Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 155 The envoys of Rock Ninja and Cloud Ninja arrive

Thinking of this, Tsunade finally smiled bitterly. Just like Uchiha Feiyu said, since they have started to eat human blood buns, there is no point in pretending to be noble.

It is not just Uchiha Feiyu who treats the entire ninja world as a vegetable garden. Aren’t those who depend on Uchiha Feiyu also eating oil?

In this case, what position do I have to laugh at others?

"Sister Tsunade, you just think too much. Why do you care about those ordinary ninjas in Konoha? Anyway, they are all working for money. Since they are ninjas, there will always be such a day!"

Uzumaki Kushina hugged Uchiha Feiyu tightly, and her red hair rubbed against Uchiha Feiyu's face and shoulders, with a nonchalant smile on her face:

"No matter what the circumstances of death are, I don't think they will care. Ninjas, isn't death the destination?"

Tsunade rolled her eyes after hearing this:

"Kushina, don't forget that all of us here seem to be ninjas!"

"Yes ? But I only know that I am now Feiyu's man, and I don't care about ninjas or anything like that! "

"Tsunade, do you care more about the identity of ninjas and Hokage than Feiyu?"

Tsunade sighed:

"You know how this evil Uchiha brat deals with women. How can a woman escape his palm?"

"Kushina, you don't need to say anything. I just sighed. Maybe it's just like Feiyu said, I'm just being hypocritical!"

After enjoying himself in the Hokage's office, Uchiha Feiyu put on the Anbu mask again and walked out.

'By the way, every time I either wear a mask or use illusions, it feels quite troublesome. Now even Orochimaru has been whitewashed and can walk directly in the ninja village. Should I let Tsunade whitewash me one day and issue a pardon?'

There were a lot of things in his head, and Uchiha Feiyu suddenly froze for a moment and looked at a young ninja in the distance.

That was a little ninja who looked eight or nine years old, but his face was solemn, revealing a bit of gloom, and he felt a bit old and mature.

Since the truce of the Ninja World War and Tsunade took over as Hokage, the graduation age of the Ninja School has been determined to be after 12 years old. Only a very small number of students with extremely high talents and an urgent desire to graduate early can graduate early.

So now the ninjas who graduate at the age of eight or nine and can become upper and lower ninjas are not comparable to the cannon fodder during the war!

In that period, if you want to graduate, you only need to learn the basic three body techniques, and have a foundation in physical techniques and kunai throwing techniques, you can pass directly. But in this peaceful period, if you want to graduate early, you must at least show the combat effectiveness of the Chunin level.

In other words, this eight or nine-year-old kid in front of him is still an absolute genius, and his strength is definitely at the Chunin level.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care about genius at all. What he really cares about is the family emblem behind this kid that looks like a table tennis racket.

‘A genius of the Uchiha clan, at this age, plus this kind of bitter and vengeful temperament, is this guy Uchiha Itachi? ’

Uchiha Itachi, a strong contender for the first place in the Uchiha psychopath rankings, by the way, another strong contender is called Uchiha Obito, who wants to destroy humanity because of the death of his secret female companion.

If Uchiha Feiyu was born ten years later, he would have to nip this evil in the bud, after all, this guy wiped out the Uchiha clan at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and it didn’t matter whether it was men or women, old or young, the weak or sick, or ninja civilians... Anyway, except for his brother, he would kill the whole family even if they had a little bit of Uchiha connection.

He didn’t think that he would spare his life just because he had a bad relationship with Uchiha. He even killed his girlfriend who was also a foreign Uchiha, let alone a stranger like him?

But now, Uchiha Feiyu has become the behind-the-scenes controller of Konoha, so naturally he doesn't think Uchiha Itachi is a threat, but rather he is quite concerned about Uchiha Itachi's talent.

Let's not talk about brain circuits, just in terms of talent, Uchiha Itachi is definitely among the best in the entire Uchiha clan, and is a strong contender for the first place.

This is still taking into account the cheat of Uchiha Sasuke's reincarnation of Indra, otherwise he would not be a strong contender for the first place, but a solid first place.

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara, but even Indra's chakra was refined by Uchiha Feiyu, and Indra's chakra must not be reincarnated.

In other words, Uchiha Sasuke today is probably like Uzumaki Naruto who was drained of Ashura Chakra, and his talent is one level lower.

In this way, Uchiha Itachi is definitely the most talented person in the Uchiha clan. In addition, this guy has a psychopathic personality. If he is nurtured for a few more years, we can almost find a way to make him awaken the Mangekyō.

"But this guy's Mangekyō is nothing new... well, after all, the version is updated too quickly, and it's only natural that Tsukuyomi Amaterasu can't compare to Kotoamatsukami Kamui."

Remember that in Naruto, Uchiha Itachi was the first Uchiha to use the Mangekyō Sharingan. At that time, Tsukuyomi, which was known as the strongest illusion, Amaterasu, which was the strongest physical attack, and the human Gundam Susanoo, were almost all powerful ninjutsu beyond imagination.

It's a pity that the later version was updated and it was a mess. Tsukuyomi is just a younger brother in front of Kotoamatsukami. Uchiha Feiyu now uses Tsukuyomi space as a training ground. The strongest fire Amaterasu didn't burn anyone to death until the end. If it hadn't killed the fourth generation Raikage's arm, it would have almost become a kind of mercy technique like the fireball.

Even if he got this pair of eyes, it would not be of much use to Uchiha Feiyu himself, but it is a Mangekyo anyway. Even if Uchiha Feiyu himself doesn't use it, he can strip out the innate magical powers in it and give it to others.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi seemed to notice Uchiha Feiyu's gaze, raised his head and looked at the masked Anbu not far away.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at Uchiha Itachi and nodded gently. It was impossible to see that he was still thinking about how to stimulate Uchiha Itachi and dig out his eyeballs.

Uchiha Itachi didn't care much. As a genius of Uchiha, the curious eyes of others were commonplace to him. He just nodded politely and turned away.

Now the entire Konoha is basically under Tsunade, that is, under the control of Uchiha Feiyu. The only special ones may be the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

Even in Uchiha Feiyu's harem, there are still no female ninjas from these two clans. This is of course because Uchiha Feiyu didn't pay much attention to it, and also because these two clans are independent and Tsunade's Anbu can't penetrate them.

Directly forcing women, although Uchiha Feiyu is not incapable of doing it, it is all with a strong purpose. On weekdays, he is not so unrefined. His harem in the three major ninja villages is basically selected and dedicated to him by Tsunade Terumi Mei and Ye Cang.

As long as you practice dual cultivation with Uchiha Feiyu, even ordinary female ninjas can become a jonin at the bottom. Even if this kind of thing is said blatantly, willing female ninjas can directly line up from the Hokage Building to the gate of Konoha!

It is precisely because of this that Tsunade cannot infiltrate Uchiha and Hyuga, and Uchiha Feiyu naturally will not have the harem of those two ninja clans.

Half a month passed quickly, and on the morning of this day, two teams of ninjas from other ninja villages came to Konoha Village.

They were the ninjas sent by Rock Village and Cloud Village to sign a peace agreement. The two teams of ninjas came with great fanfare. As soon as they entered the gate of Konoha, they attracted many passers-by to watch.

Unfortunately, Konoha today is not what it used to be. Not to mention the civilian geniuses who have not yet fully transformed into combat power, the harem of Uchiha Feiyu alone has greatly increased the strength of the entire Konoha.

Not to mention Tsunade who has awakened Wood Release and learned the Sage Mode. With such a strong confidence in her heart, she naturally doesn't care much about the ninjas from these two ninja villages.

The ninjas who came to sign the peace agreement thought they would be welcomed by the streets when they came to Konoha! As a result, after arriving here, they only saw a dead-eyed white-haired ninja coming to receive them.

"Hello, guests from Rock and Cloud Ninjas, I am Kakashi Hatake from Konoha Ninja, welcome to Konoha Ninja Village."

The white-haired dead fish eyes who came to greet him, needless to say, knew it was Kakashi. The current Kakashi was not as miserable as in the original work, at least his two friends were not dead, but he was also influenced by Uchiha Feiyu, and when doing things, he was quite unmotivated.

The mission is for the village, and the life is his own... Oh, it seems that this mission does not require desperate efforts, which also wastes my time watching Xiaohuangyou!

The two leading ninjas of Cloud and Rock Ninjas looked at the unmotivated Kakashi in front of them. Even if they had any dissatisfaction in their hearts, they could not say it out.

No matter how unmotivated he was, Kakashi was almost the most promising ninja of the younger generation of Konoha. At the end of the three Ninja World Wars, he almost entered the level of Kage. Now, after several years, he must be a strong Kage.

Konoha could let a Kage-level strongman come to greet them, and no matter what, there was nothing wrong with it, even if the attitude of this Kage-level strongman was a little problematic.

"I didn't expect that the one who came to greet us was the famous Kakashi Jonin. During the three ninja world wars, I was grateful for your care!"

The ninja leader of the Rock Village said sarcastically, and Kakashi looked at him with dead fish eyes for a moment, then scratched his head:

"Um... who are you!"

This sentence immediately broke the defense of the ninja of the Rock Village, and he shouted loudly:

"I am Huo Guang, look at this eye of mine, this eye was blinded by you!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Huo Guang, I remember it."

Kakashi waved his hand and said perfunctorily that when he entered the Rock Ninja battlefield, his strength was almost quasi-Kage level, and he quickly rose to Kage level in two years of fighting. There were almost hundreds of ninjas killed or injured by him. How could he remember who this Rock Ninja was?

As we all know, the number of Jonin in Iwagakure is the largest among the five major ninja villages, but the quality is also the worst. Often, the special Jonin and even the elite Chunin of other ninja villages can fight with the Jonin of Iwagakure.

The overemphasis on collectivism makes Iwagakure disciplined and good at combined ninjutsu, but it also makes the ninjas of Iwagakure all the same. The homogeneity is too serious, so Kakashi certainly won't have much impression.

"You guy, you don't seem to remember me at all, you just forgot about me! Damn it, one day I will..."

"Lord Huoguang, don't forget our purpose!"

A rock ninja standing behind the jonin named Huo Guang quickly grabbed his arm and tried to persuade him. Huo Guang immediately reacted, snorted, and stopped attacking.

Of course, he thought carefully, even if he had an attack... could he still beat Kakashi?

When he participated in the Ninja World War, he was almost 30 years old. At that time, Kakashi was only 13 or 14 years old. He was almost killed by a single blow. If he fought again now, what other results would there be?

Kakashi ignored Huo Guang, who was a little angry. Anyway, the other party could not attack him in Konoha Village, not to mention that he was not his opponent at all.

He just repeated the welcome speech that Hokage Tsunade had given him word by word:

"Konoha Village welcomes all ninjas who hope for peace. You have come from afar and worked hard. Let me lead you to the guesthouse outside Konoha Village to rest and stay."

After saying that, Kakashi turned around and motioned the group of ninjas from other villages behind him to follow him. A group of rock ninjas and cloud ninjas looked at each other for a few times, always feeling that this welcome was full of perfunctory.

"Will this guy just chop us up? I always feel that this new generation of Konoha White Fang is full of indifference and perfunctory to us. Is this a trap set by Konoha?"

The leader of the Cloud Village, a muscular ninja, touched his chin and said something, and then looked around.

"Idiot barbarian! If Konoha really wanted to keep us, they didn't need to find anyone to welcome us. After we stepped into the gate of Konoha... No, to be precise, after we entered the Land of Fire, they could call a group of ninjas to hack us to death!"

"With the level of Konoha Ninja Village, even if they set up traps, they should deal with our Sandaime-sama and your Jinchuriki Raikage. What traps would they set for us?"

Huoguang complained to the Cloud Ninja Village ninja with disdain, then turned his head and followed Kakashi to the guesthouse of Konoha.

The ninja of the Cloud Ninja Village was furious, angry, extremely angry, and finally... followed Kakashi's ass and walked to the guesthouse of Konoha.

There was no way, he couldn't attack these envoys of the Rock Ninja Village in Konoha Ninja Village! Otherwise, he didn't know whether Huoguang would be unlucky, but he would definitely be unlucky.

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