"What should we do now?" Mo Lang compared the text messages on his phone with the notifications on the bulletin board. The more he compared, the more confused he became. "Some of the rules above are contradictory to each other, and some are mutually reinforcing. We Who should we listen to? Where should we go?”

Yin Xiaorong chewed her nails and fell into deep thought. She had never encountered such a situation. Logically speaking, horror dreams, a type restricted by rules, usually give a set of rules. Once the player violates them, a scare will be triggered. Point, such contradictory situations are rarely heard of.

"Do you remember the challenge content when you entered the game? To pass the level or to survive the longest, and that Bai Lu said that this is an open world dream game, there is no main mission." Monkey analyzed: "Actually, there is a main mission, this The mission is to survive.”

"That is to say, we have to find a way to survive between these two contradictory rules. The one who survives longer will win."

"It makes sense." The three people's eyes lit up and they all agreed.

"Let's not pay attention to the conflicting information for now." Yin Xiaorong drew a few rules on the bulletin board and continued: "Now there are several pieces of information confirmed by the two rules."

"First, light. Light is an important factor to ensure survival, but the notice from Kunjiyan Mental Hospital also gives the difference between bright light and dim light."

"Second, sanitation workers. Although the notice said that all sanitation workers are untrustworthy, the last two pieces of information don't look normal and are probably fake. So I think sanitation workers wearing normal clothes can still try. touch."

"Third, if you encounter someone talking about strange topics, contact Kunchiam Mental Hospital immediately. We will first follow the above three points."

"There is another problem now. It will be very dangerous for us to wander outside when night comes, so we need to decide where to spend the night first." Mo Lang pointed to the sun that was setting in the sky. It seemed that in this dream The flow of time is different from reality.

"The cafe was recommended by the investigation bureau who doesn't know whether it exists, and Kunchiyan claims to be able to accept tourists. There is also a Happy Hotel on the map. How should I choose?"

This is another question that is difficult to choose. The information currently available is still too little, so it is difficult to make a judgment.

Seeing that several people were silent again, Mo Lang said: "If everyone has no idea, you might as well follow my advice and go to the Happy Hotel."

"Why? Something doesn't seem right about that place. It wasn't even mentioned in the text message." Yuan Lijiang wanted a reasonable explanation.

"We recognized from the beginning that Kunchiyan is the most difficult place in the entire dream. The two rules also vaguely revealed that there is something wrong with that place, so it is absolutely not allowed to go." Mo Lang explained: "As for the cafe, if there is no If this Kunjiam notification was given, I would choose to go here, but now the existence of the investigation bureau has been denied, and the staff from that studio also went to the cafe.”

"So in order to prevent being cheated, it is better for us to choose to go to the Happy Hotel. In addition, the Investigation Bureau concealed its existence, and Kunchiyan's notice denied the Investigation Bureau. Under double negation, this is likely to be the most powerful hotel. A place to make a living.”

There are many places in Mo Lang's words that don't make sense, but with just two contradictory rules, the Happy Hotel may indeed be a way to survive as he said.

"Brother Lang is so steady this time, he is really worthy of the name Mo Lang." Yuan Lijiang joked: "Originally, I thought you would just rush into Kunchi Rock like the four pit bulls."

"People will always mature." Mo Lang put on a coping smile, but his eyes never calmed down for a moment. He always felt that there was a great terror hidden under this comfortable and beautiful scenery.

"Okay, let's go in that direction. As for Kunchiyan, we'll keep in touch with the four pit Bs to see if we can get any useful information." Yin Xiaorong took a photo of the map and notice on the bulletin board and sent it to In the group, "This is the information we found. If you have other discoveries, please share them and share your thoughts~"

The four of them interacted with the barrage while walking along the hotel on Qingtian Street. The beautiful scenery along the way made Yin Xiaorong, a girl, couldn't help but take a few selfies, which allowed her to dissipate her inner uneasiness and weirdness. .

"I have to say that this scene touched the depths of my heart right away. It's a pity that I haven't experienced the unprecedented horror experience that the dreamer said." Yin Xiaorong said with a smile.

"Except for the old lady, is this really not a travel dream? But the scene is so big, wouldn't the dream maker fill up the entire scene?"

"Stop talking, brothers. I originally thought this dream would be very scary and I kept thinking about whether to buy it. But now it seems acceptable. I want to buy one for the goddess and walk with her on the cherry blossom streets. She will definitely He promised to give me a baby and wait for my good news.”

"Brother Lang, don't be cowardly! Go straight to Kun Chi Yan, can it still kill you? If it can kill you, I will eat the display on the spot."

"Brothers, today is my third day of abstinence, seven hours and three minutes, and I'm about to break the record. You must not post a website."


As the sun gradually sets, the street lights on the street are turned on one after another, and pedestrians can't help but speed up their pace. Their stiff faces have no expression, they don't communicate with anyone, and they turn a blind eye to the four people walking, as if they are eager to go home.

On the contrary, several buildings that were originally closed quietly opened their doors, as if they were warmly welcoming visitors to visit. This picturesque scene was quietly undergoing some changes.

"There is a grocery store here. Should we go and have a look? Maybe we can find some useful props." Although the sharp-eyed monkey was the shortest among all the people, he was the first to discover an old shop not far away.

There was a pale light hanging above the door, but the shop was dim. A bald old man was standing behind the glass counter and smiling at several people. The loose vest drooped on his body, which was very ill-fitting.

Several people had 300 gold coins given at the beginning. If they didn't turn them into useful props, it would be a waste. Moreover, since entering the game, the hunger value has almost dropped to half. They can feel that their walking speed is slowing down, so they walked towards the grocery store without thinking too much.

"See what you want to order?" The old man smiled enthusiastically, and his hoarse voice sounded in his throat.

The counter is filled with all sorts of daily necessities, ranging from pots and pans to jewelry pendants. If you look closely, the function of each item will pop up, but the price is not marked.

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