The United College Dream Makers Rookie Competition officially began after Lin Zhiyuan's opening speech. Visitors swarmed in at the entrance in groups of three or five. Of course, there were some who were alone and claimed to be lonely, but in fact they were eliminated because they had no lovers and could not make friends.

As soon as they entered the venue, they were pulled by the dream makers in the front booth. Basically, 80% of the traffic in the first half was divided. The booth was surrounded by visitors who came to visit, and there were only two or three big fish and small cats who strolled into the second half, but these people were very clear about the type of interest.

For other booths, they basically would not pay attention to them and waste their time.

Qin Ge and the other two who were at the end could only watch the dream makers in front of them eat meat and drink soup. Originally, horror dreams would not be the type that many people would pay attention to, but Chen Qingzhi's booth won because it occupied a geographical advantage, at the front of Area A, so it also attracted many tourists.

"What should we do? If this goes on, there will be no chance to play." Jiang Li sat in front of the capsule cabin with her cheek in her hand, with a faint smile on her face, and she didn't look nervous at all.

"It looks like we have to work hard." Qin Ge also muttered while holding his cheek in his hand.

"Teacher Lin's speech just now was so contagious and touching." Bai Lu showed her two little tiger teeth and was still immersed in the speech just now.

Qin Ge patted her head hard and said unhappily: "Get ready to work."

"There is no one here, what kind of work do you do?" Bai Lu held her head with both hands and said aggrievedly, not understanding why she was hit like this, "Where are you going?"

Qin Ge just waved his hand and walked out on his own. After about an hour, he came back with a small cart full of flyers and two half-person-high speakers, panting: "Help to move the flyers down."

"What is this? Disclaimer?" Bai Lu read in surprise: "Because this dream game is too scary, the creator cannot be sure whether the Xinghai security system can guarantee the physical and mental health of the players, so If you want to play this dream, you need to sign this disclaimer. "

"No matter what physical or mental damage the player suffers, it has nothing to do with this team, but if the player can get a C-level rating or above in this game, he will get this game for free after the official release."

"No one came to play in the first place, wouldn't it scare the players away if you do this?"

Qin Ge was installing the speakers on both sides of the booth and turned up the volume to the maximum. He took the time to answer: "Just watch, never underestimate human curiosity and desire to die."

Then he pressed the play button, and a huge sound wave instantly resounded throughout the exhibition, "Recycling old TVs, old air conditioners..."


Qin Ge scratched the back of his head and quickly switched off the recording, "Because this dream is too scary, if you want to play, you must sign a safety disclaimer. Please line up in an orderly manner to sign. "

"Is it appropriate to do this? Did it disturb others? Everyone is looking at us." Bai Lu felt the eyes around her and lowered her head weakly.

"Does the competition rules say that you can't actively promote it? If not, then you can do whatever is not prohibited by law. How to make your work famous is also a part of the test for dream makers." Qin Ge ignored the eyes around him and said lightly.

The rules of this competition gave him a feeling very similar to the Star Sea. The booths at the front were equivalent to being recommended, while the booths at the end were stars hidden in the darkness. If they didn't find a way to shine and heat up, and waited for others to actively discover them, they might not even be able to drink soup.

I don't know if the organizer did it on purpose to test whether these new dream makers could find a way out of the predicament.

Qin Ge didn't know, and he was too lazy to guess. He didn't want to wait like other dream makers. Anyway, the competition rules didn't prohibit it. Even if the organizer couldn't stand it and dismantled it, at least the purpose of attracting attention was achieved.

And other people might not have this idea. He looked around and found that some people took the lead and put down their inner restraint and ran out.

But being the first person to try it out undoubtedly achieved the best results. Tourists who were originally queuing at other booths were attracted by the sound and gathered around, wanting to know what kind of game this dream that required signing a disclaimer was.

Jiang Li had already entered the capsule cabin to prepare for the dream, while Qin Ge and Bai Lu were still maintaining order and asking tourists who wanted to experience it to sign a disclaimer.

"Disclaimer? I want to try, but what if this dream doesn't scare me?" A young man with colorful hair holding a mobile phone roughly pushed away the tourists in line and laughed.

"This guy looks familiar, maybe Mo Lang?"

"The anchor of Qianqiu Live Broadcasting Platform? The one who broadcasts horror dreams?"

"Yeah, this guy is very brave. Once he went to a cemetery to broadcast a horror dream to attract attention."

"Why don't we let him explore the way first, so that it will be much easier for us to pass the level later."


Hearing the discussions around him, and seeing Chen Qingzhi mixed in the crowd to watch the fun, Qin Ge suddenly understood and asked back with his hands folded: "What do you want me to do?"

"Since you have boasted, if you can't scare me, it proves that you are just a liar who can only hype the heat. Why don't you quit the dream maker industry." Mo Lang blocked all the excuses with one sentence, "The audience present and watching my live broadcast can testify."

If he didn't agree, it would be tantamount to saying that his dream was just a rubbish with nothing but appearance.

Qin Ge smacked his lips and smiled, "What if you trigger Xinghai's security system or can't continue the game?"

"I will turn off the security system. Let me put it this way. If I can't pass the game with a B-level rating or above, I will run naked around Baijing University three times with your advertising sign." Mo Lang originally wanted to say A-level, but when he spoke, he felt that it would be better not to be too sure, so he quickly changed it to B-level.

"Okay, sign the disclaimer." Qin Ge waved his hand and turned to walk into the capsule cabin, muttering in a low voice: "Mo Lang? It's really a waste of time to take this name. I hope your psychological endurance is strong enough."

"Can you start a live broadcast? I promise not to open the barrage to reduce the sense of fear."


Mo Lang smiled, signed the disclaimer, put on the dream helmet and sat in his seat, but he was a little confused. He didn't know why the cute girl with small tiger teeth looked at him with pity in her eyes, and even made a cross on her chest.

But there was no extra time for him to think more. The darkness before his eyes was torn apart by colorful lights and gradually formed a new scene.

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