee. Anyway, the national chakra policy of those two countries has been implemented. Even if the leaders of the two ninja villages die, there will be no change."

"But wait for me to plan it first...If you want to kill these two guys, at least one or two thousand ninjas will be buried with them. With so many leeks, you have to find a better way to harvest them."

Uchiha Feiyu knew very well that even if he had the Hunyuan Treasure Box, his harvesting method was still too primitive. At least his sacrifice of black energy had not really exceeded ten thousand after so many years.

It is much more difficult to capture a living ninja and refine it into a pill than to kill the ninja directly. The ninjas in this world are all fragile, not like the thick-skinned pirates next door. They will only be left with scars after being blown up by a bomb, and they can swim for an hour after falling into a frying pan.

Even Hashirama Senju can commit suicide with a small kunai, let alone ordinary ninjas. In this case, even if they are willing to hold back, the number of ninjas killed is actually two or three times more than the number of ninjas captured alive.

This is just the result of these ninjas hunting everywhere. If a ninja war breaks out, it is estimated that there will be no room for capturing the other side alive.

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