Hospital? Mo Lang's mind automatically recalled the log information he had read. It seemed that there were many references to the hospital. As someone who had played countless dreams, he instantly understood that this was the dream maker paving the way for the next dream, digging holes and burying Easter eggs.

As expected, when asked about information related to the hospital, Yan Qin hugged her head and was unwilling to say anything with a painful look on her face, as if it was a very painful memory.

It seems that the dream maker has not thought about the plot of the next dream. He is probably a bastard who only digs holes and does not bury them. Damn it!

Mo Lang was aroused by curiosity, but he still focused his energy on the present. He secretly glanced at the pendant on his chest. Although there was still a faint black air, it had faded a lot compared to when he met the monster You Junyu. I think it should be caused by the ubiquitous malice in this space.

He also relaxed his vigilance against the girl in front of him. This was just a poor child who was sent to a mental hospital because of the death of a good friend and was overwhelmed.


Mo Lang was stunned for a moment, and said blankly: "Isn't Li Xue dead? How can you ask her?"

"Not dead! Li Xue is not dead! She was just locked in the mirror!" Yan Qin suddenly grabbed his arm and screamed, and her long nails scratched it, leaving bright red marks.

"Not dead, not dead, keep your voice down." Mo Lang immediately shushed, and at the same time pricked up his ears to listen. Sure enough, the sound of an axe dragging the floor appeared in his ears again, but it lingered nearby for a while and then disappeared again.

Yan Qin's eyes were red, and tears flowed out again, "After Li Xue was locked in the mirror, Teacher You also helped me find a lot of friends, but they were all locked in the basement because of me. If I don't let them out, I will have no friends again."

It seems that there are also unclean things in the basement, which should be the final BOSS of this dream.

Noticing that Yan Qin's crying was getting louder and louder, Mo Lang quickly comforted her: "Don't cry, I'll be your friend."

This dream master is really amazing. She was a weak girl one second ago, but she fell into a manic state the next second. She really looked like a mentally unstable person.

"Really?" Yan Qin stopped crying, and her face with tears bloomed with a smile. She stretched out her finger and said: "Pin it up, no matter what happens, you are my best friend."

"Okay." Mo Lang hooked his finger, and the pendant on his chest exuded a bone-chilling chill. When he looked down, there was another mopping sound outside. This time the mopping sound did not go away, but kept chopping the wooden door of the room, as if looking for them.

Damn it, this monster is back again. If it goes on like this, he will be found sooner or later.

"As a good friend, shouldn't you tell me where the mirror is? Let's go find the basement together and let your friend out."

Yan Qin tilted her head, as if thinking, and smiled after a while: "Okay, Li Xue should be very happy that I made a new friend."

"The door of that room is red, it's easy to find, Li Xue knows a lot of things, but she can only answer three questions for us."

"But unfortunately she can't speak now, she can only answer with a pen."

"If we find that room, we can sit in front of the mirror and hold the pen in our hands to ask questions, but we have to close our eyes and can't open them, otherwise she will be angry."

"And don't ask her why she was locked in the mirror and what's in the basement, otherwise she will be angry."

Yan Qin's words were a bit disorganized. Mo Lang thought about it for a while before sorting out the meaning of these words, but this is more in line with the state of a mentally unstable person.

"Family, I have found the key clues to this dream. Next, I just need to find the mirror and enter the basement. You just wait for the dream maker to quit the dream industry." Mo Lang is now extremely confident. Next, he just needs to avoid the monster.

I was only frightened when I encountered monsters, so I thought it wouldn't affect my clearance above level B.

When the chopping sound outside the door gradually stopped, Mo Lang turned around and said, "Let's go, the monster has gone far away."

Mo Lang opened the door a crack, stuck his head out and looked around. As expected, he didn't see You Junyu anymore, so he pushed the door open completely and walked out first.

Yan Qin seemed to be a little scared, and hesitated for a long time before following him.

"By the way, what's in that basement? Can it really fulfill people's wishes?" He just remembered that there was someone who had entered the basement here who could ask about it?

But as soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly stiffened, because the figure made up of many broken limbs was standing not far away, with his head against the wall, and the syllables of humming and hoarse came out vaguely from his mouth sewn by red thread.

Noticing the pair of eyes full of hatred and madness glancing over, Mo Lang felt himself sweating again, and without caring about anything else, he ran in the opposite direction.

Yan Qin seemed to be too scared, and ran in another direction without choosing a way.

The rapid sound of the axe dragging on the ground and Yan Qin's screams resounded throughout the space.

"That monster didn't chase me, he chased Yan Qin!" Mo Lang stopped in shock. Now he finally realized why he made this scene like a maze, just for this kind of chase situation.

Although he successfully avoided the chase, he couldn't figure out his direction.

"What? That red door is where I just ran past?" Mo Lang looked back at the prompt of the barrage, and said doubtfully: "Don't lie to me, you have cheated me more than once or twice. You can cheat me in other dreams, but you can't mess with this dream."

"Afraid? I'm not afraid, I respect this dream, understand?"

Mo Lang finally chose to go back and take a look according to the prompt of the barrage. Fortunately, he was not cheated this time. After turning two corners, he found the red door and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His hand touched the door handle and it was cold, and the black air of the pendant on his chest gradually became thicker.

It's okay, there can't be anything more terrifying than that monster, and the dream maker who can make such a monster must be sick.

Mo Lang exerted a little force, and the door opened with a creaking sound. The room was narrow and cramped, with only a table and two chairs inside, and there was no space to accommodate other things.

There was a half-person-high mirror on the chair inside, and a white candle was placed on each side of the table in front of it, with a piece of paper and a tattered ballpoint pen in the middle.

Most of the paper had been smeared black, and it was impossible to tell what was written on it. I guess Yan Qin often came to chat with this mirror.

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