Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 75 Jingling City at Night

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Lan Bai stood under the street lamp and looked back, but many street lamps behind her had gone out, leaving only a few scattered ones. The inky black darkness was so thick that it seemed that it could not be illuminated by the lights, and she could not see what was hidden at all.

Illusion? She found that the footsteps disappeared after she stood up.

Lan Bai looked up and listened carefully again, but she never heard the footsteps again, so she ignored it and walked towards the cafe according to the instructions on the map, but her pace was much faster.

Da, Da, Da.

But after taking another step, the harsh footsteps were like a thorn in the bone, following behind her all the time.

For some reason, Lan Bai's mind automatically emerged with the old man she had helped during the day, especially the pair of high heels on her feet, which lingered in her mind.

The street lights always went out or became dim after she passed by, and more and more street lights in front began to flicker. The footsteps behind her were getting closer and closer, like a death warrant, urging her to stop and move forward quickly.

[SAN value -10. ]

Lan Bai didn't pay attention to the prompt sound in her ear. She had changed from a quick step to a trot, but no matter how fast she ran, the footsteps behind her could always keep up with her speed, and they were getting faster and faster.

Dada da da da...

She looked back from time to time while running, and when she looked back by chance, she seemed to see a dark figure hiding under the extinguished street lights.

There was only a silhouette that was darker than the darkness, hunched over, and in the blink of an eye, it was submerged in the darkness like a tide.

"Why?" Lan Bai felt that she was wrapped in an indescribable creepiness, and her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She confirmed from the silhouette that the person following behind her was the old man, but she was puzzled why she didn't offend the old man and was enthusiastic to help him, so why did he keep staring at her?

Lan Bai stopped, not because she didn't want to continue running, but because the street lights in front and on the right were off. If she wanted to continue running, she could only enter the light range in front of her right, but there was a dark area of ​​nearly half a meter between her and that light range.

Da, the footsteps stopped in the darkness on the right, and a dark shadow poked its head behind the lamppost. Lan Bai could feel a gaze on her.

This made her even more afraid to continue walking. She hurriedly opened her backpack to find something useful, but there was nothing in the backpack except the mobile phone and the camera.

[SAN value -10. ]


Lan Bai then remembered that she still had a camera that she brought out from "Sadako" because she received a B rating. She quickly took it out and pressed the shutter at the position of the lamppost. The strong flash disk dispersed the instant darkness, leaving only the dark figure, and at the same time reflected two bright lights on it.

A photo slowly came out of the camera and fell to the ground.

On top was a hunchbacked old lady in orange work clothes. The two reflective strips on her clothes were so dazzling. Her face, which was like dry bark, seemed to be covered with a thick layer of wall dust. It was pale and looked inhuman, but her mouth was painted scarlet, and the corners of her mouth were stretched behind her ears.

Lan Bai screamed, and the bright street lights above her head began to flicker in the sound of electricity. She didn't care to stay any longer, closed her eyes and plunged into the darkness, wanting to run to the next light.

But just when half of her body entered the range of light, her right hand, which was still in the darkness, was suddenly grabbed, and she couldn't pull it out no matter how hard she tried.

Reason told her not to look back, but the instinct of her body made her neck turn her head uncontrollably and look back, just in front of the red and white face.

"Hehehe, help me again... help me... help." The old lady's lips, which seemed to be smeared with blood, were grinning wider and wider, and she seemed to be laughing very happily.

[SAN value -20. 】

"No, no, no! Let me go!" Lan Bai's tears could not stop flowing. He kicked the ground with his feet and pulled back his hands. Because he used too much force, he fell to the ground.

Although the light had turned dim, the old lady seemed unable to enter either. She just stood in the dark, staring at Lan Bai crawling on the ground with a weird smile.

I don't know if it was because of the screams or something else, but more and more people or things seemed to be attracted.

The humming of nursery rhymes sounded in the streets in the distance, and there was also the sound of wheels pushing on the ground. A woman hummed nursery rhymes and pushed a baby carriage on the street.

A man in a suit overturned the trash can to the ground and dragged out a tightly wrapped black plastic bag from it. He stopped when he noticed Lan Bai.

The luxuriant cherry tree began to cry, and blood kept dripping.


[Please note that the SAN value has been reduced to 40. 】

As the prompt sounded, the world in front of Lan Bai seemed to be covered by a layer of red gauze, and everything he saw was covered with scarlet. All the scenes and portraits were randomly splashed with oil paintings and began to distort.

"No, I'm just here to see the scenery..." Lan Bai didn't even have the strength to stand up. He kept kicking his feet and backing away on the ground, and even forgot to exit the dream.

The range of the dim light became smaller and smaller. The old lady approached with the darkness, and the others also gathered around curiously.

At this moment, a strong light shot out from the alley, forcing back all the darkness.

The old lady covered her face, making a hoarse sound in her throat and turned away, the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

The woman also hummed the nursery rhyme again, pushing the stroller away, and the man in the suit dragged the garbage bag into the darkness with great effort.

"Are you okay?"

The strong light made Lan Bai unable to open her eyes. She could only see a pair of waders on the man in front of her. She looked up and saw the orange work clothes on the man, as if she had post-traumatic stress disorder, holding her head and screaming.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will protect you." The man holding a strong flashlight kept patting her shoulders and comforting her: "I am the cleaner Qin Ge, don't be afraid."

Lan Bai gradually calmed down under the gentle comfort, raised her tearful eyes and looked at the man named Qin Ge in front of her. She wanted to speak but couldn't, so she could only hug him and started sobbing.

[SAN value +1. ]

[SAN value +2. ]

[SAN value +1. 】


As the SAN value slowly recovered, the world in Lan Bai's eyes began to become normal, and the man's twisted face became handsome.

"If you have no place to stay, do you want me to take you to the cafe?" Qin Ge asked with concern.

Lan Bai's hands and feet were still a little weak, so he could only hold his arms to support himself and stand up, humming a "hmm" from the tip of his nose.

"Let's go, let's not walk on the street, it's faster to go through the side road." Qin Ge, who was in the dark, waved the high-intensity flashlight in his hand and smiled: "With this, they dare not come over."

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