Seven days passed quickly, and the three of them were basically immersed in the sea of ​​stars. The characters have been perfectly shaped, but they still need to continuously inject behavioral logic chains, and the construction of the five senses is also proceeding step by step.

The one who is the most behind is Qin Ge. Although he has completed the outline of the scene and started to improve the details, this is the most time-consuming, not to mention that there are still many settings and plots that have not been filled.

"It would be great if there was a creator who was responsible for the scene." Qin Ge muttered, covering his dizzy head. He has been busy working overtime for the past seven days, but still feels overwhelmed.

The problem is that he opened the friend list and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find any friend who was a creator. Is it really necessary to outsource?

Let's not talk about the price first, the problem is that the quality cannot be guaranteed.

"Huh?" Qin Ge found that there were more than a dozen message prompts in the friends he hadn't paid attention to for a long time. They were sent by Li Wenbin. Suddenly, he remembered that the company of this beast's family had a creator team, although they specialized in love dream scenes.

But the dream he made this time was very different from the previous one. It would not rely mainly on the scene to create a horror atmosphere, but would be a beautiful scene.

Thinking about it this way, their styles were in line.

So he opened the dialog box and sent a message.

Coke Sugar Adder: "?"

Six-winged Angel: "?"

Ever since he made such a big fuss in the rookie competition, his identity was also known by Li Wenbin, and the two had already added each other as friends.

Coke Sugar Adder: "Borrow your creator team for use, and quote a price."

In the conversation with Li Wenbin, Qin Ge did not need to be polite at all, and directly stated his purpose.

Six-winged angel: "Are you cursing? Are you using money to insult me?"

"I saw the news about you and Tianlan Studio. I'll help you out. There are a few creators in my family who don't have any projects on hand and are slacking off. I'm just about to find something for them to do."

Coke Sugar Adder: "Brothers should settle accounts clearly. Whatever you say, it's fine."

Six-winged angel: "Simple. 1 lv3, 4 lv2, half a catty of liquor for you. Give it back to me next time."

Coke Sugar Adder: "Deal."

It's pointless to refuse. At most, you can be prepared to lie on the table and can't get up next time.

Before the creators came, Qin Ge collected all the characters first, and then warned Jiang Li and the others not to reveal any information and settings in the dream.

After all, this is also a business secret, and it's not that I don't trust Li Wenbin. It's just that if there is a person who doesn't keep his mouth shut, it will be troublesome.

Li Wenbin's hands and feet are quick, and he sent five creators with sad faces that day.

The look they gave Qin Ge was as if they had robbed their wives.

"I'll trouble you all next." Qin Ge copied the scene map five times and threw it to them, grinning: "The outline has been built. There are three streets in total, 187 houses, distributed in a fan shape, and there are nearly 100,000 items in it."

"The style and requirements are clearly stated on the map. It must be beautiful and exquisite. I believe these two requirements are also familiar to all the creators."

"I will make an agreement with Li Wenbin. This time, it will be considered as a reasonable way to make extra money. After the project is over, I will give you 200,000 yuan in compensation, and then you can divide it up."

Although Li Wenbin does not charge money, his employees are also people and have to live.

200,000 yuan, if you want to formally hire such a team, you basically can't find it on the market, but this is earning extra money while receiving a salary.

The faces of several people immediately looked much better, and they began to divide the work content with the map.

The venue was divided into five parts by several dotted lines. All scenes and items were included in the unfinished work. As long as the visualization is completed and click OK, the progress will be displayed.

This is a function that comes with Xinghai, which is used to divide the work content of different positions in the studio.

With the help of a complete team, Qin Ge can devote himself to the production settings and tasks, as well as the plot.

Compared with the previous seven days, the progress can be said to be a rocket installed on the buttocks, taking off directly.

Although Qin Ge was not very satisfied with some of the things made by this team, it also helped a lot.

Every day after the creators went offline, he would review the scenes they built, carefully play with the items they created, and modify the places that did not meet his inner ideas.

By the fifteenth day, the creator team had completed the construction of the entire scene, and the entire East District of Jingling City had completely changed.

The cherry blossoms in full bloom were as bright as fire in the sun, and the fragrance of flowers mixed with the aroma of coffee and cakes flowed to all directions. The sparkling lake surface gently supported the fallen maple leaves.

The chirping of insects and birds, the hissing of cats and the barking of dogs bring rare vitality to the empty Jingling City.

Qin Ge finally laid out the settings and plots, and the next step is to make fine adjustments and more detailed polishing.

After that, he has to squeeze out time for internal testing to ensure that the entire dream will not be easily found with bugs.

So time is still very tight. In this way, Qin Ge still overestimated his ability and underestimated the difficulty of developing a medium-sized dream.

If Li Wenbin didn't help this time, it would be difficult for him to visualize turning into a vegetable within a month.

There are still too few people who can be used, and he must find a creator as soon as possible.

A standard dream studio must have four professions: dream maker, dream intruder, dream toucher, and creator.

Finally, there is a professional master, who is responsible for designing various matching dream professions and skills, and adjusting the balance between various professions.

If there are not many professions in a dream, there is no need to find such a person, at least not at this stage.

"It's just that there are still a few heavyweight characters missing." Qin Ge clicked on the system's redemption page. In the past month, "As Long as There Is Love, Urban Tales Are Okay" has been selling extremely well, and it has also driven the secondary sales of "Sadako" and "Friends".

Now he has accumulated a full five million points, but after this redemption, he will become a pauper again.

After all, a medium-sized dream is not as good as a small dream. Such a huge scene is difficult to support alone by relying on a jigsaw.

And this dream will become the foundation of the world of strange stories in his dream, so he can't be careless at all.

As for the characters to be redeemed, he had thought about it a month ago.

"Exchange for four purple character cards from classic horror movies, [Michael Myers], [Leatherface], [Freddy Krueger], [Jason Voorhees]"

"Are you sure you want to spend 4.5 million points to exchange for the above cards?"


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