Starting to make a ghost story game from Sadako

Chapter 39: You Junyu's Experience

Mo Lang picked up the books and papers on the table one by one and looked at them, but he didn't find any useful information until he opened the bottom drawer, where he saw a work log, a directory and a palm-sized box that was carefully wrapped.

"What is this?" His attention was immediately attracted by the box. After opening it, he found that there was a very strange pendant inside. It was white, but there was a faint turbid black gas inside, and there was also a note attached.

"Happy birthday, husband. You often say that you see some bad things recently. This is a crystal that I specially asked for. Once it senses malice, it will turn black. I hope it can protect you."

"Props?" Mo Lang muttered and pulled out the panel again. Sure enough, a crystal pendant appeared under the props.

[White crystal pendant: a gift filled with love, but unfortunately it can't protect her lover after all. 】

"So that's it. Now that there is black air in the crystal, it means that there are malicious people around me, right? This is to exert psychological influence on me, which is too childish." Mo Lang said and looked up at the door. The quiet and deep corridor was lit with dim lights, and no swaying figures could be seen. "Come if you have the ability. It's just a dream game. How scared can it be?"

Then he opened You Junyu's work diary. The record style on it was much more normal than the detective diary, but the time seemed to be a year ago.

"Yan Qin's mental state seems to have become very bad recently. It may be because of the death of her good friend Li Xue. As a teacher, I must find a way to help her get over this shadow."

"Her condition is worse than I expected. She has been mumbling that there is a 29-step staircase under the teaching building, leading to a basement, where there is a portrait of a nun who can help her realize any wish."

"I know that staircase, there should be only 28 steps, and there is no basement. It was just caused by an error in the construction of the teaching building at that time."

"Yan Qin was unwilling to communicate with me. She just hugged the mirror and cried or laughed to herself, saying that her friend was hiding in the mirror. This mental state made me very worried, so I contacted her family and sent her to a mental hospital for treatment."

"Three months later, Yan Qin's condition has improved a lot, but her lively personality in the past has become extremely withdrawn, and she is unwilling to contact her classmates. I called on my classmates to set up a help group to provide her with help. Help, this method works very well, they all became good friends. "

"The members of the help group have been sick recently and asked for leave to miss classes. Yan Qin took the initiative to come to me. This is the first time she has taken the initiative to confide in me since Li Xue passed away. She said that it was her fault that those members got sick, and there was a monster cursing them and not letting them get close to her. "

"This situation made me start to worry about her mental state again, but I can only comfort her well. After a tiring day, I can always go home and eat my wife's food. "

"Tonight, I worked overtime at school because of grading papers, but I actually saw Yan Qin. Out of curiosity, I followed her and found that she was looking for that meaningless staircase. "

"That staircase really has 29 steps! When did a basement appear in the teaching building? "

Mo Lang flipped through the work log, then frowned and flipped back to confirm again, because it didn't match up. At this time, he found that several pages in the middle had been torn off, leaving only uneven stubble, and no information about the basement.

"It followed me out! Followed me home! I brought a demon out of hell!"

"She doesn't seem to be my wife. My wife would never open the refrigerator at night and eat the raw meat and internal organs."

"I don't know if I'm crazy or my wife is crazy. What's on the table is no longer food, but insects and internal organs."

"I couldn't help but do it to her today. I felt guilty looking at her scarred appearance, but she really can't pick up the corpses of wild cats and flying birds at home anymore. She doesn't sleep all day and all night, just sitting by the bed and smiling at me foolishly."

"I know she's not normal, but she's my wife. I love her and can't give her up. I'll go negotiate with that monster and ask it to return my wife."

The information stopped here, but Mo Lang felt a little hairy all over. Maybe the audience didn't know who the wife in You Junyu's mouth was, but how could he not know.

In "Sadako", it was thought that You Junyu had a problem, so he killed Sadako with an axe, but from this record, it was not the case at all. It seemed that Sadako had a real problem.

So who is the wrong person?

This question has been lingering in Mo Lang's mind, but this new dream maker is really amazing. It is obviously a supplement to the plot of "Sadako", but even if you have never played "Sadako", there will be no obstacles to playing it.

His dazed look caused a series of discussions in the eyes of the audience at the exhibition.

"What is he thinking about? Why doesn't he go out?"

"Why does this scene construction style and plot remind me of another horror dream?"

"It feels quite interesting. After he finishes playing, we will try it after we have mastered the skills to pass the level. It's not bad to get a game for free."


At this time, a group of people came from a distance, and the tourists who were watching consciously made way for them. They were the judges. Bai Lu could call out the names of several people, and even if she didn't know some of them, she could tell from the badges on their chests. They greeted them politely: "Hello, judges, hello, Teacher Lin."

"Where's Qin Ge?" Lin Zhiyuan nodded in response without any airs.

"He is dreaming, I'll take care of the booth."

"You came at an unfortunate time, it seems that you won't be able to see this new dream maker for the time being." Lin Zhiyuan laughed at the people behind him: "But haven't you always been curious whether the quality of his dream can be as good as the last one? Now there is a vacancy, you can try it."

"From this detailed scene, it can be seen that it won't be too bad, but my old bones can't stand being scared, so let's watch this player's live broadcast." A middle-aged man with gray hair and gold-rimmed glasses, who looks gentle and elegant, smiled.

The brand shaking on his chest clearly read Baihua Editor-in-Chief-Hanmei.

"Teacher Lin, it seems a bit inappropriate to put the speakers here. Everyone else in the exhibition is following suit and the order is messed up." The man who spoke was dressed in a suit and looked about 60% like Chen Qingzhi. You can tell who he is at a glance.

"Mr. Chen, didn't we agree to let the dream makers use their tricks to attract players? This is also a test for the dream makers." Lin Zhiyuan turned around and looked around and said, "I think it's good. Look, this makes the second half lively."

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