Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 9 Sadako's popularity

It turns out that most of them just bought it but didn’t dare to play it, which is equivalent to just dabbling in it and not daring to go in.

Although Qin Ge was very happy that half of the number of buyers reached the target on the first night, he did not forget that the system required at least 3,000 people to buy the product and give it a rating of no less than three stars.

They can't score if they don't play.


Qin Ge scratched his hair, but he ignored this. Most horror game lovers are similar to Bai Lu, they like and are good at it, but what's going on with the video of Xiao Po Station?

In confusion, he clicked on the small pink TV icon. After entering Sadako, dozens of short videos popped up. The first one had more than one million views and was uploaded on UP called People in the Earthly World Don't Speak in the Underworld. , the title is impressively "If nothing else happens, this will be the best shot of the horror dream this year." 》

As soon as I clicked on it, a high-energy warning filled the screen. I took my phone away in time and filled the entire screen.

Qin Ge had no choice but to turn off the barrage and found that this was the scene of Sadako crawling out of the TV, and then the scene of Bai Lu just entering the dream.

A magnetic male voice sounded and said with a smile: "Last night I was wandering around the sea of ​​​​stars in order to recommend excellent horror dreams to everyone, but I found that the quality was about the same, and there was no one that stood out. Just when I was about to quit, I accidentally I found an anchor playing this dream called "Urban Ghost Story - Sadako".

"The scene I entered was extremely amazing. You can take a look. Although there is only one house in this dreamland, the scene is not sloppy at all. The sunshine, white clouds, grass and trees are all dynamic."

"Even the textures of stones and leaves have been carved out, almost indistinguishable from reality. I'm afraid only big companies can do this in such detail."

"The scene is so real, and the gameplay and plot will definitely be good. I kept watching with this idea in mind. Sure enough, the moment Sadako crawled out of the TV, as a viewer, I felt numb all over."

"But the essence of this shot is not when Sadako climbs out, but the moment she looks at the camera. I dare say it has an impact on the audience even more than the players."

"It's a pity that the anchor was forced to exit the dreamland by the security system before he finished playing. I have purchased the game and will give you the guide after I complete the game."


I see, no wonder it fermented to this extent overnight.

Qin Ge grinned, then felt a headache again. Next, he might have to figure out how to get the players who purchased the game to play and give reviews.

"Morning." Bai Lu changed into a white JK long-sleeved school uniform and came to her side. After she realized that the person sitting next to her was Qin Ge, she turned her face away and snorted coldly. It seemed that she was still angry.

Qin Ge smiled. He asked Bai Lu to continue broadcasting tonight. He couldn't help but please her. "Thank you for your hard work last night."


"To express my gratitude, I will take you to buy snacks after school. It's up to you to choose."

"You said it." Bai Lu turned her face instantly and smiled with two pointed little tiger teeth.

Jiang Li also happened to prepare breakfast. The breakfast focused on nutrition so it was not too complicated. A cup of rich pure milk and a yellow egg roll for each person, wrapped with green onion, exuding a harmonious aroma.

There is also rye bread that she specially made by herself. When you bite into it, you feel like you are eating a wheat field.

However, Qin Ge usually couldn't eat much for breakfast. He didn't have the habit of eating breakfast before. Jiang Li only corrected this habit a year after they moved in.

After the three of them finished breakfast, Qin Ge drove to school together. This was just an ordinary mobility scooter he bought after winning the lottery, costing more than 100,000 yuan. Everyone could use it. Originally, he didn't care about things like gas costs. But Jiang and Li insisted on sharing the money equally every month.

The city of Baijing is named after the pear blossoms that are planted all over the city. After the cold snow season in winter has passed, the warm snow season in spring has followed closely. The white pear blossoms are blooming all over the city, giving the city a new look. Jing is dressed in silver.

Moreover, Baijing is also a first-tier key city with numerous high-rise buildings. Many famous dream-making companies have branches here, so it has attracted many young people with dreams from all over the world to come here.

The Baijing University where Qin Ge and the others studied is the best school in the city, even among the best in the country. Thanks to Qin Ge's two generations, he knew that knowledge is the best way to change his destiny, so he studied hard until he passed the exam. After winning the lottery, I realized that there really are shortcuts in life.

But at that time, he had successfully been admitted to Baekyeong University, which seemed to be a good university, and he could only make do with it.

Along the way, he followed two beauties with completely different temperaments into the classroom and received a lot of attention and greetings, but he had long been used to it and came to Dream Class 1, chatting and laughing nonchalantly.

"Hey, rare visitor."

As soon as he stepped into the classroom, he met the eyes of an expensive-looking boy with a slicked back hair and brand-name clothes, and the two of them spoke in unison.

This is Qin Ge's friend since high school, Li Wenbin.

The family made their fortune by playing the 18+ dream game, another type of 18+, with at least ten apartments in Baijing. If Qin Ge won the lottery at the starting line, then Li Wenbin has reached the end and bought a school district apartment.

He went straight to the empty seat next to Li Wenbin and sat down, lowering his voice and saying: "Do you still have the redemption code for the black silk gift pack in the "Real Girlfriend" developed by your family? Here is one."

"Yes, there is also a cheat code that can directly increase the favorability to the maximum. Do you want it?" Li Wenbin said slyly.

"The sense of accomplishment after achieving success in capturing beautiful girls is what Qin disdains to do things that ruin the game experience."

"It can also unlock the restriction of a single female protagonist."

"Send it to me." Looking at the two mysterious codes on the mobile phone chat box, the two smiled tacitly, and their smiles were full of yearning for a better life, sunny and innocent.

Before they could continue to exchange their thoughts on the game, the teacher stepped onto the podium on time as the bell rang, tapped the table gently to signal the class to be quiet, and then began to lecture, "Students, now let's start the dream human body structure class."

"Whether you want to be a dream maker, a dreamer, or other professions in the future, this is a foundation that you must learn."

"When we visualize the human body, we should start with the whole body, then the parts, and then describe the details in depth, especially the muscles and bones..."

Qin Ge didn't want to listen to the course, but in order not to disturb the classroom discipline, he could only lie down and close his eyes to rest. It was not that he didn't want to learn, but because he had decided to become a horror dream maker since he came to this world, and he had finished all the courses at the beginning of his life.

So there was no need to force himself to waste time.

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