After waiting for the enthusiastic players to disperse, the capsule cabin quietly opened a crack, and the entire exhibition was empty.

The three of them slipped out of the cabin like thieves. Bai Lu pushed Qin Ge, who was wrapped tightly and huddled behind her, away with disdain: "Don't get too close to us, don't let everyone know that we know each other."

"Are you kidding? We are brothers living under the same roof, and we are very familiar with each other." Qin Ge looked around vigilantly, holding the hems of the two women tightly with both hands, and kept muttering: "We are all loyal people. If we die, we die together. Don't think of abandoning me and running away."

"Qin Ge!" Finally, after waiting out of the venue, a call came from behind, attracting countless people around, looking for Qin Ge.

"Qin Ge? Where is Qin Ge?" Qin, who was wrapped tightly, looked around like everyone else.

"You're done. The players you've caused trouble are chasing you." Jiang Li smiled and covered her mouth, "Lulu, if things go wrong, we'll run away separately."

A woman in a formal dress and a mature atmosphere chased out of the venue, carrying a shoulder bag and smiling, "So you haven't gone back yet, what a coincidence."

"Who are you?" Jiang Li, who had said she was going to run away, stood in front of her like an old hen protecting her calves, and asked with a polite smile.

"Su Caiwei, classmate Qin saw me this morning."

Su Caiwei? The chief judge from Fantasy? Not here to find a attacker?

Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, took off his mask and smiled, "Hello, Judge Su, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Are you free now? Let's find a place to talk." Su Caiwei obviously didn't want to tell the story in front of Jiang Li and Bai Lu.

"Okay, you guys drive back first, don't wait for me." He turned his head and told the two of them, then followed Su Caiwei and left.

Although Baijing University is located in a secluded place, there are no shortage of living and entertainment facilities around it. It is not difficult to find a place to rest. The two of them found a cafe and sat down.

"Do you smoke?" Su Caiwei took out a pack of Taobao and wanted to hand it to Qin Ge, but was rejected by Qin Ge, so she took out one herself and smiled: "You don't mind?"

"Whatever." Qin Ge put away his silly look when facing outsiders. He was polite but not overly enthusiastic, and his eyes were full of shrewdness.

He was also a smoker in his previous life, but after rebirth, he was no longer dependent on nicotine. Even if he was dependent, he had quit long ago. After all, it is impossible for him to not ask for milk to drink but for cigarettes to smoke when he was one or two years old, right?

If he dared to do so, he would probably have been thrown into the trash can long ago.

A wisp of erratic smoke came out of her beautiful red lips. Su Caiwei took a sip of coffee and then said straight to the point, "There are two things I want to talk to you about this time. The first is to ask if you are interested in joining Fantasy for an internship?"

"Thank you for the judges' kindness, but I don't have this plan for the time being." Qin Ge refused without hesitation.

"Don't even consider it?"

"No need to consider it. It's a very simple reason. First, if I enter Fantasy, I must shape the dream according to the company's instructions, but I don't want my creation to be disturbed in any way." Qin Ge smiled and said, "Second, the main market of Fantasy is in the love and development category, which doesn't match my direction. You can't let me create a ghost to fall in love with players, right?"

"Who said no?"

? ? ?

Seeing Qin Ge's face full of problems, Su Caiwei almost laughed so hard that her mouth couldn't close. After a long time, she said, "This is the second reason I came to you. If you don't want to enter Fantasy, I want to reach a cooperation with you. Let's do a linkage."

"Linkage?" Qin Ge was even more confused. He really couldn't figure out what kind of linkage a person who had horror dreams and a person who had love dreams could achieve.

"I am the head of the Shen Buwei Studio under Fantasy."

"This name... sounds very unfathomable." Qin Ge took a breath. This name was very familiar to him. There were several games developed by them in his game library. The style of these games was simple and rough gentleman games.

"We are also trying to develop new dreams with different flavors. After all, the development of dream games has made players indifferent to ordinary love games. They want something more unique. The evil spirit point can definitely bring them a new excitement." Su Caiwei also rubbed her eyebrows in distress.

"In the recent horror dream, Sadako's voice is undoubtedly the most popular. Although "Friends" has not been launched yet, I think it is not impossible for Pen Fairy to catch up with or even surpass Sadako from today's feedback, so I want to buy these two characters from you."

Hiss, the XP of humans is so terrifying.

Qin Ge was shocked and speechless for a while. After about half a cup of tea, he murmured: "Not for sale, character cards are not for sale..."

"I don't need to buy character cards, because the logical chain inside does not meet the needs of the love dream at all. It's impossible to let the players kill them halfway through, right? So I just want to buy their images, one million for the portrait rights of two cards."

Su Caiwei proposed a very attractive price. You know, the purple card of the horror dream is now sold at a maximum of 700,000 or 800,000 in the market, but she offered a price of 500,000 for just the character image.


Seeing Qin Ge fall silent, she thought he was dissatisfied with the offer, so she continued: "Or we can jointly develop the dream, but we will put your name on it. I believe you know the reputation of Fantasy in the market. This can quickly help you become famous, and you will also receive many good reviews."

"And we can give you 1% of the sales as compensation. Of course, if you choose this method, we will naturally not pay the one million."

Good reviews? Good reviews = points = cards = bring more healing works to players = money.

If the one million did not impress him, this sentence undoubtedly hit Qin Ge's inner needs thoroughly, because he had absolute confidence that he would be able to advance to LV2 after uploading "Friends" this time, and then he could create medium-sized dreams.

His mental power has reached 140 from the original 100 after several continuous overdrafts, and he has long met the requirements for advancing to LV2 dream maker.

For the next dream, Qin Ge already has a rough outline in his heart, but to realize it, he needs a sky-high amount of points to exchange for cards.

Ever since he made it clear what kind of world he wanted last time, he no longer waited to draw a card before conceiving it. Instead, he would take the initiative to exchange cards and let his dreams move in the direction of his imagination.

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