Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 82 Cleaner's Work Log

After reading the rules of the Happy Hotel, Mo Lang, who thought he had bought the wrong flashlight, finally realized its use and quickly took it out.

The two walked through the corridor lightly. The corridor that seemed nothing when they came up was now unsettled with every step, as if something was hidden in the dark room and would jump out at any time.

The pasted wallpaper seemed to be torn by sharp claws, revealing that the covered wall was covered with bloody handprints, broken bones, knife marks and other shocking traces.

The buzzing sound and screams of the electric saw downstairs had long stopped, leaving only a silence that made people imagine.

The metal warehouses in 203 and 201 had been opened, leaving only blood and minced meat all over the room.

"Wait a minute." Yin Xiaorong stopped in front of 204, called back Mo Lang who was walking in front, pointed to the room and said: "Something happened."

There was no metal warehouse in 204, no blood or meat, it was clean, there were clean plates on the table, the quilt on the bed was lifted, and the mattress and pillow underneath were still dented. The person sleeping here should have just left. There was a white coat hanging on the hanger in the corner, and there was a pair of leather shoes on the ground.

Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, attending doctor: ▓▓▓, the name was covered by the indelible filth.

"Has a doctor from Gonjiam lived here?" Yin Xiaorong frowned and said: "It seems that he left in a hurry, without even taking clothes, or he didn't leave at all."

"There are traces of pulleys rolling on the floor. There should have been a metal warehouse here, but it was demolished." Mo Lang rubbed the traces on the floor with his feet. They are all professional players and will not miss any traces.

"I'm afraid a lot of things have happened in this room, and there were many strange guests who lived in it before the guest who just left." Yin Xiaorong found a mobile phone and a notebook in the gap between the table and the corner of the wall, with the words "Cleaner's Work Log" written on it.

It doesn't seem to be deliberately hidden, but rather it seems to be casually abandoned in an inconspicuous corner.

The "Cleaner's Work Log" contains a lot of information. In addition to the text recorded on it, there are also many notes with different handwritings, which are deliberately collected. The owner of the notebook should be investigating something. There is also a room card for 205 in it.

"Cleaner's Work Log ①"

Five patients in Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, led by the attending doctor, ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ appeared strange marks and numbers, and their mental problems became more serious. They kept muttering languages ​​and words that they had never heard of.

At the same time, they found that they actually had the ability to be immortal. No matter what kind of damage they suffered, they could recover as before, but they were very afraid of strong light.

This news has been notified to the coffee shop, and a team of investigators have gone there, waiting for news.

"Cleaner's Work Diary ②"

An unknown meat suddenly appeared on the market in Jingling City. It smelled delicious, but some of it was rotten, and the rotten parts were green.

Many citizens who had eaten it had auditory hallucinations and had many dreams at night. They often saw a calm lake and forest in their dreams. The situation described was very similar to the place where the patients went. That place was calling them.

They also have another characteristic, that is, they often speak inexplicably in a language they have never heard of, and they also begin to fear strong light. Although they hate yellow light, they are not afraid of it.

We can't find the source of the meat, so we can only start to ban the sale of all meat in the city.

"Cleaner's Work Diary ③"

Four patients killed the attending doctor and escaped from Gonjiam.

This is very bad news. I really can't figure out how they escaped and killed people without destroying the five-centimeter-thick iron door.

The entire Gonjiam has become a hell. These patients are extremely dangerous and must be taken back to the hospital immediately.

"Cleaner's Work Log ④"

Today, we found a patient named Yan Qin who ran back to her original school. We were going to catch her, but we received a message from the waiter of the cafe.

There is a clue to the source of the meat. They found that someone discarded the meat wrapped in a black plastic bag in the trash can. The clothes on his body were the work clothes of the Happy Hotel.

This is very strange, because the Happy Hotel was abandoned a long time ago, and only some homeless people gathered inside. Why are there still people working in it now?

And as homeless people, where did they get so much meat?

"Cleaner's Work Log ⑤"

Today I stayed in Room 205 of the Happy Hotel and was responsible for cleaning the surrounding area.

The room is clean, but the sound insulation is not very good. I often hear the sound of iron chains colliding and wheels passing in the corridor at night.

This hotel sells all kinds of meat food, and the kitchen does not stop all day, but I have never seen them move any animals in from outside.

I did find many traces that made me uneasy. Tomorrow night I will enter the locked rooms 201, 202, 203, and 204 to check.

《Cleaner's Work Log ⑥》

What did I see! ?

Why are there three escaped mental patients in this hotel?

The attending doctor who was supposed to be killed is not dead? He is locked in the metal warehouse of 204, but he looks like he is dying. I have contacted the cafe to send him there later.

Wait, I seem to understand everything. They

The work log stops here. Many places on it are covered by splattered blood. It is impossible to see what is written.

But the same image appeared in the minds of both of them. A cleaner in orange overalls was writing a log in 205 when something behind him attacked him.

"The doctor also had a mutation like the patient, but no one noticed. He released all the patients and escaped after faking his death." Mo Lang felt hairy all over and continued to guess: "Then the cleaner was attacked by the doctor or the patient during the investigation."

"Judging from this white coat, it is more likely that the doctor did it. After attacking the cleaner, he brought all the collected information back to 204."

"I'm afraid it's not just that." Yin Xiaorong, a woman who had explored countless haunted houses and graveyards, also had a chill in her teeth and said with a trembling voice: "Did you find it? This cleaner said that four patients escaped and the doctor died, but the "Gonjiam Emergency Notice" said that there were five patients."

"They had already discovered that the doctor was a patient! But why did they let him move? What happened in Gonjiam?"

The most important thing is whether Gonjiam is still as safe as I thought just now?

"There are also notes and photos. Let's see if we can find some more information that can be analyzed." Mo Lang flipped through the things mixed in the work log.

The photo showed a wall with many words engraved on it, "Autobiography of Pig No. 1".

There was no title on the note, but a No. 4 work badge was wrapped inside.

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