Seeing that Bai Lu was still trying to pounce and bite, Qin Ge quickly picked up a pillow to block her out. It took a lot of effort to subdue this red-eyed rabbit. Seeing her angry on the sofa, he sneered and picked up his phone to check what was going on.

He found that it was already past one in the morning. Those ding-ding sounds were the message notification sounds that popped up when players bought "Urban Tales-Friends". I think it was the recommended position promised by Xinghai.

After the game, he added the prefix of "Urban Tales" in front of "Friends" through the helmet at the venue, and then directly changed the vague information inside to Sadako's name.

As soon as the Xinghai APP was opened, there was a horizontal poster at the top, which read "Award-winning works of the United College Dream Maker Newcomer Competition". The top 20 works were arranged from front to back according to the ranking, and the first one was "Friends".

It is directly recommended on the homepage, and the effect is much better than "Sadako" which is currently in the category recommendation. In just over an hour, there are millions of views and more than 100,000 purchases. The number of comments in the comment area will double every time it is refreshed, which also has a promoting effect on the sales of "Sadako".

[I really can't think of a name]: "Ahhhhhh! Is there any big guy who can tell me how to pass the level? I have been hacked to death by You Junyu 32 times in one hour."

[Qin-chaohui-chairman]: "Calm down above, I died 117 times before I passed the level, follow me with a knife in hand! Grab Yan Qin and kill Qin Gou!"

[The successor of the motherland]: "I have decided to abandon Sadako and take Yan Qin away, unless the dream maker changes Sadako into a JK outfit."

[Qin-chaohui-pioneer]: "023456789, follow me with a knife in hand! Grab Qin Gou and kill Yan Qin!"


Qin Ge's face wrinkled into a ball, like an old man on the subway looking at his phone, and he gave [Qin-chaohui-pioneer] a blacklist and permanent ban. These animals are not satisfied with dying so many times, and they actually found Xinghai.

However, the long comment at the end made him look a few more times. It was a familiar ID.

【People in the underworld don’t speak the language of the living】: “I originally thought that the Coke Sugar Adder had been silent for so many days and had run out of ideas and was planning to leave the plot of “Sadako” unfinished, but I didn’t expect that there would be a sequel, which made me put down the knife in my hand.”

“Now let’s take a look at the plot of “Friends” and the new pits dug by the creator. The plot explains that You Junyu became abnormal because he entered the basement and killed his wife. Although the plot did not make it clear whether Sadako was really controlled by the terrifying nun portrait or everything was just You Junyu’s hallucination, I am more inclined to the second possibility.”

“In addition, the creator has dug the following new pits, children, take out your notes and remember them.”

“1. Who is the rubber white mask man mentioned in the detective’s notes? What is Father Cthulhu? This is an unheard-of term, which may be part of the creator’s worldview.”

“2. The hospital is mentioned many times in the text, but only the detective’s notes clearly give the name of the hospital. It is said that Gonjiam Mental Hospital is the same hospital? "

"3. According to the plot, Yan Qin should be just an ordinary mental patient. Why is she immortal? What does the mark on her back mean? "

"4. The portrait of the nun in the basement does not seem to be an ordinary evil spirit. What is her identity? "

"From the above information, the cola sugar adder has a magnificent world in his heart. He may want to create a new worldview structure. Will these questions be solved in the next dream? "

"By the way, it is a foregone conclusion that the dream of "Friends" will maintain a four-star rating according to this trend. That is to say, the dream maker already has two dreams with more than three stars. As long as the mental power is sufficient, he can be promoted to LV2 and make a medium-sized dream. "

"But in the end, I still want to say one thing, shameless old thief! Just filled a pit and dug four more. The excavator can't dig it as well as you. Come on, knife!"

It seems that this is a player who plays games with his brain.

Qin Ge touched his nose. People commented so sincerely. As a dream maker, he must have a reply to such a sincere fan. So he typed four words and a picture, "I haven't thought about it yet, 'Little White Cat Da Da Da Emoji Pack'."

He really didn't think it through completely, but he had a rough outline and direction in his mind. What to fill in the next dream and how much to fill, still need to be considered.

At present, it is confirmed that the next scene will take place in Gonjiam, and he will put the jigsaw in it, and there will be several heavyweight players.

Qin Ge looked at the cards in the world of "Classic Thriller Movies" that he had just unlocked after completing the task, and his heart was twitched, because these cards plus the scene card of Gonjiam require a total of nearly 8 million points.

At this time, he only has nearly 800,000 points, and this is when the bad reviews of "Sadako" were deleted and compensated by the system.

[Qin Ge: 20 years old. ]

[Mental strength: 145. ]

[Reputation: Little famous. ]

[Dream maker level: LV1. 】

【Owned cards: Sadako (purple character card), Kayako's Haunted House (green scene card), Black Cat (green character card), Portrait of a Nun (orange item card), Pen Fairy (purple character card), You Junyu (blue character card), Yan Qin (purple character card), Fox Stairs (blue scene card), Jigsaw (orange character card)】

[Game world produced: Small dream "Urban Tales - Sadako", current rating: four stars.

Small dream "Urban Tales - Friends" current rating: four and a half stars]

[Chance to win a prize: none. ]

[Mall: "Asian Tales" world, "Classic Thriller Movie" world. ]

[Task: None]

[Points: 794561]

The road is long and arduous.

Qin Ge looked at his data and had a headache. Although he could pass the LV2 dream maker certification now, the complexity of the medium-sized dream was more than a hundred times that of the small dream. The area was as large as a thousand acres, and there were as many as a hundred NPCs, plus the introduction of the career system and online functions.

Such a large and complex dream must not be filled by a main task, and many different stories need to be added, unless the medium-sized dream is treated as a small dream like "School Rules".

So compared with it, the small dream is just a tutorial for novices, and the story will not be officially started until the medium-sized dream.

At this time, a message popped up on the phone. It was sent by Su Caiwei. "The beta version of the love dream "As long as there is love, urban weird stories are also OK" has been completed. Do you want to take a look?"

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