Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 14 Encountering an Enemy

After rejecting Metkai's special training method, the three of them just conducted some general combat training at Kakashi's house, and then went back to their respective homes.

After leaving Kakashi's house, Uchiha Feiyu walked directly to his own house, but when he was halfway there, he felt that the soul emotion of Hatake Sakumo next to him suddenly became excited.

"What's wrong? Did you meet someone you know?"

Uchiha Feiyu asked a little strangely, turned his head and looked at Hatake Sakumo's eyes, and saw a slightly familiar ninja.

He was sure that he had seen this ninja, but he couldn't name him. He was obviously not an acquaintance. It must have been that at some point, this guy left a deep impression on him... By the way, isn't this guy Hatake? That bastard teammate that Sakumo rescued?

"So it's this you want revenge? Hatake Sakumo-senpai?"

Uchiha Feiyu asked, and Hatake Sakumo smiled bitterly:

"How can I seek revenge from him now that I'm like this? Besides, he is also a ninja of Konoha. If you attack a ninja without any reason, it won't do you any good."

"Don't worry...don't forget our age. It's normal for ninjas of this age to be impulsive!"

"I don't think you are that kind of impulsive ninja. Didn't you say that your goal in life is to work less and get more, to get something for nothing... Wait?! What are you talking about, us?!"

Hatake Sakumo doesn't think that we are referring to him and Uchiha Feiha. He is not an impulsive kid at his age, so it is self-evident who he refers to - isn't he his precious son?

Uchiha Feiyu's words also confirmed Hatake Sakumo's guess. He only heard his faint voice saying:

"Of course it's us! I'll give the advice behind the scenes, and then let Kakashi and Akai beat that guy up. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"Theoretically, this guy and Kakashi have a grudge for killing their father. Kakashi just beats people up, and he is already very restrained."

"The key issue...should be more than just beating people up!"

"It seems that you, Hatake Sakumo-senpai, know it very well! Then you are forced to the point where you can't even think about committing suicide?"

Hearing about his suicide again, Hatake Sakumo felt a little blushing. In the past few days, after being beaten by Uchiha Feiyu, the Konoha White Fang already felt that such things were his dark history.

But now is not the time to care about such things. Hatake Sakumo said with a rather serious face:

"I did see some problems. What that guy Bang Yan said at the door of my house was obviously to arouse public opinion... There should be someone else behind him..."

"Just say that there are high-level officials in Konoha behind him! Sakumo-senpai, which high-level officials in Konoha do you think is behind him?"

"How could I know such a thing? And maybe it's not the top brass of Konoha, but ninja spies from other ninja villages..."

"If he was a ninja spy from other ninja villages, he would have been captured and tortured by now, right? I don't believe that the Konoha ninja village would show mercy to a spy who killed a ninja of your level!"

Hatake Sakumo was speechless. Even if the other party was really a spy from another ninja village, then after he committed suicide, this guy should be the first to be investigated!

Since the other party was not investigated, it was obviously because the senior officials of the Ninja Village did not suspect that this guy was a spy at all. The only reason was that this guy's original behavior was ordered by the senior officials of the Ninja Village.

Seeing Hatake Sakumo fell silent, Uchiha Feiyu immediately shook his head:

"It seems like you can't even deceive yourself with your words!"

"Aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of Konoha's higher-ups?"

"So let's let Kakashi take the lead! Isn't it normal for him to act irrationally because of his father's death?"

"You must know that after your death, the entire public opinion has undergone a 180-degree turn. If you don't take this opportunity to take action now, it will be too late if you delay it for a long time!"

"I don't believe that the higher-ups in Konoha will punish Kakashi for his impulsive behavior!"

Hatake Sakumo was stunned for a moment. His memory stayed on the day of his death, but he did not expect that his death would bring about a series of consequences.

"Unexpectedly... after my death, public opinion turned around... Originally, I thought the people in the village were still scolding me when I saw how deserted the entrance to Hatake's house was!"

"It's important for people to die! As long as they are not the kind of evil people who destroy human relations, they can always leave a good reputation after death!"

"Okay, don't say any more. I already regretted it very much. Now I feel that I must have lost my mind back then. Why would I think of committing suicide!?"

"But even if there are enough excuses, Kunihiko is a special Jonin. If you are not counted, Kakashi's strength alone is not his opponent!"

"A special Jonin? It's not beyond my expectation."

Uchiha Feiyu was not moved at all. Being able to perform S-level missions with Konoha White Fang, no matter how you think about it, he cannot be an ordinary chuunin genin. The minimum standard is probably a special jounin with certain specialties. Otherwise, in When performing tasks, it can only be regarded as a pure delay.

However, since Uchiha Feiyu already had an idea, he naturally already had a countermeasure:

"Don't worry, Sakumo-senpai, the technique of arresting the spirit and punishing the general can not only be used on myself."

"I can use the Soul Confinement and Summoning Technique to allow you to directly possess Kakashi. You two are originally father and son and have a strong blood relationship, so there won't be much consumption when you possess Kakashi."

"With your combat awareness and combat experience, even if you use Kakashi's body, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with a special jonin?"

The Soul Confinement and Summoning Technique has completely transformed Hatake Summoning's body, making him closer to those Yin spirits under one person, and has the ability to possess directly.

However, only Uchiha Feiyu, who has practiced the Soul Confinement and Summoning Technique, can fully utilize Hatake Summoning's spirit body. Not only will he not be damaged, but he will also gain part of the power of the spirit body itself. If other people are possessed, both Hatake Summoning and the possessed will suffer certain damage.

That is, as the direct bloodline of Hatake Summoning, Kakashi will not have any bonus after possessing, but there will be no backlash, so Uchiha Feiyu proposed this plan.

The chakra system that ninjas practiced focused more on techniques than on the way, so there was actually no difference in the essence of most ninjas' lives.

Even if Hatake Sakumo controlled Kakashi's body, he could still exert a strength that exceeded that of an ordinary jonin with his physique and chakra. It was not difficult to deal with a special jonin.

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