Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 144 Heading to the Mist Village


Blood seeped out from under the mask. Tsunade's punch almost broke Kurisan Kushimaru's thin and tall body into two. The whole person was bent at an acute angle, and with a bang, he hit the wall again.

There were already three Seven Ninja Swordsmen lying on the wall. After being hit by Kurisan Kushimaru, the wall, which had suffered so many disasters, finally collapsed with a crash.

The remaining four Seven Ninja Swordsmen looked at the majestic Tsunade in front of them, and felt their hands and feet cold and their heads exploding.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost took a breath and looked at Biwa Juzo, only to see Biwa Juzo also looking at him with a wandering gaze. The two looked at each other and both had the intention to retreat.

In fact, there were more than just the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost? Although Kurochu Raiga, who holds the thunder blade, and Hozuki Ryougetsu, who holds the double-bladed flatfish, are the standard blood mist ninjas who are obsessed with killing, they are not really brainless!

With Tsunade's strength, it doesn't matter whether she can use Wood Release or not - anyway, they will definitely not be able to beat her! The opponent can easily defeat them with her super strength and physical fitness.

However, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen want to retreat, but they must first get past Tsunade in front of them. Tsunade's request from Uchiha Feiyu is to catch them all in one fell swoop!

After all, Tsunade is a ninja who has experienced many battles and rolled on the battlefield. She saw the retreat of the remaining four Seven Ninja Swordsmen at a glance, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"Want to run... Don't dream! All of you stay here!"

"Wood Release - Tree World Birth Technique!"

Amid the rumbling sound, countless huge trees grew on the ground. In the desperate eyes of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, endless trees, like a raging green wave, rushed directly towards them!


"Sir Kari! The chakra of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen has become very weak. I'm afraid they are either seriously injured or sealed!"

"Let's go! Let's retreat quickly!"

Looking at the forest that suddenly appeared in the distance and listening to the report of his subordinates' perception ninjas, the Explosion Release Ninja Kari prepared to flee the scene with his blasting troops without saying a word.

"The fifth Hokage has indeed awakened Wood Style... Although I don't know whether his Wood Style can match that of the first Hokage, this is not something we can test out."

"It took the Seven Ninja Swordsmen only five minutes from the beginning of the battle to their capture! Fortunately, we didn't get involved, otherwise even if we joined forces with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, we would probably be wiped out in the end."

Anyway, no matter how good the Wood Style of the fifth Hokage is, it is obviously easy to beat an ordinary Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the blasting team. For these Rock Ninjas, getting such news is not a return empty-handed.

"We have to thank the fools of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen for helping us explore the way first, otherwise, it is estimated that the arrival of the tree world will fall on us."

Kari said as he turned around, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a Konoha ninja wearing an Anbu mask standing behind him.

"Konoha's Anbu? What do you want to do by stopping us? Does Konoha want to go to war with the Rock Ninja?"

Kari's face sank slightly, and he spoke in a low voice. If it was an ordinary Konoha Anbu, they might not dare to go to war with them after hearing what he said.

Unfortunately... a red light flashed in the eyes of the Anbu in front of him, which made Kari's heart tremble:

"Not good... It's the Uchiha clan..."

With a series of thumping sounds, the Rock Ninja's blasting troops were immediately annihilated, and all of them were deprived of their five senses by Uchiha Feiyu and fell to the ground.

"What a long-winded guy, does this guy think I'm a fool? Even an idiot can see that you have bad intentions!"

Uchiha Feiyu muttered twice. He didn't care about the intrigues between the ninja villages, and he didn't even think about that aspect. Anyway, in his eyes, the entire ninja world will soon become his vegetable garden, so naturally he won't care about the current conflicts of these leeks.

At this time, Tsunade also came over with her captives. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen were entangled in a large net made of vines. At the front of the net, a long vine was grabbed by Tsunade and dragged on the ground.

"Okay, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have been captured alive by me. What should I do next?"

Tsunade put down the vine, clapped her hands and asked. Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the unlucky Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Several members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who were hit by Tsunade's fists were breathing more than breathing in.

"Let's give them first aid! Then I'll use the Soul-Saving Technique to turn them into my people. Mist Ninja... Mei Terumi should be about 17 or 18 years old now, right?"

"I don't know if she has the strength of a Kage now? If not, it doesn't matter. At most, I can practice with her and feed her some pills. Then her strength will naturally increase."

Because the Mist Ninja is far away from the mainland, no one knows what the current situation is. However, there were rumors during the Ninja World War that the Third Mizukage was actually controlled by illusions for a long time, and the awake Third Mizukage wanted to end the blood mist policy.

Uchiha Feiyu estimated that it was because he killed Uchiha Madara that the Third Mizukage woke up from the illusion. Because of this change, he couldn't refer to the original work for what the Mist Ninja Village is like now.

But whether it is the Third Mizukage or the Fourth Mizukage who is in charge now, it doesn't make any difference to Uchiha Feiyu, but compared with the Third Mizukage, the Fourth Mizukage may be easier to deal with.

After all, the Third Mizukage must have been scared by illusions, and he was definitely prepared in this regard. It was not easy to kill him in a reasonable way. The Fourth Mizukage was a Jinchūriki, and he could easily be killed with the excuse of the Tailed Beast going berserk.

Before that, he controlled the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, which was also a backup plan for Uchiha Feiyu. If the Third was not dead yet and refused to change his mind, he would let the Seven Ninja Swordsmen rebel, and he would add some ingredients to them, so he would not be worried about his death.

As for the Rock Ninja's blasting troops... Uchiha Feiyu glanced at them and said to Tsunade:

"Tsunade, I'll leave these people to you! How are you going to deal with them?"

"Leave it to me? If it were me, I would probably use these people to make some exchanges of interests with the Rock Ninja Village!"

Tsunade thought for a while and gave the answer that best suited her current identity. Uchiha Feiyu nodded slightly, and didn't care what these guys could exchange for, and said directly:

"Then leave it to you, Tsunade... By the way, these guys should have explosive jutsu bloodline limit!"

Uchiha Feiyu Suddenly thinking of this question, Tsunade answered it carefully:

"The blasting corps of Rock Ninja...most of their blasting bloodline limits have some defects. It seems that except for Kari, others who want to use blasting bloodline limits must use some external objects."

"Use external objects..."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Uchiha Feiyu immediately thought of a certain artist Deidara. Deidara's blasting uses pure clay external objects, but this guy plays with the detonating clay external objects in a variety of ways, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary blasting corps members.

Even the leader of this blasting corps, Kari, whose blasting bloodline limit is perfect, is far from Deidara. Even ordinary Kage-level ninjas, if they are not proficient in restraining ninjutsu such as lightning release, are definitely not Deidara's opponents.

Deidara's performance perfectly illustrates what it means that there is no perfect ninjutsu, only perfect people, but it is obvious that other ninjas in the blasting corps definitely do not have this talent, so Uchiha Feiyu still looks at Kari.

In the past, if Uchiha Feiyu wanted to awaken the bloodline limit of escape technique, he had to use the souls of those bloodline limit ninjas. But now he is also a six-path level ninja. As long as he knows the training method, he can practice it with a little bit of tossing.

With his level of illusion, it is also easy to dig out the training method from the head of the hunter.

Three days later, Uchiha Feiyu and others finally returned to Konoha Ninja Village. As for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the Demolition Team, they had already been sent to prison by Uchiha Feiyu using the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After returning to Konoha, Tsunade held a ceremony to take over the position of Hokage. Although she was originally the acting Hokage, she was not legitimate, so she did not hold a ceremony. It happened to make up for it this time.

The ceremony was held during the day, and she had a gambling addiction again at night. She played a game with Uchiha Feiyu, and finally died several times. After breaking through ten positive characters on her body, she completely calmed down.

After staying in Konoha Ninja Village for seven or eight days, Uchiha Feiyu played Konoha's Dinglu several times, and after arranging tasks for Tsunade, he took the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to the Mist Ninja Village, ready to implement his plan.

The Mist Ninja Village is isolated overseas, with more than enough defense but less attack. It is the only one of the five major ninja villages that has not been invaded by other ninja villages.

It is not an easy thing for ordinary ninjas to sneak into the Water Country through the vast ocean. After all, there is no land connection. As long as the Water Country does a good job of checking the ships, the ordinary ninjas who occupy the vast majority will be helpless.

However, Uchiha Feiyu is certainly not among the ranks of ordinary ninjas. Those ninjas who are checking at the dock of the Water Country can't find Uchiha Feiyu's traces at all.

Not to mention that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are famous and well-known. As soon as these seven people got off the boat, the ninjas who were checking had already retreated respectfully.

The atmosphere in Konoha Village is different from that in Konoha Village. In the past, even if there was too much darkness in the root, it would never be exposed.

Even Danzo knew that the darkness of the root could not be exposed to the sun. After becoming the 5.5th generation Hokage, he still yearned for light instead of following the simple and rough practices of the root.

However, the Mist Village is basically an enlarged root. The fact that the closest companions must be killed for graduation is full of the cold-blooded style of the root.

What's more tragic is that the root has Shimura Danzo as the boss, and other root ninjas only need to obey his orders, but the Mist Village is full of mountains and chaos.

So the Mist Village is completely a jungle, there is no rules at all, or whoever has the bigger fist is the real rule!

In the past, if the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were unhappy with the ninja who was inspecting, they would directly chop him off, which would be a small matter of punishment at most, and even if the reason was good enough, they would not even be punished.

After waking up from the illusion, the Third Mizukage was determined to make new plans and work hard to reform, but after all, decades of accumulated problems were difficult to reverse. In such a short period of time, these ordinary ninjas did not change their mindsets at all. How could they dare to check on the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

Soon the Seven Ninja Swordsmen returned to the gate of the Mist Village. Under the control of Uchiha Feiyu's illusion, the seven behaved as usual. The ninjas guarding the gate didn't dare to stop the seven uncles, and they let the seven people into the Mist Village without checking any problems.

"The current Mist Ninja is still the Third Mizukage... By the way, after this guy's illusion was broken, he didn't abdicate?"

"The policies of the Third Mizukage did increase some of the strength of the Mist Village, and he was just a little hinted, so he tended to the blood mist policy. In fact, most of the decisions were fine."

"If the Third Mizukage was really completely brainless, then the elder Yuanshi and so many blood successor families in the village would have thought of ways to get him out of office long ago!"

The one who respectfully answered Uchiha Feiyu's question was Xiguashan Puffer Ghost. This owner of the big sword Samehada vaguely occupied the C position among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. In addition to being stronger than the other Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the most important thing is his delicate mind that is completely different from his fat appearance.

Since the atmosphere of the Mist Village is similar to that of the Root, the problems it faces are naturally similar. There are a lot of ninjas who can kill people, but you can't find one ninja with brains among 100. There are even fewer ninjas like Xiguashan Puffer Ghost who can fight and have brains.

For example, when Uchiha Feiyu and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost talked, the other members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen all showed clear and stupid eyes. Only Biwa Juzo and the ninja from the Hozuki clan were slightly better.

"I see..."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded. Obviously, compared with Uchiha Obito's brainless behavior of venting personal anger, Uchiha Madara was much more rational. Although he created a bloody mist atmosphere to control the Mist Village, he did not want to weaken the power of the Mist Village.

"It seems that although the policies implemented by the Third Mizukage have some problems, he still has a certain prestige in your village..."

"Indeed, and the Third Mizukage is also the strongest ninja in our village. He was able to implement the blood mist policy because of his powerful strength!"

Strong strength, prestige, at least the fierce power can suppress the entire ninja village... So this guy deserves to die. If this guy doesn't die, how can the person I favor take the position?

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